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Breaking News: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey backs Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for the Oval Office!

Creating Political Buzz on Twitter: Jack Dorsey Endorses Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey has endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and voiced his support by retweeting a YouTube video titled “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Argues He Can Beat Trump And DeSantis in 2024,” saying “He can and will.” Kennedy is a firm supporter of Bitcoin, who delivered a well-received talk at a Bitcoin conference in Miami, and called Bitcoin a “bulwark” against “government and corporate expansion and intrusion”. Kennedy vowed to defend the right to self-custody of Bitcoin, which caused controversy as he is known as an anti-vaccine activist who has frequently attacked Anthony Fauci’s handling of the pandemic. Twitter Spaces played a crucial role in politics when Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced his presidential candidacy there recently.

Additional Piece:

The recent endorsement of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. by Jack Dorsey has created a buzz on Twitter. Many were taken aback by Kennedy’s anti-vaccine stance, as most believe that vaccines are the only way out of the pandemic. However, Kennedy’s belief in Bitcoin is what has gained him even more attention.

Bitcoin is a digital currency that is decentralized, meaning that it does not depend on any central bank. This characteristic is what makes it attractive to those who believe in individual freedom and privacy. Kennedy believes that Bitcoin can act as a bulwark against government intrusion, and he promised to protect the right to self-custody of Bitcoins.

However, while Bitcoin has gained popularity over the years, there are still many detractors who believe that Bitcoin is merely a bubble that will burst soon. It’s no surprise, then, that Twitter CEO Elon Musk was quick to hop onto the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. bandwagon. Musk has been a strong proponent of Bitcoin, and his endorsement of Kennedy signifies that he believes in Kennedy’s ability to protect the freedom of individuals.

While the endorsement of Kennedy by Dorsey and Musk has elicited strong opinions from the public, it remains to be seen whether or not Kennedy’s anti-vaccine stance will affect his chances of winning the presidential race. Regardless, Kennedy’s support of Bitcoin as a bulwark against government intrusion is a topic that resonates with many, and it will be interesting to see how this issue plays out in the future.


Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey has endorsed presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is known for his anti-vaccine activism but also his support of Bitcoin. Kennedy vows to protect the right to self-custody of Bitcoin, calling it a “bulwark” against government intrusion. Twitter Spaces played a role in politics when Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced his presidential candidacy there recently. Despite controversy around Kennedy’s anti-vaccine stance, his support of Bitcoin and individual freedom resonates with many.


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Jack Dorsey, co-founder and former CEO of Twitter, has endorsed Democratic presidential nominee Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

On Sunday, the influential tech billionaire tweeted A Fox News YouTube Video titled “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Argues He Can Beat Trump and DeSantis in 2024” and writes “He Can and Will.”

When asked if he endorsed or predicted this, he replied answered“Both.”

Kennedy, a nephew of President John F. Kennedy and son of his assassinated brother Robert F. Kennedy, like Dorsey, is a strong supporter of Bitcoin, which he recently founded described as an “exercise in democracy”.

Kennedy delivered a well-received talk last month keynote speech at a Bitcoin conference in Miami. He called Bitcoin a “bulwark” against “government and corporate expansion and intrusion.”

“As President, I will ensure that your right to own and use Bitcoin is inviolable,” he added.

He vowed to defend the right to self-custody of bitcoin and other digital assets. “You should be able to hold your own private keys the same way you hold the keys to your car or your wallet… I don’t think the government has any right to access your bitcoin key or even any of yours to require passwords. To put it another way: leaving essential areas to the surveillance state.”

Kennedy is an anti-vaccine activist and frequent controversial attacked Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, for his handling of the pandemic, accusing him of staging “fascism” and writing a letter A book on the subject.

As one Twitter user commented, there was “no chance for the DNC.” [Democratic National Committee] allows him to be nominated,” Dorsey said answered“Even more reason.” He later added that the DNC “seems more irrelevant by the day” and wrote “End of an Empire”, to which Tesla CEO and current Twitter owner Elon Musk replied with two fire emojis.

Earlier on Sunday, Musk tweeted that he will be hosting Kennedy on Monday afternoon on the Twitter Spaces audio platform. Dorsey answered by writing “Excellent”.

With Musk, the event came together quickly questions Kennedy Friday on Twitter: “Would you like to have a Spaces discussion with me next week?” Kennedy answered affirmatively, and Dorsey interfered“That would be great.”

Twitter Spaces also played a big role in politics last month when Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced his presidential candidacy there, despite technical issues ruined the event.

Friday night, Musk tweeted“The system will be updated and stress tested prior to @RobertKennedyJr’s interview on Monday.”

When a Twitter user commented that Kennedy’s shaky voice was “a problem,” Dorsey said answered calling it a “superpower” and saying it sets the candidate apart.
