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Bring ChatGPT INSIDE Excel to Solve ANY Problem Lightning FAST

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29 thoughts on “Bring ChatGPT INSIDE Excel to Solve ANY Problem Lightning FAST”

  1. I'm waiting to chat gpt to somehow help me create a spreadsheet based on a n AI's analysis of recorded gameplay footage (to determine kills, deaths etc for tournaments i run and record) πŸ™‚

  2. Leila, Thank you so very much for this! I have successfully gotten my secret API key from OpenAI and have entered the proper script into excel. I can't wait to begin using this to help me with my data. You are so knowledgeable and I thank you for sharing your talent with the world.

  3. Thank you for your explanation and for helping me in the world of ChatGPT and Excel. The script runs without any error messages, but there is no result in column B4. I have a paid subscription to OpenAI. Can you assist me further?πŸ™

  4. What congress need to do is create laws and it loop holes of And company who layoff and replace that position within a year has to still pay that worker monthly
    Wages in a different A,I. Taxes in level taxes brackets. Cause the objection is the worst future outcome that is states and city government will be less, and the only way they can make up for it it through raising utilities, sewer, property, parking. Police, etc. or more inflation. As alway, leader are too late, reality is all that about 230 thousand jobs lost majority will not come back. Congress is sleeping only thinking about a green future and running the world so they are wanting to take down china and Russia together. Business, worker, and government are a circle cycle.
    You take away worker done by computer A.I really computer software that rewritten so it make the decision off a scanned instruction book
    That A human was taught as a job that bring in taxes to run each state that run the Country. The only solution to that is a new type of communism state where everybody are payed a their set amounts of money to live with. And rules and regulations. Worker taxes gone replace by A.I can never be recovered. How can you get company's to pay taxes later of that work or worker they don't need that A.I. Doing? It's a one way street and can't logically work with less state taxes. Freedom and capitalism was build around the cycle of worker taxes eliminate taxes you lose freedom and gain new rules of a new system that need figuring out, and as alway we end up paying.

  5. nice. πŸ™‚ however… it still sends data to openai I guess, which means data security issues when using this in a real life company environment. Am I right?

  6. Not being a coder, I got lost at the point where Leila discusses getting the secret key from Open AI. I've copied the key, and I've found the New Script button, but have no idea what to do now. Does this key get pasted somewhere? Perhaps there is another video for newbies?

  7. I was using it until i realised it was out of date as it was in the year 2020 which was not a problem but the problem was if i asked it to list me every country in the world it would only give me the top 10 random countries which to me is not good enough comparison to the official ChatGPT and for this reason alone i choose not to continue with the AI in excel and rather use the official updated 2023 ChatGPT instead – my opinion

  8. What kind of artificial moron would be interested in the "top 10 hiphop songs of the 90s"?? πŸ˜‚ Are they even songs? DISLIKE

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