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Business on the Fast Lane: Juggling Priorities While England Takes Their Shot!

The Art of Networking and Corporate Hospitality


In today’s fast-paced corporate world, networking and building meaningful relationships with clients, colleagues, and industry professionals has become more important than ever. One effective way to do this is through corporate hospitality events, which offer a relaxed and informal setting for individuals to connect, engage, and create lasting connections.

The Power of Corporate Hospitality

Corporate hospitality events provide a unique opportunity to showcase your brand, strengthen relationships, and create a positive impression among key stakeholders. When done right, these events can yield significant business benefits, including:

  • Building trust and loyalty:
  • Increasing brand awareness:
  • Generating leads and new business opportunities:
  • Nurturing existing relationships:

Choosing the Right Hospitality Events

When planning your corporate hospitality strategy, it is essential to select the right events that align with your goals and target audience. A few factors to consider include:

  1. The audience:
  2. The venue:
  3. The theme:
  4. The activities:
  5. The timing:

Maximizing Your Presence at Wimbledon

Wimbledon, one of the most prestigious sporting events in the world, offers an excellent opportunity for corporate hospitality. Here are some tips to maximize your presence at this iconic tournament:

  • Invite key clients and prospects:
  • Create a memorable experience:
  • Utilize social media:
  • Network strategically:

Securing Hospitality at The Oval

The Oval, known for its rich cricketing history, is another fantastic venue for corporate hospitality. Here are some strategies to make the most out of your time at The Oval:

  • Plan in advance:
  • Curate a diverse guest list:
  • Offer unique experiences:
  • Follow up and nurture relationships:

Case Study: Volpone Bank’s Success Story

A shining example of how corporate hospitality can yield positive results is Volpone Bank. Despite facing a challenging period, their strategic use of hospitality events helped them bounce back and rebuild their reputation. By leveraging their sponsorship of Wimbledon and The Oval, they were able to:

  • Attract high-profile guests:
  • Showcase their brand:
  • Create new business opportunities:
  • Build valuable relationships:

The Importance of Networking in Today’s Business Landscape

In the digital age, where connections can be made with a simple click, face-to-face networking still holds immense value. Here are a few reasons why networking is crucial in today’s business landscape:

  • Building trust and rapport:
  • Accessing new opportunities:
  • Gaining industry insights:
  • Social and emotional support:

The Dos and Don’ts of Corporate Networking

To make the most out of your networking efforts, it is essential to follow some best practices and avoid common pitfalls. Here are a few dos and don’ts to keep in mind:

  • Do: Prepare and research:
  • Don’t: Be too pushy or aggressive:
  • Do: Listen actively:
  • Don’t: Oversell yourself or your company:
  • Do: Follow up:

Expanding Your Network Beyond Hospitality Events

While corporate hospitality events provide an excellent platform for networking, it is equally important to explore other avenues for expanding your network. Here are a few additional strategies to consider:

  • Industry-related conferences and seminars:
  • Online networking platforms:
  • Mentorship programs:
  • Joining professional associations:

In Conclusion

Corporate hospitality events present a golden opportunity to forge meaningful connections, strengthen relationships, and elevate your brand in the business world. By selecting the right events, planning strategically, and following best networking practices, you can unlock a world of opportunities for yourself and your company. Remember, networking is not just about exchanging business cards; it’s about building genuine relationships that can last a lifetime.


In today’s business landscape, networking and corporate hospitality events play a vital role in building relationships, generating new business opportunities, and strengthening brand reputation. By strategically selecting events such as Wimbledon and The Oval, companies like Volpone Bank have demonstrated how effective corporate hospitality can yield positive results even in challenging times. However, networking extends beyond these events, and professionals should also explore other avenues for expanding their network. With proper planning, research, and follow-up, individuals and companies can navigate the world of networking, create meaningful connections, and drive success in their respective industries.


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WhatsApp for Jamie: Sorry, I missed you at the summer party. I saw you on the other side of Dinosaur Hall talking very intensely to a devastatingly attractive woman (can I still say that?). I was going to come rescue her, but I had to fight my way between two plesiosaurs, several customers, and the stuffed remains of a giant panda.

WhatsApp to Stephen: Absolutely knackered. Corporate hospitality season is exhausting. Two parties last night, both abysmal, but a couple of minor royals and the goody bags were top notch. Sorry for the other week. I had some high-level contacts at Lord’s.

WhatsApp to Stephen: One was at the V&A and the other was on a rooftop in Kensington. I can’t remember who the hosts were.

WhatsApp to Stephen. Did I meet someone nice at Lord’s? I will say. Jos Butler and Mike Atherton. Maybe a couple of business contacts, but that wasn’t really the vibe. Cricket was too exciting. That young Treasury Minister showed up towards the end, but I had already had a lot to drink and couldn’t remember his name. I have invited him to one of our breakfasts. By the way, I think we could get support for a new campaign group. I’m thinking of calling it Just Start Oil.

WhatsApp to Stephen: Volpone Bank has asked us to help you plan your summer corporate hospitality strategy. They have plans for the Wimbledon test and The Oval. Aren’t you glad we stayed with them now? Yes, there’s a lot to do on short notice, but on the other hand: hold on to my Pimm’s.



Susan, given your stellar array of sponsorship packages, I’d say we can shoot for the stars with guests. Just to verify, any bad news that comes along; layoffs; debt crisis? Because the only thing the newspapers will profit from is you drinking champagne in a hospitality tent while a crisis is brewing. Look at poor Sarah Bentley at Thames Water. Each article began with his “audience cut” at the Chelsea Flower Show. One day a tall poppy, the next mulch.

I agree, this is about Volpone coming back after a rough few months, you and the new team cementing relationships in a relaxed atmosphere. It’s a chance to buy some goodwill, show off our connections, and spread an overall warm glow.

As a sponsor of Wimbledon you have some great options and we can definitely help you with The Oval. Tell me who you want and I’ll come up with a plan. When I was at Downing Street we hung up these invites so you should be able to get some top league advisers and officials. Obviously we will contact the chancellor and the minister of the city and there is a super young minister there who people don’t know well but he is one of the real brains.

Best, Rutherford

Meet me at Strava, KoM Sydenham Hill, PR London to Brighton 3h 37m

WhatsApp to Stephen: Fantastic atmosphere here at Wimbledon. Wine especially good this year – I love Nyetimber. You should come tomorrow. SusanCB v awesome, just the right mix of a few minutes of light commercial themes while encouraging everyone to have a good time. She perfectly understands that no one has come to work. Two quick points and “let me fill your glass”. A class act.

WhatsApp to Stephen: Lots of good networking – I met someone who would be a very good leader, he works in tech. He’s working on an app that could take down Twitter. I think his name was Blather. I got your card somewhere. You know they put an extra bottle of wine under your seat on Center Court? I have invited him to breakfast.

WhatsApp to SusanCB: thanks susana Yes, the list looks very good for the test match. Senior officials, senior Conservatives and Labor very keen to meet your team at The Oval.

WhatsApp to Stephen: Yes I know I’m taking quite a bit of hospitality this year but it’s all work not easy doing business between overs but don’t worry I cleared it up with the compliance officer!

WhatsApp to Stephen: Well, you were the compliance officer last year. I also cleared up for all five days of The Oval test, though the problem looks bad if I go all out.

WhatsApp to Stephen: Well no, there are no solid leads as such. We probably need to have our own box next year, attract some customers, a couple of politicians, good wine, some cricketers. You can only help the company.

WhatsApp for Geoff: Hi Geoff, can you block July 27-31 from my schedule? Back-to-back business meetings in South London.
