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California Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist Certification’s (time-limited) Grandparenting Process

Learn about the California Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist Certification’s (time-limited) Grandparenting Process, and how you …


2 thoughts on “California Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist Certification’s (time-limited) Grandparenting Process”

  1. Can you put the links in the description pls. Also what if you’re already working as a pure specialist I took a peer support specialist training with REI rehabilitation education Institute which is part of Pacific clinics?

  2. Hello I would like to start my own peer support non profit organization here in Bakersfield California. It will be a short 6 week program that will provide peer support until individual is linked with services or have obtained their 1st therapy appointment. Is the certification you are offering required in this circumstance or is it optional? Would love to hear back from you soon. Thank you!

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