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Can AI Code Minecraft? Watch ChatGPT Try

Can AI Code Minecraft? Watch ChatGPT Try _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ My Patreon: …

21 thoughts on “Can AI Code Minecraft? Watch ChatGPT Try”

  1. Just because something looks like Minecraft at first glance doesn't mean it will work the same in the end. The demonstration is on a small scale, lacking any further player interaction, each block is rendered separately, etc. As soon as someone would proceed further with this project, they would find out it's not feasible this way due to poor design, making the game unexpandable and thus unplayable. AI is a great assistant, but without real programmers, it's not going to work for a long time 🙂

  2. This is actually really fascinating, because as programs and games get more and more advanced, we cannot keep coding manually like we do now. It's brute force, it has it limits. I fully expect AI will eventually take over the programming part, so instead of coding, you tell it what you want and might add, remove or tweak stuff. The future is amazing, but also scary.

    Now Earl Grey hot.

  3. I wonder how the AI learn to use many softwares and apks? Do they self learn from software that given to them from their AI engineer or they get it from internet? Or they get those steps from internet? But thats too specific, no, they still can give you steps even those questions not existed in internet. Just try to ask them specific questions from a complex game, and usually they can answer your questions. Wtf how they knows that?

  4. simple answer NO!. it can even make one snippet correct. it not know what is it doing it just do. its not correct its might not be correct 99.9& time you need correct. full game NEVER!.
    every new promtp allready corrected own snipped is write different and again not work when its not work last time

  5. 4:52 sure you changed fail!. its funny you not get this result first place AI wanted you make terrain LOL LOL bcoz it not know anything it just make text word after word. you dont want that go thry RED BUTTON?

  6. Whenever I ask ChatGPT about making a game it always tells me to learn to code and select a game engine to work with. It refuses to give me anything beyond that other than encouraging me that I can learn it. I think OpenAI has put major limitations in the meantime on what it will provide you now.

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