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Can Hamilton be considered greatest EVER F1 driver yet? | Mika Häkkinen on Lewis, Max & 2021 battle!

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50 thoughts on “Can Hamilton be considered greatest EVER F1 driver yet? | Mika Häkkinen on Lewis, Max & 2021 battle!”

  1. Great legend of formula 1. Mika was the reason, why i started to watch racing in 1998. His fights with Schumacher were fantastic and iconic.
    The actual fights between Hamilton and Verstappen are okay and better than nothing.

  2. Nobody is gonna evade this question when people will most likely talk about Verstappen in this way.

    Hamilton is not that good. For whatever reasons, some aren't willing to accept it, others aren't willing to say it outright.

    There has never been a driver that benefittied from the car more than he did. Some of his cars were just doing it for him.

    He may be the greatest ever over the 1-lap, but on a Sunday, he's probably not even top 10. The guy is simply not good. He'a not particularly good at overtaking, he's not particularly good at defending either. You give him a little bit of dirty air, and he's juat gonna stay behind you. Unless there's a huge straight with a DRS zone that will turn that Mercedes into a rocket, he's not gonna pass anybody.

    So cut this nonsense. There will never be a time to call Hamilton the GOAT. He may win another 7 titles. He still won't be the GOAT.

    If he was any GOAT material, he would've shown it between 07 and 13. His rookie season was amazing, his first title win was lucky and he hasn't shown anything up until 14. Sure, his cars may not have been that great, but neither were Alonso's 10 and even worse – 12 Ferrari and he still mounted title challenges with them.

    Maybe half a grid would've won the title with those 14-16 Mercedes, as well as the 19 and most notably – the 2020 one. They were that good. I mean you had Russell literally driving in one for just a weekend and he almost won with it after driving arguably the worst car on the grid. It really can't be that hard.

    Hamilton hasn't been good whenever his car hasn't been good either. All the other greats managed to at least challenge with a lesser car at some point. He's either had the best car on the grid or bust.

  3. Perhaps one of the most succesful… But defenitely not the greatest…. He got lucky to drive a Mercedes when they were in their most dominant period….

  4. we all know the best driver of all time is takumi fujiwara who delivers tofy since his 7th grade using his fathers 1975 toyota corolla.

  5. desperation of Sky Sports an English channel want every driver to speak on Hamilton who barring poles took more no of race entries even to equal the F1 God of all time MichaelSchumacher

  6. Number of races won to number of races entered is the great normalizer. I’m not sure how the greats stack up across this years, but that’s how I would measure it. Who ever came out on top would be the GOAT.

  7. The great drivers win races. The truly great drivers have charisma: Fangio, Stewart, Senna, Mika, Schumacher..
    Lewis Hamilton is a fantastic driver. But he has the personality + charisma of a traffic bollard. Rather like Mansell or Prost. Technically excellent but charisma of a wet sock.

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