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Can Women’s Health Get Better With Age? | Stacy Sims PhD

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STACY T. SIMS, MSC, PhD, is a forward-thinking international exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist who aims to …


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42 thoughts on “Can Women’s Health Get Better With Age? | Stacy Sims PhD”

  1. I’m an athlete just gone through menopause, my body has changed considerably. I went from Muay Thai training (high intensity) fasted 3 mornings a week, fed 6 afternoons and 3 hypertrophy a week pre menopause to having to figure myself out all over again. Now I do 3 fed morning Muay Thai training and no more than this. If I do more cardio or high intensity than this it now gives me high bp and sleep problem, it’s too much for my new menopause body. I still do 3 hypertrophy a week. I have had to change what I eat, this video was so useful to confirm what I had figured out for myself. I’m having way more protein now and big meals in the daytime as you say around training. I’ve also found black cohosh a non negotiable, hot flashes disrupt my sleep without it. Maca and ashwaganda, along with l theonine are my new best friends. It’s so bizarre to have known my body so well and for it to have changed so quickly and to have to figure it out all over again. I’ve just purchased Stacy’s books, thanks!

  2. This is what I started reading and researching 20 years ago and couldn't find the right professional to get on the same page. I've always felt that it was much more than just diet and exercise. I ate healthy, started walking after my 2 kids were born,
    added aerobics, wts, circuit training, biked a little, swam a bit… continued walking 2-3 miles every evening. Then hormones disappeared. To see me walk now, I look like I'm 15 years older than what I am. It has to be muscle and bone loss, and whatever else is missing. I feel like I've been Screaming to the top of my lungs trying to find someone to help!! I'm about in tears right now listening… because now I think it's too late.

  3. Great interview! I don't agree about Stacy's views on hormone replacement. 
    Absolutely you HAVE to do all the things as far as strengthtraining, nutrition, sleep, and mindset, but BHRT (BioIdentical Hormone Replacement) is foundational to health.

  4. From trainers I respect, I hear that as you grow older the intensity of the exercises should be preserved OVER the volume.
    If you are NOT recovering from a session at the gym, and you have to adjust and "sacrifice" one over the other, with rest staying equal because of life obligations, then you should lower your volume, but keep the intensity, fewer reps same weight, and a FEW more sets; but finding a balance and NOT taking too much weight OFF between sessions. Thus, you preserve the strength and muscle mass,CNS activity etc, and if you CAN adjust a bit the rest periods but do not take too many sessions off the calendar.

  5. I'm 52 and need to rebuild my body. I had a complete hysterectomy at age 27 and went without using HRT until last year. There's no need to get into why I'm in poor condition. My biggest concern is that my thyroid and sex hormones are out of balance, which I'm currently working on. Also, getting nutrition dialed in. We don't have a gym here, I bought resistant bands. I plan to do body weight and band exercises along with Qi Gong. Any advice on how often, how much, and nutrition? Would it be wise to begin working out before I get my thyroid and sex hormones balanced?

  6. It was fantastic to have information geared towards women and our hormones and how they affect us and our fitness. I have been eating more protein, and 62 and am stronger than ever. Dead lift 125. 6-8 times. No reason we need to get weaker. And now I will start doing the sprints! Thank you for the researched back information. 💪🏼💃🏼

  7. FWIW, I had HORRIBLE hot flashes for a few years after i reached menopause. Would wake up drenched, sheets soaked from sweat. Happened to go to a 10 day silence and meditation retreat where ZERO COFFEE was served. Flashes stopped. I gave up all coffee.. I've never had another hot flash since. It was like overnight they stopped.

  8. I'm 49 & strenght train 4 times a wk. My knees are not great as I trained really heavy yrs ago & had to back off. Will sprinting further damage my knees?

  9. I’ve tried lots of different supplements and adaptogens and none have worked for me. Waste of time and money ime. Now on HRT and it’s working! Oestrogen and hopefully testosterone soon.
    Side note Collagen is the only supplement that had ever done anything for me – it massively helps my ligament pain.

  10. Good info. What about sudden early menopause in the late 30's. ? Doctos are like a deer in headlights. They had no comments. I feel better doing keto aboit 40-50 g daily and weight training 4 xa week. I could never do fasted training because I would feel too weak.

  11. This is why things are so confusing. I always read and heard that fasted training was better , now she says no to fasted training. How do we know what to believe 🤦‍♀️

  12. She speaks so fast that if you put the subtitles on a LOTTTT of important words are misspelled, or replaced by other words not related to anything she is speaking about, by the autogenerator, and are written badly, if she would slow down like 25% and collect her thoughts and then express them it would help a lot more than it is already helping. If she had a crispier voice this would not be an issue bc I have seen videos of people specially woman with clearer ENUNCIATION and not run their words together so much that confuses the close captioning autogeneration… remember this is watched world wide, and many (not me) are not English speaking or not native speakers, etc, clearly speaking voices are important.

    For example, 18:05, Sprint interval TRAINING is written as Sprint interval TRADING… 
    her nasal pronouncement interferes with the AI translator and that is whet it hears. Many examples like that.

    By the way, that "sprint interval training" is also known, or maybe called, Tabata Training … invented for VO2 max for Japanese speed skaters etc etc… They did 20 SECONDS of running fast, with 10 seconds of rest, six to eight times. Four minutes and you are DONE!! Really DONE!! It is important to give credit to these smart trainers that come up with these protocols.

  13. Exercise SELECTION is very important, BUTTTT… there is limit to how varied it can become, the basic exercises have to always be included, people start to say thing like , the exercises to do depend on the person, and that is true but has limits, if the objective is adaptation.
    And to begin with the person has to be ABLE to assume the extreme positions in the range of motion FIRST, with bodyweight, before you add any weight. So many, for example, start doing squats, but they cannot keep the lower position without weight at all, and yet they start doing them and never go past a quarter way down. 
    When I position people in that lowEST place they feel things popping and adjusting and opening and the back muscles engaged and spinel bones moving to the right places, etc, then hold it for a few seconds and do it over again, same with ALL other exercises, not just the multi-joint exercises.
    For older people is even MORE important, I mean old people, someone at 40-50 is not old and should be able to quickly adapt to it… but if you take someone in their 70-80 then they have to do it too but give them way more slack and time, but they all can do it. For the squat for example, they can hold on to a pole or rack and lower themselves into the position and NOT feel like that are going to fall, with women you got to be extra nice bc they get in there feelings, even cry to attempt to get out of it, and only thank you later when they achieve all of that.

  14. Wow! I’ve been needing this info for so long! It’s so hard to navigate the world of fitness/eating, etc as a WOMAN!! You hear so much out there but what’s right for me as a human with all these hormonal changes?? Love the info! Keep it coming!

  15. I was paying attention before; HOWEVER when Dr. Sims raised her arms and I saw those guns, I was ALL IN! I'll go look for her book as soon as I finish watching this podcast. 🥰💪🏻

  16. I love when some of my favorite authors and contributors come together to chat! Where can we find some of the research highlights that were shared? Did I miss this elsewhere in the comments? Thank you so much!

  17. I already owe Dr. Lyon such a debt of gratitude for what I’ve learned from her about the importance of muscle and how to maintain it— but she’s also a genius at finding awesome guests!
    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve searched "menopause muscle" over the past year and got … not much. That search should lead directly to Stacy Sims, so I can’t thank Dr. Lyon enough for bringing her on! I’ve since got both Dr. Sims’ books so I’ve tweaked my strength training and looking forward to getting even better results. Thank you so much to both!!

  18. Thank you so much for all
    If this great info. I had full hysterectomy at 42… went on all forms of HRT. I’m 61 now & still
    Lifting heavy … but I’m getting a slight tummy fat … thinking I s/be cutting carbs

  19. Now I want to read her book!lol😊 but seriously, menopause terrifies me. I'm not there yet and I'm not looking forward to it.
    I've watched older women age my whole life and I want to age differently.

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