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Cancer survivors have a higher risk of disease throughout their lives

Swedish researchers have surveyed all people under the age of 25 who have had cancer since 1958. The study, led by researchers from Linköping University and the Östergötland region, shows that cancer survivors have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease , other types of cancer and other diagnoses in the future. life. Additionally, the researchers saw that socioeconomic factors played a role in survival.

Since 1958, Sweden has registered all cancer patients in the National Cancer Registry. Swedish researchers have now used this registry to study all cancer survivors who had cancer as children, adolescents or adults to examine outcomes in the future. The results have been published in the scientific journal. The Lancet Regional Health – Europe.

“If you have had cancer as a child or adolescent, you are at increased risk for almost all diagnoses in the future. This study lays the foundation for understanding why this is the case and what decision makers should take into account.” when it comes to cancer care,” says Laila Hübbert, a researcher at Linköping University and a consultant at the cardiology clinic at Vrinnevi Hospital in Norrköping.

The study data spans 63 years. From these data, approximately 65,000 cancer patients under the age of 25 were compared with a control group of 313,000 people (a ratio of 1:5), where age, sex, and living situation were compared with the patient group. From other registries, the researchers retrieved information on morbidity, mortality, and demographics.

The researchers found that cancer survivors were about three times more likely to develop cancer in the future, 1.23 times more likely to have cardiovascular disease, and had a 1.41 times higher risk of accidents, poisoning, and suicide.

Currently, the healthcare system typically follows cancer survivors five years after completing treatment. In other words, you are usually considered healthy if the cancer has not returned after five years and no further follow-up is planned. But the current study, and also previous ones, show that this is probably not enough.

“Cancer survivors carry a frailty for the rest of their lives that puts them at greater risk of developing new diseases. It is mainly chemotherapy and radiotherapy that increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This means that patients should not be discharged prematurely without planned and continuous follow-up. It is important to identify these risk factors and diseases early,” says Laila Hübbert.

Researchers have also noted that socioeconomic factors play an important role in the risk of disease and death after cancer in young years. Thanks to a cross-check of the records, the researchers were able to verify that the risk increases for those who have a lower educational level, come from abroad or remain single. At the same time, this study shows that the risk of illness and death from cancer in children and adolescents is the same regardless of where they live in Sweden.

Martin Singull is a professor of mathematical statistics and has worked closely with clinics to analyze and combine large amounts of data coming from many different sources.

“We have used proven statistical models. But it is the complexity of the data that makes it challenging. It comes from different sources and we also want to be able to select the information we want. That is why we have also collaborated with computers scientist Robin Keskisärkkä, who has created the database,” says Martin Singull.

The next step for researchers is to break down the results and investigate specific questions and understand why things are the way they are. This will include greater attention to socioeconomic factors, cancer-related cardiovascular diseases, so-called cardio-oncology, and other forms of cancer.

“There are actually not many countries that can carry out such a comprehensive survey. In Sweden we have such comprehensive and high-quality national registries, so it is unique to be able to do this,” says Laila Hübbert.

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