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Cannabinoid CBG reduces anxiety and stress in first-ever human clinical trial

A lesser-known cannabinoid that’s gaining popularity Cannabigerol (CBG) effectively reduced anxiety in a clinical trial without the intoxication typically associated with whole plant cannabis. It may even have some memory-enhancing effects, according to a new study in Scientific reports.

For the study, Carrie Cuttler, associate professor of psychology at Washington State University, and her colleagues conducted the first human clinical trial investigating the acute effects of CBG on anxiety, stress, and mood.

The research revealed that 20 mg of hemp-derived CBG significantly reduced feelings of anxiety at 20, 45, and 60 minutes after ingestion compared to a placebo. Stress ratings also decreased at time point compared to placebo. The findings are consistent with survey data from a previous study led by Cuttler that indicated 51% of CBG users consume it to decrease anxiety, with 78% claiming its superiority over conventional anti-anxiety medications.

“CBG is becoming increasingly popular, with more and more producers making bold and unsubstantiated claims about its effects,” Cuttler said. “Our study is one of the first to provide evidence supporting some of these claims, helping to inform both consumers and the scientific community.”

For the study, Cuttler’s team at WSU and colleagues at the University of California, Los Angeles conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled experimental trial with 34 healthy cannabis users. Participants completed two sessions via Zoom during which they provided baseline ratings of their anxiety, stress and mood.

Participants then ingested either 20 mg of hemp-derived CBG or a placebo tincture that was mailed to them in advance. Participants then re-rated their mood, stress, anxiety, and other variables such as how intoxicated they felt and whether they liked how the drug made them feel at three different times after ingestion. Additionally, they reported on potential side effects such as dry eyes and mouth, increased appetite, heart palpitations, and drowsiness.

The sessions were repeated a week later, with participants taking the alternative product before completing the same assessments. The design ensured that neither participants nor research assistants knew which product they had been given.

One of the most surprising results was the effect of CBG on memory. Contrary to expectations based on the known effects of THC on memory, CBG significantly improved the ability to remember lists of words. Participants were able to recall more words after taking 20 mg of CBG than after taking a placebo.

“We triple-checked to ensure accuracy and the improvement was statistically significant,” Cuttler said.

Additionally, the study found that CBG did not produce cognitive or motor impairment, or other adverse effects commonly associated with THC, the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. Participants in the experimental group reported low rates of intoxication and minimal changes in symptoms such as dry mouth, drowsiness, and appetite. Unlike previous self-report surveys in which users touted the antidepressant effects of CBG, participants in the current study reported no significant mood improvement after taking CBG.

While the research is promising, Cuttler cautions that the results should be interpreted with caution due to the study’s limitations. The use of experienced cannabis users, the modest dosage of CBG, and the timing of the assessments could have influenced the findings. Additionally, the remote nature of the study, conducted via Zoom, and the lack of physiological measurements further limit the conclusions.

“We need to avoid claims that CBG is a miracle drug. It’s something new and exciting, but replication and further research are critical,” Cuttler said. “Current and future studies will help to further understand the benefits and safety of CBG, which could offer a new avenue for reducing feelings of anxiety and stress without the intoxicating effects of THC.”

Moving forward, Cuttler and her team are designing a new clinical trial to replicate their findings and include physiological measures such as heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels. They also plan to expand the research to people who do not use cannabis. Additionally, Cuttler is planning a study on the effects of CBG on menopausal symptoms in women.