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Can't decide between Bluesky, Mastodon and Nostr? Nootti's new app lets you post to all three.

Managing a social presence these days can be difficult. It's even harder for those experimenting with the new wave of Twitter-like services, like Mastodon, Nostr and Blue sky, where staying active means a lot of duplicate posts on different networks. Fortunately, developers are starting to meet our needs for cross-publishing tools. In addition to programming services such as fedica and Postponenow there is a new app, Noottiwhich allows you to publish to Mastodon, Nostr and Bluesky from a single interface.

While we are still waiting for the launch of multi-service social networks and news trackers, as Tapestry, Nootti's iOS app can at least save you some effort when you want to share a post with your followers on three of the most popular Twitter/X alternatives. Plus, by using Apple's native “Share via…” option, you can post that same message to any other app you choose, like X or Meta's Threads. (A smart solution given Threads API It is not open yet and The X is too expensive. for use by independent developers).

Nootti, whose name means “note” in Finnish, is pretty basic. It won't offer all the conveniences that come with posting directly to the platforms themselves, such as the ability to add polls and alt text on images, or get hashtag suggestions, like on Mastodon. However, if you have a simple text post (or text plus media), Nootti is capable. As you type in the text entry box, Nootti counts how many characters you have left. He can also upload media from his Camera Roll, if he so chooses, then tap the envelope icon to send the post.

Image credits: Nootti

To use Nootti, you will first need to set up your accounts in settings. (Note that you can use an app password for Bluesky, instead of your main password, although that option is not detailed in the app.)

What makes Nootti attractive is that you can slightly customize each post for different platforms. To do this, first write your post in the “Main” tab and then switch to the other social media tabs. The post will auto-populate for each tab, but you can edit the message for individual networks. For example, you can take on a more fun vibe with your posts on Bluesky and add hashtags to your posts on Mastodon. When you tap the envelope icon, the custom set of messages is published to all three networks at once.

Developer Petri Kajander says he created Nootti himself.

“The current state of social media is defragmentation and waiting will not change the status quo. You need to be active to be part of the change,” she says. “Many people have stopped posting completely or are only in one place. This means you have to extend your presence to multiple locations but it takes too much time. Since neither network is a clear winner, the best strategy is to post in multiple places, but keep engagement local to that network and also customize each post for each platform,” adds Kajander.

He explains that he doesn't believe in auto-publishing either, so he wanted an app that requires you to write your own posts.

Nootti is a free download on the App Storebut Kajander is now developing the paid version, he says, although it has not yet determined what revenue model it will use.

Kajander said he also hasn't made a decision about supporting other networks, such as Threads, or even whether that will be necessary once it becomes a federated app using the ActivityPub protocol. Meanwhile, you can cross-post to any other app with the share button within Nootti.