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Capita says the cyber attack will cost £15m to £20m

Outsourcer Capita said the financial impact of a recent cyberattack will be between £15m and £20m as it attempts to recover leaked data and bolster its defences.

The company, one of the UK’s largest outsourcers, said its own forensic work and that of third-party vendors revealed that data was leaked from less than 0.1% of its servers due to the attack in March.

“Capita has taken extensive steps to recover and protect customer, vendor and colleague data contained within the property of the affected server and to remedy any issues arising from the incident,” the outsourcer said Wednesday in a statement.

The company said it expected to “incur exceptional costs of around £15m to £20m associated with the cyber incident”.

It happens it said the bill consisted of “specialist professional fees, recovery and repair costs, and investments to strengthen Capita’s cybersecurity environment.”


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