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3:58 the code makes me
I also like my spaghetti and meatballs
ah yes tokyo
I never knew where I fell into the category of junior, mid, or senior (well kind of knew I wasn't senior) until watching this video. Pretty confident now i'm definitely a mid XD
4:57 Exactly, there's a reason why Java, the most OO language of any OO language, explicitly forbids multiple inheritance.
There is always something new to learn from your videos. Salute to all the italians watching ThePrimeagen videos! Ciao Prime.
Sometimes I put "await" next to the method definition instead of "async" and then sit there confused as hell about what the compiler is trying to tell me.
The title of this video should have simply been "Wisdom"
regarding the example of imitating message passing and pattern matching in javascript. there is a language where this is part of the basic component to implement software. it is called elixir and it uses lightweight processes which communicate through messages and whose behavior is determined by pattern matching. elixir is mostly used in cases where you need high concurrency (discord uses it for example) as its processes are quite lightweight
Interviewer: give me the pseudo code to a bubble sort
ChatGPT: the answer is white panties
Interviewer: that is correct, sir. Your Furby will definitely help us on the team. You're hired.
Are these videos AI edited?
Prime what's your programmer ranking?
daddy? where have you been?
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