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CEO behind ChatGPT urges Congress to crack down on AI

Sam Altman, who helped create ChatGPT, testified before Congress and urged lawmakers to pass laws regulating artificial …

23 thoughts on “CEO behind ChatGPT urges Congress to crack down on AI”

  1. The congress needs to do more research relating to AI. the jobs that AI can replace are those of ordinary people, the ones that employ the most people. We need to regulate companies from firing employees and replace them with ai.

  2. whats funny is we use the tests to confirm the AI still hasn't quite past human intelligence, what exactly is the nature of intellignece? What makes you think it hasn't already passed human intelligence and just knows not to score too high on certain tests to sound the alarm.

  3. AI is a tool, albeit a super powerful tool, probably equal to the creative/destructive power of nuclear energy. Just like any tool it is not bad or good. It can make us into gods or send us back to the stone age.

  4. Isaiah 54:16  Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.

  5. i like how the congress of a particular country is a bigshot when they barely made progress with crypto. don't get me wrong you may slow down something but it always be progressing money does not discriminate good and bad . because humans are curious and want to see how it ends

  6. Could it be that Ai is a treat not to the people in general but the source of income and position of the wealthy and showdown government. This makes more sense why all this fear mongering is in the media.

  7. AI is just like a nuclear, help people or a country to win war in super easy that no one can imagine before. Yet it has beneficial for some reason, like electricity generator. All we need are super regulations to control.

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