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ChatGPT क्या है? नौकरी खतरे में है? अब हमारा क्या होगा? 😨

पूरा Podcast यहाँ देखें: नमस्ते दोस्तों! आज हमारे साथ …

32 thoughts on “ChatGPT क्या है? नौकरी खतरे में है? अब हमारा क्या होगा? 😨”

  1. Dont get enamored by AI & ML. Quantum Computing and Robitics will pitch the game in a different sphere. Any system can surrender if brute force reaches hyper compute speed. And the moment robotics enters the game you know any mechanics or surgery will be a step away.

  2. you put the title "will ChatGPT take over your job" and talk absolute dog shit throughout the video. this video has nothing to do with 1) What can you pursue right now, if you are a student so that you might have more job security 2) which types of jobs are mostly likely gonna get snatched away from people because of AI, i believe you have already earn hundred times more than what someone could have with your intellectual level. That you don't have to deceive people by putting such misleading titles and thumbnails.

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