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Day Trading with me: TradingView: ChatGPT: …

29 thoughts on “ChatGPT AI Made Me A $100,000 TRADING STRATEGY”

  1. AI! Please do another video. You made a mistake on the 3rd bot attempt. You kept it at 14 and didnt change it to 30. Thats why the results were way off. Go back and try that strategy again!!!

  2. I looked into Tradingview and to join is free but to do anything else you need a subscription. Is there any other platform that a newbie can paper trade to learn the basics for free. If Trading view can do this, I cannot find it.

  3. AWESOME VIDEO!!!… I’m using my personal key strategy to trade stocks, but currently I must enter and exit my trades “manually” everyday between 10 am and 12 pm.

    Having a trading bot like this would not only keep me from having to trade manually on a set schedule… but the trades would also be more precise by executing the trades as the conditions happen rather than when I notice them during my daily check in.

    Thank you so much for this priceless info (literally)!!

  4. Aren't some companies already implementing AI and selling their trading platform product? I don't know how reliable they are. But this looks interesting, with the potential for good results despite your weak initial testing. $124 profit on 100k…

  5. Syntax errors are the only problem with ChatGPT and when you are trying to solve them with ChatGPT things just get more and more complicated. It doesn't know how to fix those syntax errors because it writes a different pine script than required, this is because ChatGPT has no experience on writing pine scripts for trading bots it just does the writing with regular information it is provided with. I have gone through all that with ChatGPT. I didn't want to make a bot where it works with indicator only. I needed a bot that analyses the price action and volume and places trades according to the information it is provided with. I needed sort of a learning machine or suitable algorithm for it. Which looks impossible with ChatGPT tbh.

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