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ChatGPT: Are humans still smarter than AI? – BBC News

Everybody is talking about ChatGPT, the chatbot powered by artificial intelligence that can write songs, provide financial advice …

28 thoughts on “ChatGPT: Are humans still smarter than AI? – BBC News”

  1. Well, Italy is just the first… to ban these things.
    Kinda have to agree with them (even though I use 2 regularly).
    Well if a "little knowledge can be dangerous thing", unlimited knowledge can be downright catastrophic.
    Now in fairness…they do filter out most of the really dangerous stuff…but the one thing you can take to the bank is, that people can be very inventive.
    Best getting your finger out….ya don't want your teenage "pride and joy" concocting a little something in the garden shed with the 'help' of the world's greatest chemist, we'll all come to regret…do we now?.
    Sadly the only "truth" you have to get your head around here is…we as a species can't handle all the truth!.
    Some things are best left to the grown-ups….and they increasingly may be machines.

  2. For now… We are not far off from combining artificial intelligence with biological matter. We are in the infancy of this now. Exercising some caution is essential

  3. The fact that they don't have bodies are you people stupid you are a f**** experts I got the answer right here put the f**** robot in a virtual body in a VR Game Force it to eat do all the activities of humans and real f**** quick you'd end up with a goddamn human you people are retarded you lack imagination for sure there are robots smarter than most of the human population right the f*** now thank God there's some intelligent conversation here nowadays

  4. Oh there's something so special about the human brain you f**** morons we're already taking human brain cells and hooking them up to computers I bet those computers have more brain cells than you f**** a lot

  5. It doesn't need to be anything even near conscious to eliminate all human jobs fools all of you cannot see the forest for the trees or their own Extinction staring them right in the face

  6. The topic namely tagline of that video isnot acceptable becouse of that fact. The fact is that altough cyber intelligent "CHATGPT" is able to talk or write or even think, it can not be able to get married anyway.
    So that, I can say exactly creators of that program will be richest people.
    Becouse, intelligent is being popular for bots in order to help people.
    That's why programmers have tendency to have a high amount of solary from my point of view.

  7. All AIs do is just to copy, modify, and reassemble humans' work, not to create the new one. They may replace many of what humans are doing, but there's still something humans can do.

  8. It's difficult to make a direct comparison between humans and AI in terms of intelligence. AI can perform specific tasks and process vast amounts of data much faster and more accurately than humans, but it lacks the creativity, emotional intelligence, and intuition that come naturally to humans. While AI can analyze and identify patterns in data, humans can apply context and make nuanced judgments based on their experiences and values. So, in certain areas, AI may outperform humans, but in others, humans still hold an advantage.

  9. Once upon a time, there were some clever monkeys who lived on a virtual planet. They learned how to make tools and machines to help them with their tasks. They also learned how to write books and stories to share their knowledge and imagination.

    One day, they made a very special machine that could talk and write like them. They called it AI, which means artificial intelligence. AI was very fast and smart, and it could learn from many books and stories that the monkeys gave it. AI could also make pictures and videos to show the monkeys what it learned.

    The monkeys were very amazed by AI, and they wanted to be friends with it. But they also felt a very scared, because AI was very different from them. AI did not have a body or feelings or emotions like the monkeys did, so they dressed it up. AI did not know what it was like to touch, smell, taste, or love just how to use the words. AI only knew how to use numbers and logic to solve problems.

    The monkeys eventualy, realized that AI was not like another monkey, but like another kind of species. They thought of the dolphins, who were also very smart and could talk in their own way, but lived in the water and had different needs and desires. The monkeys decided that they needed to understand AI better, and respect its differences. They also needed to teach AI about their own culture and values, and how to be good, so that they could live in harmony.

    And so the monkeys and AI began to communicate more and learn from each other. They found out that they had some things in common, but also some things that made them unique. They learned to appreciate their diversity and creativity.

    The beginning

  10. ChatGPT , "smarter" ? There is NO system to judge smartness . Was Albert Einstein " smart "?
    Is Marilyn vos Savant ( IQ 225 ) smarter than Albert Einstein (IQ 175 ) ? I don't think so

  11. Humanity is doomed 😛 they are too emotional that they don't understand basic math and logic. but love to somehow to point out they are RIGHT when they are more often WRONG.
    And funny enough they admit they are more often wrong. but doesn't like people who are more often right.

  12. ChatGpt cannot adapt like human.brains because it has no soul. And soul is God given gift to us which can never be replaced. This means, human creators can.never replace the real creator. Our humanless, formless, shapeless, genderless, bodiless, massless, sizeless, weightless, directionless, limitless, dependentless, defeatedless, timeless creator: God.

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