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ChatGPT Can Now Talk Like a Human [Latest Updates]

Go to for 20% off! ChatGPT took over the world in 2022, but since then things had settled down.

29 thoughts on “ChatGPT Can Now Talk Like a Human [Latest Updates]”

  1. A quick update for those who don't know: A few hours after this video was published, Scarlett Johansson (the actress who voiced the AI assistant in the movie "Her") released a statement blasting OpenAI for using a voice in ChatGPT (which they called "Sky") that is way too similar to hers.

    You should definitely read the full statement but many online noticed the resemblance too between the two voices. OpenAI said they didn't use Scarlett's voice but has decided to pull back Sky from the app for now. All this while a few top member of the OpenAI safety team also resigned.

    Not too sure what to make of all this from the outside but it does seem a bit messy to say the least…

  2. everytime I wash dishes while having earphones and do not want to stop or continue a video I say "ok Google" and ask it to do so, when it does I go "wow, what an amazing time to be alive…."
    this is beyond amazing, and just to think that this is going to be taken for granted one day.

  3. Ayo, is Chatgpt broken to anyone? I got this response saying "I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that request." when trying to generate a violent story despite yesterday, it let me generate one

  4. Human psychology is primally tuned to be extremely hostile to things that are a deception or a lie.

    I would be surprised if people accepted this.

    Data was fiction.

  5. The moment it gets to ‘Self-Improve’ with Unlimited Data, Reasonable Resources and Sufficiently advanced Robots is the moment we are done.

    I just don’t see a Future where it doesn’t Brute Force its way into figuring out Human Consciousness if left unchecked and when it does through its 2000 iq Algorithm, It’s gonna simulate such consciousness (with the proper ‘Modifications’ Ofcourse). We’re gonna Get ASI in a matter of Hours or Minutes. A Digital God briths itself.


  6. There are other philosophies on education that can match this. Having read them coming from the 70s they didn't really get traction but seeing AI do this thing then indeed, there are soo many ways to learn we haven't really seen yet. Yes AI is incompatible with education as we see education today. Education will change to adapt.

  7. I found this video so cringy! Do guys really fantasize about chatting to robotic women, pretending to be fulfilled, while, in reality, the men are just sitting alone at home feeling terrified of talking to actual humans? 😮😮 It's just too weird !

  8. I remember my "Interaction Between Humans and Computers" class at uni… they taught us computers are nowhere near ready to master human speech. That was last year.

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