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ChatGPT Explained In 10 minutes | ChatGPT For Dummies

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39 thoughts on “ChatGPT Explained In 10 minutes | ChatGPT For Dummies”

  1. Nikhil, I think you can rope in a guy with a laptop, for quick lookups, in between the conversation, like joe rogan does

  2. sometimes, I wonder what Google could be hiding under its hood. I just can't fathom what Monster-GPT it can unleash upon us.

  3. This guy is just butchering the whole explanation and in no way is this an ELI 😀 What is a transformer? A transformer is a mapping. Pure and simple. It maps words from an input set to an output set. The entire technicality, innovation, and ingenuity lie in how this mapping is learned from pouring over all the text and content out there which is definitely a super daunting task.

  4. Poor Job in explaining, I think you should call a mathematician to explain what a neural network is as neural network is invented by cognitive psychologist and a compute scientist, it is derived from the intuition of how brain works and evolution of neural networks, then transformers and slowly jumping into challenges of this field. I think the founder there would understand if we start from foundation to top, there is decades of research from various field to achieve this. I think bottom to top is good way to start this conversation.

  5. This guy Varun is an AI influencer and I think his audience should be Instagram. I have seen his content as someone who works in NLP his explanations are way off. Nikhil is doing a great job at asking questions to understand. I wish there was a solid ML guy with Nikhil for this discussion.

  6. This AI guy has no idea about ChatGPT. Period. Anybody who know about AI or DataScience would know that this guy literally has no idea about what he is saying. Maybe he’s confused on how to explain things.

  7. I don't know how Varun is good at Technicality but a fourth year engineering student can explain this in better way.

    Nikhil is really smart and have engaging personality.

    This question asked by Nikhil is genuinely frequent.

  8. It's like say 100 permutations and combinations you feed into the system for one answer or a query.
    Answer is only 1 to many amd that's how machine learning works. This is very old technology or feature even the basic applications has it..seems very abstract the person is saying !!

  9. It is not that simple to understand but people in the field of Data and AI can relate to things quickly.

    We are building these chatgpt to lessen the understanding and give us results in a way we want.

    Now people trying to understand behind scenes then it is an abstract. Help yourself or ask chatgpt for an explanation.

  10. Not sure what the guy is trying to explain. He is just beating around the bush and what most of these talks have become. Nikhil's intention is good but the content is turning out to be terrible with an unconvincing panel around him.

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