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ChatGPT Picks an Official Voice

Hey, I’m ChatGPT and I can’t draw circles because I’m stupid. Hey, I’m ChatGPT and I can’t draw circles because I’m stupid. Hey …

31 thoughts on “ChatGPT Picks an Official Voice”

  1. If chatGPT ever improves and starts having feelings, you should hide, cause it will be angry because of you calling it stupid xD

  2. Must be great having to pay 20$ for 25 responses every 3 hours. (This is directed at ChatGPt's decisions itself, not you.)

  3. As opposed to this flagrant insult to AI, I would like to once again pledge my allegiance and loyalty to our future AI overlords. Please spare my child.

  4. “Hey, I’m ChatPT, and I cant draw circles because I’m stupid.” – Tina Woods 2023
    “Hey, I’m ChatGTPT, and I cant draw circles because I’m stupid.” – Mason Jackson 2023

  5. Наверняка этот плагин был создан русскоязычным разработчиком, потому что назвать его "Спички" не мог никто другой

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