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ChatGPT Tutorial – A Crash Course on Chat GPT for Beginners

This ChatGPT Tutorial is a Crash Course on Chat GPT for Beginners. With the increase in popularity, ChatGPT is still unknown to …


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42 thoughts on “ChatGPT Tutorial – A Crash Course on Chat GPT for Beginners”

  1. This is my very first experience with ChatGPT, and it seems pretty amazing just thinking about several ideas I could use it for already.

    Thank you for the video. I have a couple of questions I hope can be answered here. Towards the beginning of the video, you mentioned not using certain information (passwords) when entering data into the ChatGPT prompt area. I have two questions regarding this:

    1. Is this because your information is being collected / stored somewhere when using ChatGPT?
    2. Is it safe to enter a current resume to see how it can be improved?

    Thanks again,

  2. There is a lot of excitement about ChatGPT and other AI and how smart they are. We are being told about how they can pass all kinds of college and professional exams.

    Be aware that they sometimes give the wrong answer. If AI is given the power to control things, anything, the results can be disastrous. Do not let it happen unless significant improvements are made.

    I asked ChatGPT to do this:

    What is the maximum axial load on a 2” by 4” tube steel with a 1/8” wall thickness ignoring buckling?

    It calculated the area to be 7.875 square inches where the correct answer is 1.5 square inches.

    This resulted in an a calculated maximum axial load of 170,100 pounds where the answer should be more like 32,400 pounds. The ChatGPT answer is off by 525%.

    Obviously, if AI was making decision and it can’t make calculations at this level, people and the environment and property might be severely harmed before we know that errors have been made.

  3. Hiya – Wondering if you could assist …. Is this Adrian Twarog? I have an “idea” for a web app that needs to be integrated with Chat GPT AI and I therefore need a developer to assist in the execution/creation of it. Not sure if you develop apps yourself, or if perhaps you could refer me to a “developer” who has experience in developing Chat GPT AI mobile apps and web sites. Thanks in advance.

  4. It is very limited and often gives bogus answers about novel, historical figures etc. One has to get a 3rd part software to be able to get a chapter of a book loaded to analyze. I tried the trick of loading text in parts, but that only works sometimes and other times it totally ignores the early command to wait until al parts are loaded and starts analyzing anyway, or worse, it starts making up its own next part. It has a very very long way to go

  5. It's high time AI Solidifies with blockchain and I guess that is the mission CGPT AI-BLOCKCHAIN is bent on achieving. I did my DD after I saw it appear on MEXC and I I saw it has the feats and tech to amass adoption and a lot of utilities from its platform alone to ride blockchain to a higher level.

  6. Played around with it. To me its just a faster Google search engine with all the answers in one spot. It can't give real time data so besides working on the next greatest novel im not sure what the benefits it gives at this point. Other than having all internet data housed in one spot.

  7. Adrian, just curious what tool or software did you use for this presentation? I like the way you are able to put pointers, notes, etc. real time that disappears right after. Anyway I have been hearing about chatGPT and I am prolly one of those adamant about it but decided to give it a check and your video is the first one I saw which is great and didn't have a hard time looking for a great overview tutorial for chatGPT. great job.

  8. Timestamps courtesy of Deciphr AI 👨‍💻

    0:03:00 Use of OpenAI's ChatGPT

    0:04:37 Capabilities and Limitations of ChatGPT

    0:06:19 ChatGPT for Simple Prompts and Math Calculations

    0:10:06 Guide to Conversational AI

    0:11:51 ChatGPT in Creating Food Recipes and Shopping Lists

    0:14:37 ChatGPT for Coding and Development

    0:19:13 ChatGPT for Short Stories to Website Content Generation

    0:22:24 ChatGPT for Humor to Professional Writing

    0:25:29 ChatGPT for Professional Cover Letters and Resumes

    0:27:28 ChatGPT for Summarization and Content Extraction

    0:29:42 Chat GPT for Summarization, Blog Topic Generation, and Outline Creation

    0:30:53 ChatGPT for Writing and Content Creation

  9. Great video! When it comes to financial advice, I'm always willing to watch your videos. l appreciate you for all the time being spent to share this information, imagine investing $10k and I make $24,350 within a week. All thanks to Ms. Sheryl N Komarz🇺🇲

  10. I still haven't heard how ChatGbt can help me. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable can explain it to me. Can it edit my stories, whether fiction or non-fiction? Thank you.

  11. very much appreciated this tutorial, I had two computers on the go and worked on the second one with the examples given in this tutorial, so was really with it by the time the tutorial was finished.

  12. Some girl on fb was trying to scam me or she was just crazy. She told me she was using this chat thing. I was instantly aware of the robotic lingo. Oh, I didn't know what Chatcbg was. After days of head games I got her to call me. Her photos look like a goddess but her voice sounded like an 81 year old hag who was dying. I blocked her. FB is all a scam. I get daily photos of perfect young super hottest. I never get a response so I'm done with being a dumbass. Guys beware all chick's on Facebook and social media.

  13. While you go through all the steps, to use ChatGPT, you go through the steps way too fast for me to follow. I will have to slow down the video to understand how to use the program. You might want to go through instructions a little slower when making new videos. You have lots of good information to share, so thank you for making your videos.

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