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ChatGPT vs Turnitin’s AI II Follow these steps II No AI Score II No Plagiarism I My Research Support

ChatGPT vs Turnitin’s AI II Follow these steps II No AI Score II No Plagiarism I My Research Support For any help to get Turnitin, …

48 thoughts on “ChatGPT vs Turnitin’s AI II Follow these steps II No AI Score II No Plagiarism I My Research Support”

  1. Hello, I observed that the AI detectors cannot detect the ChatGPT paraphrased text. For instance, I asked ChatGPT to paraphrase my human written text in better academic English, and when i checked it on the AI detectors, it could not detected anything. However, I do not have access to Turnitin. therefore, can you make a video checking on Turnitin the humanly written text that is paraphrased by ChatGPT?

  2. Is AI detector available in Turnitin for students.? Appreciate if you can do a video for that.. I really appreciate your videos..thanks.. keep up uploading…. God bless you

  3. Thank you sir but turnitin student account don't have AI score it is available in instructor account .So student have less chance of getting article published .Can you offer us the services to check our paper on instructor account .

  4. Excellent video. Sir, i have prepared the few topic with the help of ChatGPT and then rephrased with the help of wordtune. In ur video, u also informed that University used the turnitin software for checking the plagiarism. Sir, I don't have the Turnitin subscription. Plz send me email address or any WhatsApp num so that I may approach u regarding turnitin checking. Plz help me, waiting for ur kind response. ????

  5. Fact is you can’t believe this AI detectors yesterday I checked a file completely written by me still its showing written by human with efficiency 53%. How can it be possible 😅

  6. Greetings My Research Support, Thank you for all your amazing and enlightening educational videos.

    Please I have a Turnitin student account.
    Few days ago I checked a document for someone and the Plagiarism level was 52%.

    From the turnitin report, about 10 to 15pages in the document had no Plagiarism.

    The person I checked the document for then told me that the result was inaccurate and said he will work on the plagiarised parts and resend for another check.

    Lo and behold, when the person resent the document and I checked a second time, the pages that had no Plagiarism initially now had Plagiarism indicated on them even as the person didn't edit any word on these pages.

    Please I am very confused why this is happening.
    The same thing happened yesterday when I checked another document for someone else, several pages didn't show Plagiarism and I'm doubting the result. I'm waiting for the owner to resend the document for another check for us to ascertain if the first check result is true or not.

    Please do you have any idea why this may be happening, I really anticipate your response.

    Thank you Sir.

  7. Thanks, Nilesh for this video, please do tell us how to get access to Turnitin plagiarism checker software as a researcher, if not then please suggest any other application which can reduce the plagiarism to the extent of Turnitin, otherwise we were always in doubt about the similarity index issue of our paper.

  8. Dear guide, please make a video on how to start writing the PhD Theses. And through which online Website we can access Ebooks and journals?

  9. Sir i have no access to computer you can help me by given a research thesis on topic (pateint perception of missed nursing care) i am limited resources and lack of time😢

  10. I have written answers by my own but i put my answer to chatgpt and asked whether i have written correctly, answer was yes. Then i put first mentioned answer with out changing anything, then will turnitin tell as I have used AI??

  11. How abt word ai, how does the test rewritten by word ai scores in turnitin ai? Can you guide? Because it's an expensive tool if it's accurate needs some verification. Plus content rephrased by paper pal

  12. Bellissimo canale! Grazie per i tuoi video! Puoi consigliare un programma antiplagio che sia accurato e preciso come turniting? Che vada bene in Italia…

  13. Hi. I have seen some videos on youtube saying that Quillbot paraphrasing is being detected in turnitin. How did it work for you? I am writing a 15000 word document for dissertation and using ChatGPT and quillbot for majority of writing. Am I in trouble? Please reply.

  14. A problem: I have wrote a market plan research paper for my research project in university, of course I used the help of Chat GPT but I wrote it myself, i.e., I read the document written by Chat GPT and used my own wordings to in my document. But the problem arises that it also contains financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, and cashflow statement) and if you have studied business then you know these are the kind of documents that are unable to be paraphrased because they contain specific type of terminologies. How do I paraphrase them?

  15. please help. when I try to show a similarity report of my Ph.D. The thesis is 250000 words, so AI show (AI writing detection unavailable) WHY???????

  16. Anyone is there who can help me to publish paper in scopus indexed journal domain pharmacy, languages engineering, I have sevral candidates who wants to publish thier work if anyone have credible source can reply me here.

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