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ChatGPT Won’t Help You Rank On Google (But This Will!)


34 thoughts on “ChatGPT Won’t Help You Rank On Google (But This Will!)”

  1. Then why they launched Bard or integrated AI generative fill in google search? The company looks only for his profit. Fooling everyone. Launching new things and always diverting creators with new kind of information. So what you say about this so called EEAT feature. Google himself thrown it and used ai for best results. They only look for profit and to beat chat gpt. They know chap gpt Killing their company.

  2. AI is all about machines that can learn. If they learn, they WILL have Experience. And with time (and enough experience), they will have Expertise as well. Expertise gives them the Authority. And Authority brings Trust.

    So basically, just wait for it. And till then, learn to communicate effectively with machines because the output will depend on how you talk to them.

  3. I just asked ChatGPT the following question:

    "Does AI generated content rank on Google search?"

    ChatGPT answered: "Yes, AI-generated content can rank on Google search results just like any other content. Search engines typically evaluate content based on relevance, quality, and user experience. If the AI-generated content meets these criteria and provides valuable information, it has the potential to rank well in search results. However, it's essential to note that search algorithms are complex and constantly evolving, so there are no guarantees on ranking. The key is to create content that is informative, relevant, and aligns with SEO best practices."

    Then I asked: "You said: "Search engines typically evaluate content based on relevance, quality, and user experience." Can you please explain how search engines evaluate content based on user experience?

    It answered: "Search engines consider various factors to evaluate user experience when determining the ranking of content. Some key elements include:

    1. CTR
    2. Bounce Rate
    3. Dwell Time
    4. Page Load Speed
    5. Mobile Friendliness
    6. Content Quality
    7. Page Structure

    By analyzing these and other factors, search engines aim to deliver the best possible results to users, aligning with their intent and providing a positive overall experience.

    So, I guess Google is good with AI content. Besides, YouTube is owned by Google and it is full of AI generated content and those channels are performing pretty good.

  4. You are not better than ceo of ai and top 500 fortune company ceo who surrender there knowledge against artificial intelligence.,…one of the most powerful brain that Loves, implement and created business in different different sectors ie Elon Musk 😂😂😂😂😂 who invented ai and now he is shocked on ai working because it is going to be out of human control….. so please dont try to show ai inferior from you tiny mindset.

  5. LOL do everything and monitor the impact for specific sites, stick with what works for that segment/niche, until it doesn't, then rinse and repeat. Google also has a thing called . NFI – No Four-caine Idea. Unless you pay us then it's A-Ok.

  6. Lol. Google is a terrible judge of the "best" content. They also don't actually use EEAT. That's a quality rater's guideline, not a part of the search algorithm.

  7. A number of our clients have 'leaned on' ChatGPT to help them write a press release. They will use it to get a foundation for the press release and then 're-write' it with 50% or more of their own words before they send it to a press release service for distribution. Some of them have never written a press release before, so in this type of instance it can be helpful – as long as they are putting their own spin on the content as ChatGPT can have a very 'wordy' approach. That has been our experience.

  8. Hi 👋 Neil ,am yuvanz an recent graduate student ,I actually want to grow my career in digital marketing field ,also i gained some experience through local clients while I approached directly to scale up their business through digital,i strongly believe opportunities were not comes we need to create it ,so I knock the every door which open my career path strong growth so, I reached out you to get an opportunity of job to work with you Neil,i don't know you would able to answer or not but I never disappoint on my try.

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