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CHILD MARRIAGE IN 43 STATES #fy #fyp #shorts #mom #parenting #politics #men #women #children

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30 thoughts on “CHILD MARRIAGE IN 43 STATES #fy #fyp #shorts #mom #parenting #politics #men #women #children”

  1. Yeah, I've known about this stuff. I love how they spew their bullshit about how LGBTQ+ is trying to indoctrinate and molest our children. Meanwhile, they are literally trying to get married to literal children or auctioning them off to them highest bidder.

  2. Love the fact that they take it out of context. Most of those girls were child sex slaves, which crossed the border from Mexico. If only we had a way to stop that.

  3. what the heck…dude…overpopulation is already a issue..why would you force a literal child who is still learning about the world into such a horrible thing…they’re freaking children. CHILDREN. it shouldn’t be legal ANYWHERE TO HAVE A CHILD BE MARRIED. 18 SHOULD STILL BE ILLEGAL. yes. im aware a 18 yr old can move out but tbh the only reason that should be a thing is if they’re in abusive house holds they can get out faster. BUT DISGUSTING PEOPLE WHO ARE MARRYING THEM USE “oh well they’re a legal adult” AS A EXCUSE. AND MOST OF THE CHILDREN ARENT EVEN 18 THEYRE LITERAL 12 YR OLDS. THEY EXPECT A C H I L D TO DEAL WITH THAT?? NO IT SHOULD BE A FREAKIN CRIME. SHOULDNT BE ALLOWED FOR ANY STATE OR COUNTRY TO TREAT A CHILD AS A OBJECT.

  4. Did anyone here know that it’s illegal to get a divorce unless you’re an adult?
    And that a girl can start puberty at 11 months old? That means, if it’s baby making you’re interested in (aka, entering puberty) there is no limit to how low her age can go (I guess except not born yet)
    The youngest mother is 5 years old and one of my friends is 30 with the oldest kids being 18.
    What do you call men who like having naughty times with children again?

  5. If destiny believes people are saying things just to rile him up, everyone involved needs chill on their egos & get back to the core of why you make content. Bc all this infighting is really immature, egotistical & extremely pretentious. It’s just insults, incorrect data on topic discussion & how dumb someone is, superiority complex’s & more insults. It’s like, okay guys….we get it. Can we get some real dialogue please?

  6. 300,000 OMFG. The way u see men marrying little girls but not wlmen marrying little boys is a tell ud think. If mothers think ots wrong but the men just dont care. Thats so fucked

  7. I mention this ALL the time when they whinge about drag queens. Meanwhile they also go out and vote for people and laws that allow child marriage , because their grown ass sons messed with a girl at church and now the church is forcing the girl to marry her pedo or so on.

  8. Anyone with baby girls should really be thinking about their future. Not the future they lie to us all about but the future not easily seen. Girls in this society are baby makers/cis gendered.

  9. They are terrified that "white babies aren't been born and they're being replaced ,same party saying drag queens hurt kids , and what sort of men are marrying these babies

  10. The parents need to be arrested for selling their children into sex slavery for pedophiles.
    These parents are disgusting! And no, California is not one of these states.

  11. Not to dump on you bro but conservatives have been trying to get rid of that s*** for a long time liberals are the ones that keep perpetuating that s***. I mean I can guarantee you that no republican tried to put pedos in the l g b t q rainbow that was all a liberal idea.

  12. Indiana in the 90s… my friend was coerced into marriage at 14 by her parents, because religion. She was too scared to tell the judge that it wasn't her choice. Parental 'consent' waivers for minors are a joke…
    She disappeared from school the next year and none of us ever saw her again. I hopes she's somewhere safe and got out of that nightmare eventually.

  13. Oklahoma here. Just want to point out that there are people that really really benefited from this once upon a time not so long ago. I will explain.
    My father(I'm almost 52) had 9 brothers & sisters. Being descended from one of the Wild Bills & Calamity Jane alcoholism runs deep. Real deep. The other Wild Bill from my mom's side. The state stepped in at some point when the oldest female child was 16. She ran off and married her boyfriend to stay out of the Catholic Orphaneges. Cause we all know how that shit went. Other then her and 2 oldest boys the kids were taken and separated into 3 different aged groups. The 2 baby girls went 1 way, my dad and 2 of his brothers shipped to Pennsylvania to be raped and molested by nuns/priests in a catholic orphanage there. The rest my newly married Aunt took on as hers. And the wild search for her family began. She didn't stop till she found them all. My dad was her fav brother and they wouldn't let her have him bc…well she had her hands full. So she endlessly harassed until the social worker hatched a plan for a holiday visit. Basically she stole them from him and never gave them back. Dad meet my mom and here we are discussing that those 2 really really loved each other. Raised her siblings and 4 girls of her own. They never separated. Never divorced. Back when commitment really meant committed. Sometimes rule bending is the right choice. Most of the time it's pedo shit but…wasn't it nice to hear a story that wasn't?

  14. it's absolutely disgusting that people are more worried about enforcing laws against gay marriage between two ADULTS than trying to stop the laws making it legal for an adult to marry a CHILD

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