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Convict Clothing Merch @



  1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 JD I would love to see a skit with just chomo and post your bloopers after words do you crack up and mess up when you do these ???? 😂😂😂😂 I love you dude 😂😂

  2. 1:01 Honestly JD has a point why not give convicts/inmates the resources to build a resume and get good trade schooling under their belts so when they get out they can at keast have a chance to get a decent job.

    I know some prisons have that like the two state ones in my area i've seen some prisoners come out with knowledge on welding, woodshop, photography things like that who make decent livings when they get out giving them that second chance.

    But i guess it makes to much sense and does to much good to be given everywhere

  3. dude i wish i had the courage to be this goofy an film, believe me ive tried and your actually good at creating characters playing them all and all that. i love what your doing keep up the good work and thanks for the stuff you do on recovery.

  4. This was hilarious… conscientious objector… don’t know what it means but it sounds smart! That part had me rolling. I could watch you do this for hours. I got 33 months sober and my life is going better than ever.

  5. Classes on self employment, which they won't consider. Best thing for a felon is their own business. Otherwise your just 1 bad day from being another unemployed felon.

  6. sooo.. Umm.. I'm watching this while crocheting.. I can so not see inmates being allowed to crochet in the late 90s i wasn't allowed into a courthouse with my crochet stuff cause its got sharp things and pointy things.. the 5 inch fabric shears were really what they didn't want me having. Still, Lol Crochet classes

  7. The title alone made me say hell nah, but fr keep this stuff up guys like you have been helping through hard tkmes and staying out of trouble. When i was 17-19 i had a police interaction prolly once a month on average, now im just turning 23 and havent even had a ticket in over 3 years. Mad respect to guys like you

  8. Man I can't believe I found out that you snitched while in prison… I thought you were hard af, that's straight thang but it turns out nothing but the next scared azz dude afraid the Aryans were going to lump up ya noggin and keep you on bunk restriction so you couldn't eat… 😂😂😂 Just goes to show you can't trust these folks on the internet….😢

  9. Society out here is creating pettifiles. How about the group that wants to call pettifiles minor attracked persons. The media goes out of its way to make it normal with men saying their women and throwing skirts on and watching little gurls pee all day. Tampons in mens bathrooms. Really? Very sick society.

  10. In Roanoke, VA, the Scottish Rite..specifically the political family (wheeler) that banned smoking. They have an orgy cabin in the woods where kids are involved. There is a crystal in the middle of the room to store the sexual energy to be used at a later time for whatever intention they put into it to release. Minors are involved even if forced. They only serve saltine crackers and water since our bodies are water and salt (to generate energy). Sick fcks.

  11. We all know how chamois get it in prison, but I wonder if the females have version of the same thing? Like, what happens to mothers that ditch babies in dumpsters and shit? Do women check paperwork?

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