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Coding using ChatGPT AI broke me

39 thoughts on “Coding using ChatGPT AI broke me”

  1. Programmers have fucked their profession up. Someone better start learning carpentry, welding and so on. One thing is for sure, those professions will never go out of date

  2. Why does everyone have the wrong take lol? This enhances productivity… companies will complete builds more quickly… and effectively as we will be able to attempt more approaches at solving issues due to time savings thus leading to better results.

    If your deliverables are better and quicker to make you can take on more work and hire MORE programmers. The problem will be lack of demand at some point.

  3. As other comments suggest, I think this will drastically change the way programming is done, but not make the profession obsolete. It’s just like how the early programmers used to poke holes in paper to give the computer instructions, a very tedious process, to now having code editors.

  4. Recently I had a problem to convert guuid to another format.. I asked ChatGPT it miserably failed. I had the converter from that other format to guuid so gave it to chatgpt and asked to reverse it. Again it failed.
    When you are asking pretty common question it will answer but if you ask something new, its dumbest sh*t.

  5. Can someone explainto me what happened? I juat started this jump into learning coding basics so i have a general understanding myself and this is going over my head..

  6. I had the bright idea to try this yesterday and the bot wouldn't accept the schema under a custom actions! It said something about the server information not be put not being putting in correctly. I'm not a programmer, any ideas?

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