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We're super excited to get the season kicked off this weekend!

What are your predictions for the season?
Double 0 T0T0
I’ll stick with Channel 4 and online streaming instead of being fleeced by $ky.
Ever since Sky Sports took over the broadcasting for F-1 in Canada in conjunction with TSN I have been watching the pre-race, race and post race coverage.
I am thankful to Sky Sports for their unequaled knowledge and coverage of this sport I have loved all my life.
Looking forward to another great season with Sky Sports.
7 time Grand Prix spinner Zak brown 2021 about Daniel ha ha that made my day
Still not buying Sky. I'll just stream it for free because screw you and your exclusives behind paywalls.
Can’t even watch Sky Sports and I’m hyped on the content
Totto Wolf for the win.
i dont like sky. cos i dont wanna pay for f1
but this vid hypes me xD
toto doing an arnie impression is golden
This whole "coming up" theme is the single biggest problem of the whole Sky Sports F1 channel. Stop it now!
F1 is back 23 Races Bahrain Emilia Romagna Portugal Spainish Monaco Canada Azerbaijan France Austria Great Britain Germany Belgium Italy Singapore Russia Japan United States of America Brazil Australia Saudi Arabia & Abu Dhabi
Has F1 got a new commentator yet that don’t make you fall asleep?
i cannot wait from zak to smoke lando and daniel

Quality, can't wait!! And Toto's Arnie impression
Song in the background: Alt J: In cold blood.
Your Welcome.
I hope non UK viewers get a way of seeing these!
Lando and Zak :: Daniel and Andreas
Love that Lando ending
Bottas WC
Mclaren DC
DR dotr
Micah Richards?
How can it be to see the notebook earlier on a other channel??
And not even on this channel?
Cercate di dire ai cronisti di non parlare di vaccini e prendere parte a certi giochetti. Se avevate una buona squadra di commentatori, vi affossate con questi schieramenti. A partire da Vanzini etc… Siete diventati una tv di parte dei regimi. Lo avete ampiamente dimostrato non inquadrando mai gli spalti pieni di persone nella Prada cup per non mostrare la verità al resto del mondo. Una vergogna
Ricciardo: randomly spins
Lando: *laughs* "He run out of talent"
Zac Brown: 7-Time Grand Prix Spinner
What the actual f**k is Lando looking at to make him smile that big while looking down…
Song name?
We pay for sky to watch f1 and we still getting ad's, we pay tv licence for no breaks so how come it's different on sky . Won't be watching next year. Bye
Are we going to have an apology from MSM including sports organisations, such as Sky Sports, Lewis Hamilton etc for the fact that they promoted a corrupt organisation that stole money from victims families?
Has McLaren race with Zak, Lando and Danial round Silverstone been aired yet? If so anyone got a link or know where to see it?
Good stuff @skysportsf1. When will we see the Daniel and Lando interview?
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