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Companies looking to acquire staffing and workforce solutions firms: 2024 Update

Key Findings

  • This report details the preferences of 220 staffing firms regarding the type of acquisition target that they would be most interested in pursuing. Firms provided their top three preferences for staffing segment/workforce solution and target geography, along with the name and email address of the best person to contact for those interested in selling a firm that matches the stated criteria.
  • The full list of companies appears on pages 8 through 28 of this report, with an index for these listings, including the number of companies with each segment as their first-preference, on page 5.
  • In analyzing the list of company preferences as a whole, healthcare and IT staffing were again the most popular choices for target segments, with 51% of the companies reporting one of the two as a first preference.
  • 200 firms indicated the United States as a first-choice target geography. Among the five possible US region choices, the Northeast was selected most frequently, followed by the Midwest, Southeast, South, and West.
  • In addition to sharing top segment and geographic preferences, 55 firms also provided open-answer comments regarding their target criteria for an acquisition.

Please select the following link to download the complete report: 

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