A heart-wrenching case of road rage came to light in Delhi on Saturday, in which two youths killed a delivery man in a dispute over towing a vehicle. After the incident in Shadipur village, road rage is once again in the news, that is, anger that comes due to minor incidents on the road. Angry people sit even after attacking each other. This also includes those accidents, the reason for which is anger somewhere, such as high speeding or overtaking. These accidents can increase further in summer.
Data released on driving of countries
About two months ago, a global insurance company Compare the Market released data, according to which Indians are among the worst drivers. In the survey released in February, there was an attempt to see which countries stand where in terms of driving. More than 50 countries were taken for this.
which country, where stand
Thailand topped the list of worst driving countries, followed by Peru, Lebanon and then India. Means if we believe in this survey then we Indians are at number four in terms of driving. Driving in Japan is considered the safest. Here people also follow the rules, and the roads are also safe. After this, there is the number of Netherlands, Norway and then Estonia. Another Scandinavian country Sweden is at 5th position. All these countries are generally low temperature countries.

Does the weather also have an effect?
Many parameters were taken while extracting the data of safe driving country. This includes factors such as consuming alcohol while driving, bad road condition or ignorance of the rules. However, one big reason has been left out, that is the weather of a country. It is believed that the weather also affects the mood of the driver. Although there is no latest data on this, but in the year 2019, the University of Western Australia said in a study that the weather also has an effect on traffic crimes i.e. road rage.
What does the study say?
The study took place in the Australian city of Perth, in which the trend was noticed during January-February. These are the hottest months in the Southern Hemisphere, with temperatures ranging from 31 to 35 °C. During this period, the maximum number of road accidents of the year took place there. There was a fight in anger, and high-speeding too.
It is a matter of thinking that when the drivers can lose their temper at 35 degree Celsius, then in our place the temperature goes beyond 45 degree Celsius. In such a situation, even small talk can make the driver angry. There is no direct survey on this, which can tell that how much the cases of road rage increase in summer, but the relation of aggression with temperature is definitely known.
Climate has an effect on aggression
Many studies emphasize that the climate of hot countries has a direct relation with crime. Amsterdam’s Vrije University conducted a study on this, the results of which were published in Behavioral and Brain Sciences. In this, scientists saw how common people, who are not of criminal mind, commit crimes completely. For this, Clash (CLASH) i.e. Climate, Aggression and Self Control in Humans was considered as the reason. According to experts, the climate in which people live provokes or controls anger.

less crime in cold countries
People living in cold places have more self-control than those living in hot places. After looking at about 60 different studies on climate and human behavior, it was believed that self-control is directly affected by hot or cold weather. For this, experts also took the help of UN data, which tells how many murders take place in which parts of the world. Scandinavian and Nordic countries are at the bottom of this. There are the least crimes here and these are very cold countries.
crime will increase with global warming
The General Aggression Model (GAM), which came out in the year 1995, also emphasizes on how cold or hot weather affects anger. In this, the anger that comes during driving was not talked about separately, but the anger was linked to the heat. Climate change experts have been expressing fear since then that when global warming will increase in the coming times, the rate of crime will automatically increase.
Crime rate will increase manifold in America
According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, crimes can increase by 25 to 80 times only in America. The study, published under the title Hot Years and Serial and Deadly Assaults, talks about many other scary trends.
Now coming back to bad driving, the latest data from Compare the Market points in this direction. Among the worst drivers, all the countries where the weather is hot are named. Whereas in better driving, almost the same countries are there, where the weather is cold. However, there is some complication in this matter as well. There are many other reports in which the order of dangerous countries for driving changes. For example, in the year 2019, Russia was considered the worst country in terms of both road rage and rash driving.

Why Russian drivers get angry!
Mr. Auto, a car parts selling company in Europe, released the Driving Cities Index in 2019, whose data is startling. According to this, Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, has the highest number of road rage cases in the world, followed by Russia’s Moscow. A total of 100 big cities were taken in the survey. They were judged on 15 different parameters, including road conditions and driver behaviour. During this time, it was shown that road rage incidents take place in almost all the big cities of Russia.
this could be the reason
In the road rage ranking, Ulaanbaatar got 99.1 out of 100, while Moscow got 98.5. It is a cold country, but even then, no concrete reason could be found for why the drivers get angry here. However, one of the reasons for this can also be that petrol and diesel are very cheap in Moscow and parking charges are also very less as compared to other countries. In such a situation, the people who came out with vehicles on the road would start competing among themselves while driving away and the percentage of road rage would also increase due to rash driving.
There are more incidents of road rage in the UK as well.
Relatively cold country United Kingdom also has a high percentage of road rage. The UK Best survey by Compare the Market showed that 62 per cent of drivers there are angry. In fact, about 30 per cent of them have had or suffered a fight with some or the other driver. Road rage has been increasing over time, and there are about 20 percent of drivers who are victims of road rage once a week.
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