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Could Chat GPT Talk to Whales?

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35 thoughts on “Could Chat GPT Talk to Whales?”

  1. The Only way you could get accurate enough data to support this 3D database is from an infant whale and up untill it starts working 100%, A baby whale would need to carry a remote recording device for as long as it takes to complete the data requirements.

  2. And what's to say that with the brain chip that absolutely to go through cia and different branches of military testing before public use, they haven't already done this on top of the frequency/vibration effect testing they have already done?

  3. First contact has to be DEMOCRATIZED. It can’t be kept secret. The biggest fear is that those in control of industry will try to control the message to make money and make those of us in control in our world more money and more in control.

  4. what's with the stupid musical backing track? I'm really interested in this subject but all I can hear is the stupid music that adds nothing to the content. Please don't do this it's ridiculous.

  5. NO it won't. That model only works in the same species in roughly the same environment. Because it's a different species in an entirely different environment it would be far more wrong then right if not entirely wrong altogether. You would also still need a couple known words as a reference point. Otherwise you couldn't build the second model and A.I doesn't change that. People don't understand A.I. All A.I does is compare known knowns against odds and presents the best answer it can.

  6. One of my current writing projects involves a fictional kaiju-sized critter that's half-whale and half-otter, and is exploring our world. Because of the similiarity of Sperm Whale codas to Halavahdon language, Sylia learns to talk with them. But what would a Sperm Whale say? We just don't know, but it being fiction, I have at least a little freedom. What I ended up coming up with is this:

    Because their languages are NOT identical (and every pod has their own dialect) communication is simple. "Where pod?" "I'm here." "Meet my calf!" that sort of thing. But it's accompanied by complex context – "I'm here" is accompanied by exact depth, position in relation to the speaker, position in relation to the rest of the pod, etc. "Where pod?" will be accompanied by a set of "coordinates" where the whale last sensed them and descriptions of their three-dimensional appearances. The context is less words and more signalling, along with a simple system of measurement that makes sense to them.

    I'm following this research intently, needless to say. My guess is as good as any, but I try to build it around what we know already, and just take it a few steps further.

  7. I dont think this will work, because in order to have words repeat or be more frequent with other words, the concepts have to be the same or at least very similar, which is not the case with whales compared to humans, the concepts are too different. in order to get an accurate enough translations we need constant observation and introducing situations and wait for reactions and see what the whale would say.

    for example give food many many times and see if there is a similar series of clicks repeated each time. and also in the end we have no way if the whale is saying (food) or (yummy).
    it could be the word (eat) or (nourishment) and if the whale associates food with rest for example (eating is followed by a period of rest to digest said food, we wont be able to tell the difference and will assume something that is not there based on our human concepts.

    we can do the opposite of this and play back the series of clicks to a whale and see the reaction, for example if I observed and found that these clicks repeat in case of danger, and then played those clicks to a whale and the whale escapes, then I can confirm that these clicks mean danger. its not an air tight method, but its a start. and I shouldn't rush into saying (we have decoded whale language).

  8. regardless of what ends up revealing itself, it would be nice if we stopped condescendingly comparing animal and human communication. whatever abilities other species have developed, they are complete systems, in that they evolved in response to specific evolutionary pressures, and are utilised fully by the respective animal. they are not partial fragments of our language abilities—they are their own, distinct solutions to problem we would not fare well with. as chomsky points out, saying that chimps sign better than human children who are first learning sign language, is like saying high jumpers fly better than baby birds who have just left the egg.

  9. I just hope I live long enough to see some level of “interspecies cooperation”. We need help locating something or they need help with something and there becomes a coordinated effort between two utterly different, intelligent species. That would be one of the most incredible breakthroughs in the history of life on this planet.

  10. we should send a seaborn Tarzan/Maugli over there so the human being adapts to their language and culture, and then becomes a bridge between two civilizations, eventually ruling both of them. Imagine that🤣

  11. I could communicate with my cat without talking, so why its special when we understand whales? Everyone who lived with animals for a long time knows that you can communicate with them without even talking or doing something. Simply by your posture and with your eyes they understand what you want from them. Verbal communication is overrated, writing as well. Its both inferior to non verbal communication if you dont need to transmit very specific infomation.
    Would be cool though if you could just ask whales what they do all day etc. since you cannot live with them for a long span of time. Especially spermwhales which use the most sophisticated language (in my opinion more than human language). Our language is very fuzzy and badly defined. Whales dont have this problem as far as I know.

  12. Well, but whales aren’t tool-users, so I presume their language is almost devoid of expressions describing „actions by way of“. 
    It will likely have many descriptions of structure (since they have sonar), feelings and social relations since they’re social and long-lived. They’ll talk about currents and waves and temperature and will probably have a rich vocabulary for propulsion and diving. 
    They may have developed special words for human vessels such as speedboats, hangar ships, sail ships, submarines, whaling ships aso and perhaps explosives and oil rigs?

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