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CPMI Jan 8: PT and PL adopt strategies and appoint holders, although other acronyms are undefined

While work on the Joint Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (CPMI), which is tasked with investigating the circumstances of the Jan. 8 coup attempts, has not yet started, the government and opposition are trying to secure a majority among the parliamentarians who will make up the college.

The commission will be attended by 32 MPs, 16 senators and 16 federal representatives, as well as an equal number of alternates from each legislative house. The filling of the seats is subject to the criteria of proportionality and follows the internal rules of each legislative house. By the afternoon of this Friday (12), just over a third of the vacancies had been defined by the parties and parliamentary blocs, the majority in the Chamber of Deputies.

On the government side, which began supporting the creation of the CPMI after Planalto leaked images showing then-minister of the Institutional Security Agency, Reserve General Gonçalves Dias, interacting with coup plotters, the PT/PCdoB/ PV Federation their deputies Rubens Pereira Jr (PT-MA), Rogério Correia (PT-MG) and Jandira Feghali (PCdoB-RJ) among the starters.

Arlindo Chinaglia (PT-SP), Carlos Veras (PT-PE) and delegate Adriana Accorsi (PT-GO) will replace them. The PSOL/Rede Association nominated Erika Hilton (PSOL-SP) as starter and Henrique Vieira (PSOL-RJ) as alternate.

The opposition tends to be led by the PL, the acronym of former President Jair Bolsonaro. In order to control the attention of public opinion, the party chose well-known names that gave priority to the ideological debate. They are: Delegado Ramagem (PL-RJ), André Fernandes (PL-CE), author of the application, and Filipe Barros (PL-PR).

Eduardo Bolsonaro (PL-SP), son of the former president, will be replaced by MPs Marco Feliciano (PL-SP) and Nikolas Ferreira (PL-MG), all with very active profiles on social networks. On the opposite side of the government, Podemos’ representative will be MP Rodrigo Gambale (SP), whose deputy will be opposition leader Maurício Marcon (RS).


The participation of the new it is still an unknown. After receiving a red light from the National Congress, the party filed a Mandamus motion with the Federal Court of Justice (STF) and is awaiting a court decision.

The complaint was forwarded to Minister Luís Roberto Barroso’s rapporteur, who forwarded it to the Presidents of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), and of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), for comment.

In the petition claiming her place on the commission, the headline highlighted a precedent observed in the composition of the Joint Commission on Plans, Public Budgets and Inspection and the Joint Commission on Interim Measures No. 1. 1.165/2023. The party is represented in both collegiate bodies by “rotational seats” in which minority groups alternate.

Indecisiveness in the Senate

While the “outcome” is balanced in the House, the scenario in the Senate is still fraught with uncertainty as party blocs lift the definition at the last moment.

Last week, in the same decision rejecting the question of order that required Novo’s participation, Pacheco rejected the request of Rogério Marinho (PL-RN), reiterating that the proportionality calculation used to determine the number of parliamentarians per Party required The indication of the composition of the party blocs should have been April 26, the date on which the motion to open the CPMI was read out.

With this gesture, Pacheco practically legitimized the maneuver of the head of government in Congress, Senator Randolfe Rodrigues (Rede-AP), who at the last minute moved his legend to another block to guarantee an additional seat for the government supporters.


In both legislative chambers, the União Brasil, a party that has its origins in the merger of the former PSL and the Democrats, could decide the composition of the CPMI. The acronym, which occupies three departments in the Lula government but has complained of problems in dialogue with the executive branch, will be owned by Davi Alcolumbre (AP) and Soraya Thronicke (MS).

Sergio Moro (PR) and Professora Dorinha (TO) were chosen as replacements. Should this formation be confirmed, the discussions taking place in the CPMI could lead to the party adopting antagonistic roles, since the candidates have different profiles.

Names such as Randolfe and Marcos do Val (Podemos-ES) are very active among voters on social networks and have taken a critical stance towards the crisis management carried out mainly by Justice Minister Flávio Dino (PSB) in the afternoon of the vandal burglaries in public buildings on January 8th – taken for granted but unconfirmed as of now.

At the time of publication of this report, only the name of Ana Paula Lobato (PSB-MA) was known among government supporters in the Federal Senate. There is an expectation that a “shock force” will be formed to stem Bolsonarist discourse trying to hold Lula and his ministers accountable for the Jan. 8 acts of vandalism in the federal capital.


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