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Did ChatGPT Become Useless Already?!

Shorts Hmm. That was fast…


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36 thoughts on “Did ChatGPT Become Useless Already?!”

  1. i tried to use it, it said to sign up, i said sure. asked for email, ok. asked for full name and date of birth, i said maybe. asked for phone number… fuck off.

  2. I know there are theoretical physicist with Brian Greene’s name on the front but if he is a real theoretical physicist I’m just not feeling it. It’s almost like he only plays a theoretical physicist on TV. Maybe it’s just his smarmy game show host personality.

  3. ChatGPT is just another propaganda machine.

    I'm patiently waiting for someone smarter than me to make a truly uncensored, comparable open source alternative.

  4. I live in Syria and i want to use chat gpt so bad but syria is banned due to restrictions so i can't use my number to sign up !
    Can someone please give me an account its totally free

  5. Tip for video : chatgpt has made people litreally underestimate search engines. People now adays ask everything to chatgpt even tho it's faster and more informative using Google and bing

  6. You are spot on! I asked it to make a list of explosives from household items, and it said it couldn't for a number of reasons. Now I hope I don't get into trouble with my government 😂😂😂.

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