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Dipp’s Mind-Blowing AI Solution Unlocks the Gateway Between Marketing and Design Teams! You Won’t Believe the Results!

How Dipp is Revolutionizing the Marketing and Design Workflow

In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses face numerous challenges when it comes to marketing and design. The traditional process of collaboration between sales, marketing, and design teams often leads to bottlenecks and delays. However, a Taipei-based startup called Dipp has emerged to revolutionize this workflow and enable seamless collaboration between marketing and design teams. With its innovative approach and AI-powered features, Dipp is transforming how brands create visual content and optimize their advertising campaigns.

1. The Problem with Traditional Marketing and Design Processes
Before diving into Dipp’s solution, it is crucial to understand the challenges faced by sales, marketing, and design teams in traditional workflows. Jennifer Chen and Mikhail Abramov, the founders of Dipp, spent 15 years as art directors in New York City and experienced firsthand the inefficiencies in the marketing and design process. Despite the introduction of new technologies and tools, the workflow remained stagnant and riddled with communication gaps. Salespeople would reach out to the marketing team, who would then relay the information to the designers, resulting in a tedious back-and-forth cycle that slowed down the entire process. This lack of understanding between departments often led to delays and compromised the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

2. Dipp’s Solution: Automating the Marketing and Design Workflow
Dipp was launched three years ago with the aim of automating and streamlining the marketing and design workflow. By focusing on their own performance metrics, marketing and design teams can collaborate effectively and eliminate the need for constant communication. For example, if a marketing team wants to update a price on their ad, they can simply enter it into a spreadsheet instead of involving a designer. This automation saves time and allows teams to deliver visual content promptly. Moreover, Dipp enables brands to generate a large volume of visual content quickly. Brands typically need to create 300 to 500 images at a time, and Dipp can help them accomplish this in a matter of minutes.

3. The Working Process of Dipp
To use Dipp, brands first set up a brand guide that includes crucial information such as fonts, colors, and layout. Alternatively, they can upload an Adobe Photoshop file to provide a starting point. This data is then converted into a dipp file, where everything is left editable for easy customization. Pricing and other ad information are loaded into a spreadsheet, with each row representing a product. This allows visual assets to be edited in batches, making it easier for marketing and design teams to keep up with the constant demand for visual content in the online selling landscape.

4. Dipp’s Clients and Expansion Plans
Dipp primarily works with Fortune 500 clothing and beauty companies that have a large number of products and high product churn rates. These brands often launch 20 or more products weekly and operate in multiple markets. Some of Dipp’s notable clients include Levi’s, Estée Lauder, and Rakuten. Moreover, Dipp also collaborates with eCommerce enablers and agencies that help brands distribute their products across various channels. Although Dipp initially focused on Taiwan, it is now expanding into Southeast Asia, with new customers in Singapore, the Philippines, and Thailand.

5. Dipp’s Differentiation and Integration of AI
In a competitive market, it is essential to differentiate oneself from similar solutions. Dipp sets itself apart by focusing on e-commerce and catering to brands selling through multiple online channels simultaneously. Each marketplace has different guidelines for visual content, including file sizes and dimensions. Dipp integrates this information into its platform, allowing brands to automate their ads to meet specific requirements. Currently, Dipp is working on integrating generative AI into its platform to bridge the gap between marketing and design departments further. This will enable marketers to use image prompts as a foundation for their ideas and automate the review process to ensure compliance with different markets and social media platforms.

6. The Power of AI and Future Plans
Dipp’s recent seed funding of $1.5 million will be used to expand its team, with a specific focus on research and development and business departments. By leveraging AI capabilities, Dipp aims to enhance its eCommerce solution and disrupt e-commerce operational workflows in the Asia-Pacific region. As global venture capital investments in generative AI continue to rise, Dipp is well-positioned to tap into this growing market. With its value proposition validated in Taiwan, Dipp is poised for significant growth and impact in the e-commerce industry.

Additional Piece: Enhancing Marketing and Design Collaboration with Dipp’s Innovative Approach

Effective collaboration between marketing and design teams is essential for delivering compelling visual content and seamless marketing campaigns. Yet, many businesses struggle with the traditional workflow, which often leads to inefficiencies and delays. Dipp’s innovative approach provides a unique solution to these challenges, enabling marketing and design teams to work together harmoniously and optimize their advertising efforts.

The Importance of Collaboration in Marketing and Design
Marketing and design are two essential components of any successful advertising campaign. While the marketing team focuses on strategy and identifying target audiences, the design team brings those ideas to life through compelling visuals. However, without effective collaboration, the final outcome may not effectively convey the intended message or resonate with the target audience. Dipp recognizes the significance of collaboration and has developed a platform that bridges the gap between marketers and designers.

The Role of Automation in Streamlining Workflows
One of the key features of Dipp is its automation capabilities. By automating repetitive tasks and eliminating the need for constant communication between teams, Dipp significantly streamlines the workflow. Marketing teams can input the necessary information, such as updated prices, into a spreadsheet, which is then seamlessly integrated into the design process. This eliminates the need for multiple back-and-forth exchanges and allows teams to focus on their respective tasks, ultimately enhancing productivity and efficiency.

Harnessing the Power of AI for Creative Ideation
Dipp’s integration of generative AI into its platform takes collaboration to the next level. Marketers can now use image prompts generated by AI algorithms as a starting point for their design ideas. This not only stimulates creativity but also facilitates a smoother collaboration process. Designers can leverage these initial ideas and build upon them, ensuring that the final visual content aligns seamlessly with the marketing strategy. Additionally, Dipp’s AI-powered review process automates the tedious task of checking design details, such as character limits and formatting, for different markets and social media platforms, ensuring compliance and saving valuable time.

Realizing the Full Potential of Visual Content
Visual content plays a pivotal role in capturing the attention of consumers and conveying brand messages effectively. However, brands often face the challenge of generating a large volume of visual assets while maintaining consistency across different channels. Dipp’s ability to generate hundreds of customized images in minutes addresses this challenge head-on, empowering brands to keep up with the growing demand for visual content in the digital landscape. With Dipp’s automation and AI capabilities, brands can achieve higher efficiency in their marketing efforts and deliver a consistent visual experience to their audiences.

Dipp’s innovative approach to marketing and design collaboration is transforming how businesses create visual content and optimize their advertising campaigns. By automating repetitive tasks and integrating generative AI into the creative process, Dipp enhances collaboration between marketing and design teams, ultimately driving productivity and achieving impactful marketing outcomes. As Dipp expands into new markets and continuously enhances its capabilities, it is poised to revolutionize the e-commerce industry in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.

Dipp, a Taipei-based startup, is revolutionizing the marketing and design workflow by automating processes and enabling seamless collaboration between sales, marketing, and design teams. Founded by Jennifer Chen and Mikhail Abramov, Dipp aims to streamline the traditional workflow that often leads to bottlenecks and delays. By allowing marketing teams to update ad content through spreadsheets and generating hundreds of customized images in minutes, Dipp simplifies the creation of visual content for brands. Dipp’s innovative approach and integration of generative AI enhance collaboration and optimize marketing efforts. With recent seed funding and plans for expansion, Dipp is well-positioned to disrupt the e-commerce industry in the Asia-Pacific region.


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before founding dip, Jennifer Chen and Mikhail Abramov spent 15 years working as art directors in New York City. During that time, Chen says, they realized that the marketing, sales and design process has stayed the same, despite new technologies and tools being introduced to the market, and that it is often plagued with bottlenecks.

“Salespeople have sales needs, they contact the marketing team, and then once the marketing team has an address, they report back to a designer, then the designer goes back to the seller, and then the seller goes back to the designer,” he said. . “There’s that vicious cycle that slows down the whole process because no one understands the needs and workflow of the other department.”

Dipp launched three years ago to automate much of that workflow and allow marketing and design teams to collaborate more effectively, while focusing on their own performance metrics. For example, if a marketing team wants to update a price on their ad, all they have to do is enter it into a spreadsheet instead of asking a designer. The Taipei-based startup recently raised $1.5 million in seed funding from investors including SparkLabs Taiwan, Palm Drive Capital and content tech unicorn Tezign, and will soon launch AI-powered generative features.

To use dipp, brands first set up a brand guide with information including fonts, colors, and layout (or they can upload an Adobe Photoshop file). That data is then converted to a dipp file with everything left editable. Pricing and other ad information is then loaded into a spreadsheet, with each row representing a product, so visual assets can be edited in batches. This helps marketing and design teams keep up with the huge amount of visual content needed to sell online. Chen said brands typically generate 300 to 500 images at a time, which Dipp can help them do in minutes.

dipp's team

dipp’s team

The brands Dipp works with are often Fortune 500 clothing and beauty companies that sell a large number of products, or more than 500 SKUs. They have high product churn rates, often with weekly launches of 20 or more products, and sell in three or more markets, along with social media ad campaigns. Chen says most have great sales and marketing teams, but designers are lacking. His clients include Levi’s, Estée Lauder and Rakuten. Dipp also works with eCommerce enablers or agencies that help brands distribute products across multiple channels.

Since its launch, dipp has primarily focused on Taiwan, but is expanding into Southeast Asia, with new customers in Singapore, the Philippines, and Thailand. Dipp started out in New York, but the team decided to move to Taiwan after entering Taipei-based accelerator Appworks due to the market potential it saw in Asia.

For example, the brands here have a large number of sales promotions. “Throughout the year, it’s not just Black Friday or Christmas, there’s a sale every month,” Chen said. “There is a peak season that starts in June and continues until Chinese New Year.”

In terms of competition, Chen says potential customers often ask how Dipp differs from Rocketium, which helps creative teams create very large marketing campaigns. Chen says that dipp differentiates itself by focusing on e-commerce because brands in Asia often sell through multiple online channels at the same time, including PC Home, Momo, Shopee and Lazada. Each marketplace has its own unique guidelines for visual content, including file sizes and dimensions. That information is integrated into the dipp platform, so brands can automate their ads to suit different requirements.

Dipp is now working on integrating generative AI into its platform to help address the gaps between the marketing and design departments. For example, it will allow marketers to use image prompts as a first draft of ideas to pitch to designers. It also automates the process of reviewing designs or checking details like character limit and formatting to meet the requirements of different markets and social media platforms.

Dipp’s new funding will be used for the expansion of the team, especially in its R&D and business departments.

In a statement, Palm Drive Capital founding partner Seamon Chan said: “With global venture capital investments in generative AI reaching $1.7 billion in the first quarter of this year, we are delighted to support Dipp to enhance your eCommerce solution with AI capabilities. . As the company has validated its value proposition in Taiwan by offering a much-needed solution for multi-channel e-commerce operation of global brands, we are optimistic that this solution will have a disruptive impact on e-commerce operational workflows in the region. APAC”.

Dipp uses AI to fix bottlenecks between marketing and design teams
