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Discover How Airlines Are Secretly Sabotaging Boarding Times! You Won’t Believe Their Surprising Motivation!

The Irritating and Arduous Process of Boarding a Plane


Nowadays, every step in the airport seems to take more time, including boarding the plane. It has become one of the most irritating and arduous parts of the travel process. Airlines have found ways to monetize the boarding process and are not eager to change it. This article explores the reasons behind the longer boarding times and how airlines are taking advantage of them.

The Increasing Duration of Boarding

In the 1970s, it took around 15 minutes to board a plane. However, according to Boeing research, it now takes between 30 to 40 minutes to board approximately 140 passengers on a domestic flight. This increase in boarding time is a major cause of frustration for passengers. Multiple factors contribute to this extended duration, including the introduction of loyalty programs.

Loyalty Programs and Early Boarding

Airlines have discovered that loyalty programs provide an opportunity to generate additional revenue and reward their best customers. Passengers with priority status through loyalty programs are allowed to board earlier than those without priority. This privilege has become a significant selling point for airlines, leading to increased revenue from loyalty programs. In 2021, the proportion of revenue generated by loyalty programs increased to 16% from approximately 12% in 2019.

The Monetary Incentive of Longer Boarding Times

Airlines have realized the financial benefits of longer boarding times. By allowing priority boarding for loyal customers, airlines ensure that these customers feel valued and rewarded, which leads to increased customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. This approach indirectly contributes to the airline’s bottom line. However, it’s important to note that these advantages come at the expense of overall boarding time efficiency.

Airlines and Revenue Generation

Airlines constantly seek ways to increase revenue beyond selling tickets alone. They have forged partnerships with various financial institutions, enabling them to generate significant cash flow. For example, Delta saw $5.7 billion in cash sales from American Express and other partners, and American Airlines raised $4.5 billion in cash payments from its partners, including Citi and Barclays. These financial partnerships allow airlines to explore new revenue streams and enhance their profitability.

Boarding Priority as a Revenue Mechanism

Kerry Philipovitch, the former senior vice president of customer service at American Airlines, highlighted the importance of boarding priority in generating revenue. The creation of different boarding groups and priority statuses is a direct response to the value passengers place on their boarding position. By using boarding priority as a means to reward and generate revenue, airlines benefit financially, but this strategy can slow down the overall boarding process.

Delving Deeper into the Boarding Process

The lengthening boarding process has sparked discussions around efficiency and the search for solutions. Improved boarding efficiency not only benefits the passengers but also saves time and resources for the airlines. Let’s explore a few additional aspects related to the boarding process:

Technological Innovations

Airlines are investing in technological advancements to streamline the boarding process. Automation and self-service kiosks aim to reduce human error and speed up the boarding process. Additionally, electronic boarding passes and mobile apps allow passengers to check-in and board using their smartphones, eliminating the need for physical tickets and reducing paper waste.

Efficient Boarding Methods

Researchers, airlines, and aircraft manufacturers have been exploring alternative boarding methods to improve efficiency. These methods include back-to-front boarding, assigning seats based on window or aisle preference, and boarding from both the front and rear of the aircraft simultaneously. While some airlines have implemented these methods to varying degrees of success, there is still room for further exploration to find the most efficient boarding process.

Passenger Behavior and Awareness

Passengers play a significant role in the boarding process. By being aware of their surroundings and following instructions from airline staff, passengers can help maintain a smooth and efficient boarding experience. Understanding the importance of punctuality, properly stowing baggage, and adhering to security procedures can all contribute to a faster and more orderly boarding process.


Boarding a plane has become an increasingly frustrating process, taking up more time than ever before. Airlines have capitalized on this by implementing loyalty programs that offer priority boarding to their best customers. By monetizing the boarding process and rewarding loyalty, airlines have found a way to generate additional revenue. However, these benefits come at the expense of overall boarding efficiency, resulting in longer boarding times for passengers.

To address this issue, airlines are exploring technological innovations and alternative boarding methods. Through automation, self-service kiosks, and improved boarding procedures, airlines aim to streamline the process and enhance efficiency. Additionally, passenger behavior and awareness play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth boarding experience. By being punctual, following instructions, and understanding security procedures, passengers can contribute to a faster and more orderly boarding process.

In conclusion, the boarding process continues to be a topic of discussion in the airline industry. The pursuit of increased revenue and customer satisfaction has led to longer boarding times, but airlines are actively seeking solutions to improve efficiency. Passengers can also play their part by being mindful of their behavior and cooperating with airline staff. Only through collaborative efforts can the boarding process become a more seamless and enjoyable experience for all travelers.


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Nowadays, it seems that every step in the airport it takes more time, including boarding the plane.

In fact, it tends to be one of the most irritating and arduous parts of the process. air travel – but airlines have figured out how to monetize the process and aren’t eager to revisit it any time soon. CNBC reported.

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In the 1970s it took about 15 minutes to board a plane; Currently, it takes 30 to 40 minutes to board approximately 140 passengers on a domestic flight, according to Boeing research. The New York Times reported.

And airlines are taking advantage of longer boarding times thanks to loyalty programs, which often allow passengers to board earlier than those who don’t have priority. The proportion of revenue generated by loyalty programs increased to 16% in 2021 from approximately 12% in 2019. Reuters reported.

Last year, Delta saw $5.7 billion in cash sales from American Express and other partners, and american airlines it raised $4.5 billion in cash payments from its partners, including Citi and Barclays, according to the outlet.

“The different boarding groups that we see today arose because people value their boarding priority,” Kerry Philipovitch, former senior vice president of customer service at American Airlines, told CNBC. “So airlines are using that to generate more revenue and reward their best customers.”

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Philipovitch admitted to the outlet that offering that “value” and “reward” could slow down the boarding process overall.
