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“Discover the Inspiring Message of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection: Calling All Who Are Yet to Come!”

Title: The Importance of Focusing on “All Who Are Yet to Come” in the Church

As members of the Church, we are often caught up in the day-to-day operations and activities of our local congregation. However, it is important that we do not lose sight of the bigger picture, which is reaching those who have yet to join us and growing the body of Christ. In this article, we will explore the significance of focusing on “all who are yet to come” and discuss practical ways in which we can achieve this goal.

Section 1: Understanding the Concept of “All Who Are Yet to Come”
– Define the term “all who are yet to come”
– Discuss the importance of focusing on this group
– Explain why it should be a primary consideration for the Church

Section 2: Practical Ways to Reach “All Who Are Yet to Come”
– Utilize outreach programs to engage the community
– Strengthen the relationship with current members to increase retention
– Rethink church services to make them more welcoming to new members
– Create a welcoming and inclusive environment
– Encourage members to invite their friends and family to church

Section 3: The Impact of Focusing on “All Who Are Yet to Come”
– Increase in church attendance and membership
– Growth in spiritual maturity and engagement
– Expansion of outreach and community involvement
– Decrease in division and conflict within the church
– Higher level of impact in the community

Additional piece:

Focusing on the future growth of the Church is not a new concept. In fact, it is found in the Bible, particularly in Matthew 28:19-20, where Jesus instructs his disciples to “go and make disciples of all nations.” This command is not only a call for evangelism but a call to be thinking about “all who are yet to come.”

As a Church, it is essential that we do not lose sight of this mission. Today, church attendance is on the decline, and many people are leaving the Church. Therefore, it is important that we shift our focus to making our churches more welcoming to newcomers.

One practical way to reach out to “all who are yet to come” is through outreach programs. The Church can organize events such as community service, charity works, and even sports teams, to engage and communicate with people who might otherwise never step foot in a church. This outreach effort will help to break down the barriers between the Church and the community, and create opportunities for conversations about faith.

Another way to create a welcoming environment in the Church is by strengthening the relationship between current members. When a church is warm and friendly, newcomers are more likely to feel at home. Encouraging social events, small group Bible studies, and fellowship opportunities enables members to form relationships that will help them be more engaged in the church community.

We can also rethink our church service to be more welcoming to new members. By having simple signage directing people where to go or having greeters at the door welcoming new people, this creates an atmosphere that is more inviting to newcomers. Additionally, having engaging and relatable sermons that provide value to new people helps them feel like they can connect with the church community.

Creating a welcoming and inclusive church environment is a vital step toward reaching “all who are yet to come.” This includes diversity, where the Church should embrace people of all ages, races, and cultures. The Church needs to ensure that everyone is included and welcomed no matter their background or status.

Finally, it is important to encourage members of the church to invite their friends and family to church. In fact, studies have shown that people are much more likely to attend church if they are invited by a friend or family member rather than on their own.

In conclusion, focusing on “all who are yet to come” is essential for the growth and success of the Church. By reaching out and including the community, strengthening relationships between members, rethinking church services, creating welcoming environments, and encouraging members to invite their friends and family, we can create a space that is welcoming to all. The Church must remain faithful to its mission of making disciples of all nations and never forget the importance of reaching out to “all who are yet to come.”


Focusing on “all who are yet to come” is a vital concept for the Church. By doing so, the Church can experience growth, expansion, and a higher level of spiritual impact. This can be achieved through practical methods, such as outreach programs, strengthening relationships between members, creating a welcoming environment, and encouraging members to invite their friends and family. Implementing these practices can not only help to grow the Church but ultimately spread the gospel to those who have yet to hear it.


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Focus on “all who are yet to come”  United Methodist Church of the Resurrection

Focus on “all who are yet to come”
