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Discover the Mind-Blowing 8 Ways VPNs Will Rule 2023 – Forbes Advisor UK

Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
1.1 What is a VPN?
1.2 What do VPNs do?
1.3 Why do you need a VPN?
2. Security on public Wi-Fi
3. Data privacy from your internet service provider
4. Data privacy from the apps and services you use
5. Data privacy from the government
6. Access to any content in any place
7. Security when working remotely
8. Adaptable to numerous smart devices
9. Smart savings
10. VPN uses for business
10.1 Work from home without worry
10.2 Keep your shared network secure
10.3 Control access
10.4 Browse safely on any device
10.5 Bypass geo-blocking
10.6 Protect financial transactions
10.7 Connect to public Wi-Fi confidently
10.8 Avoid social media blocks
10.9 Maintain account access
11. VPN uses for gaming
11.1 Access a wider library of games
11.2 Reduce lag and improve gaming performance
11.3 Protect against DDoS attacks
12. Conclusion


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The term “virtual private network” (VPN) might sound intimidating, but these devices are easier to use than you might think. Whether you’re an individual or large company, there are many benefits to using a VPN. Travelling and using public Wi-Fi, transmitting sensitive information or even just enjoying entertainment options on Netflix are all activities that can be done more safely through the use of a VPN.

In this guide, you’ll learn what a VPN is, what it does, and some of the most common VPN uses in 2023. We’ll cover both personal and commercial uses, so you can learn how best to use a VPN at work or home.

What is a VPN?

VPN software protects your information by masking your device’s IP address. The software encrypts your data and routes it through secure networks to servers a long way away, or in other countries. A VPN hides your online identity, allowing you to browse the internet anonymously.

What do VPNs do?

In basic terms, a VPN provides an encrypted server and hides your IP address from corporations, government and would-be hackers. A VPN protects your identity even if you are using public or shared Wi-Fi, and your data will be kept private from any prying internet eyes.

A VPN circumvents your personal ISP, instead of sending your internet connection to a hosted server. With servers located all over the world, users then have the ability to “relocate” themselves and access the internet from nearly anywhere.

Encryption adds an extra layer of security, particularly for businesses that are frequently utilising remote access. It can also be a helpful tool for travel, gaming and streaming.

Why do you need a VPN?

Now that you know what a VPN is, here’s a closer look at why you might need a VPN:

1. Security on public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi is convenient but comes at the expense of security. When you’re answering emails at a local coffee shop or absent-mindedly scrolling through social media at the airport, someone may be tracking your online activity.

Using a VPN protects your data while you are on other networks, hiding your browsing history, banking information, account passwords and more from ill-intentioned internet strangers.

2. Data privacy from your internet service provider

While connected to your home Wi-Fi, you are less likely to be attacked by strangers than on a public connection. However, your data is still vulnerable.

Your ISP or internet service provider can access all your internet data. Your ISP can see when, where and how you browse.

This data can be collected and sold to advertisers even if you’re using the “private” browsing function, and it can be dangerous in the wrong hands in the case of a data breach. A VPN can help obscure your IP address from your own ISP.

3. Data privacy from the apps and services you use

Your ISP isn’t the only potential liability that you’ve brought into your own home. Unfortunately, many of our favorite apps and internet services (most notably Facebook) have been called out for the way they’ve used the data of their users.

A VPN will prevent apps and websites from attributing your behavior to your computer’s IP address. It can also limit the collection of your location and browser history.

4. Data privacy from the government

While many ISPs, apps and internet data hubs suggest they don’t sell your browsing data to governments, the information nonetheless finds its ways into their hands. If you have qualms about governmental overreach, a VPN is a good investment in protecting your data.

5. Access to any content in any place

While Hulu may frown upon your use of a VPN to stream the latest Criminal Minds episode in a country where the content isn’t offered, this VPN usage is not illegal (in the UK and most other countries), and it helps provide a useful workaround to content restrictions. VPNs spoof your location, making it seem as if you are browsing from another place. That means you can get your Criminal Minds fix even if it’s not available locally.

6. Security when working remotely

One benefit of a VPN is its data encryption features. Encryption, or putting data into a coded format so its meaning is obscured, allows you to keep confidential information safe.

If you are an individual thinking about investing in a VPN for your company, one benefit is that workers can connect to your office network and look at sensitive materials on their own devices while away from the office.

As remote work becomes commonplace, a VPN is a helpful investment to keep confidential material safe off-site.

7. Adaptable to numerous smart devices

While many of us may first try a VPN on a company-loaned laptop, many VPN services also protect other smart devices such as your phones, tablets and desktop computers. Each VPN company may offer slightly different protection plans and have different capacities to protect different devices, but many providers offer plans that help keep you safe on multiple devices.

8. Smart savings

If you are willing to put in a little research, a VPN can help you save money via its location spoofing capabilities. Many types of businesses, such as subscription services and airlines, offer the same amenities or products for different prices. If you change the appearance of your location to a place where services are offered cheaper, you can end up with big savings.

What is a VPN used for?

VPNs are used in many different ways. Let’s take a look at how many businesses, gamers, and streamers use VPN:

VPN uses for business

Here are some of the most common things VPNs are used for in a business setting:

  • Work from home without worry. It looks like returning to the office may not happen for many people, at least not anytime soon. Utilising a VPN allows everyone working remotely to securely log into the shared company network, while also providing data protection for projects and files
  • Keep your shared network secure. Using a VPN across your shared network will help ensure that business communications remain secure. It will also make your company less susceptible to cyber attacks
  • Control access. VPNs also offer access control options, so that confidential information is not accessible by every employee. Users will need to log in and verify that they have authorisation before access is granted
  • Browse safely on any device. Securely connect to your business cloud, no matter what device you are using. Since a VPN is encrypted and remotely hosted, you can log in from anywhere without the risk of a security breach
  • Bypass geo-blocking. When traveling for business, you may encounter locations that block or censor parts of the internet. This can potentially be a huge hindrance, especially if you are not able to access work-related websites. Using a VPN with your home location will help bypass any blocked content
  • Protect financial transactions. It’s essential to know that every transaction is protected. A VPN anonymises your outgoing traffic and encrypts your connection, ensuring unauthorised tracking of your business transactions or transfers
  • Connect to public Wi-Fi confidently. Nearly everyone connects to the free airport Wi-Fi during a layover or delay, but doing so leaves you wide open to potential theft. Using a VPN before you open that email or check an account balance will help keep your data secure
  • Avoid social media blocks. Some parts of the world have blocked social media channels such as Facebook. If you are traveling to China or Iran and can’t survive without your network, a VPN can help work around the ban
  • Maintain account access. Banks are on high alert for fraudulent activity, and logging into your account from a foreign country may raise a red flag. Using a VPN that shows you are still at your regular address will help avoid possible account freezes due to suspicious activity.

VPN uses for gaming

Outside of the business world, VPNs are also popular with gamers. Here are some of the most common gaming VPN uses:

  • Access a wider library of games. Since using a VPN means your internet connection is re-routed, you have more options when it comes to gaming access, especially regarding cloud gaming services such as Stadia. Depending on the provider, certain VPNs can help you access games available outside your region. Likewise, some countries ban games due to graphic content. With a VPN, you can get around those restrictions by connecting through a server in a different country
  • Play in public without the worry. It’s great to take advantage of free public Wi-Fi when you’re ready to play, but using an unsecured network carries risks. Keep your gaming devices safe by using a VPN
  • Protect yourself from the trolls. The stakes can get high in multi-player games and occasionally people overreact. Having a VPN protects your identity and IP address, so that if you inadvertently upset someone, they are not able to track your location
  • Sidestep ISP slowdowns. Some internet service providers knowingly slow down their network for one reason or another. With a VPN, you can avoid unnecessary ISP lag.

VPN uses for streaming

You can also use a VPN when streaming your favorite movies or TV shows:

  • Watch your favourite foreign films. Some paid subscription streaming services implement “geo-blocking” technology. This means in some geographical locations, you’ll have restricted access to certain content. Using a VPN bypasses this issue and allows you to stream nearly anything you want to watch, no matter where you are
  • Improve buffering issues. Since streaming services are so popular, it’s not unusual for the bandwidth to get overloaded and cause buffering issues. A VPN can help circumvent this, ensuring a smoother viewing experience.

Limitations of VPNs

While a VPN is a great tool to help separate your location (and in many ways, you) from your data, it doesn’t obscure everything about you.

If you take a Facebook quiz or like a post on Instagram, the app you are using while connected to the VPN is still able to use your behaviour to tailor in-app ads and content. They might not know where you are browsing from, but they will still know what you are doing on their apps.

Similarly, if cookies are enabled on your computer, companies can follow you while you are on their site – and after. Your full data isn’t obscured with a VPN alone. Combining a VPN’s protection with Tor, an open-source tool that allows you to browse the web anonymously, and other security measures are necessary for a fuller security.

VPNs aren’t perfect tools. Like any computer program, they are susceptible to malware and online attacks. If infected, a VPN’s security benefits are nullified.

The likelihood of attacks and security breaches is increased by using a free VPN service. To recoup their business costs, “free” VPN services may sell user data or run ads that could be infected with malware. If your goal is to increase your data privacy, then investing in a paid VPN is your best bet.

Global legality concerns

Beyond questions of security are questions of legality. If you happen to be based in or visiting a wide list of countries including Russia and China, VPNs are banned or highly regulated.

It’s important to know the laws of your country and any country you are visiting before using a VPN as well as to understand whether your VPN usage is being monitored by a government, thus nullifying its privacy benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are VPNs really necessary?

If you are at all concerned with your data privacy, VPNs are an easy-to-use, reasonably priced security measure that gives you a base level of internet protection.

While it may seem silly to protect your data when you aren’t doing anything “wrong” on the internet, even the most innocent among us do have data secrets online, such as sensitive passwords and financial information.

A VPN’s encryption and identity protection services are like a lock on a door, or in other words, a basic security measure that everyone should have.

Should my business use a VPN?

If you are a business with any confidential documents or a business that wants to allow employees to access your network remotely, then you should use a VPN.

Can VPNs be hacked?

Yes. VPNs are not foolproof and, like any software, can be susceptible to hacks and malware.

Several Android VPNs were hacked in February 2021, leaking data on millions of users. That’s because those VPN services tracked their users’ data in the first place.

To limit susceptibility to hacks and data leaks, ensure your VPN does not collect your data and that it provides adequate encryption. Free VPNs may not offer the best protection.

Are there any good free VPNs?

Yes, there are a few good free VPN services available, such as the free plan from Hotspot Shield.

There are limitations that may not be worth it though, including data limits, fewer devices allowed and fewer location options.

How many devices can connect to one VPN?

It’s typical to see five devices connect to a single VPN account, though this number fluctuates depending on the provider. Some providers may offer 10 connections – and a few offer an unlimited amount.

To get more out of your alottable devices, you connect some VPNs with your router, which then protects all devices connected to it while only taking up one device slot.

Do I need a VPN on my phone?

An increasing amount of people are using their smartphones to get work done. If you frequently log onto public Wi-Fi, or will be using your phone when traveling, it’s a smart idea to get a VPN. Check out our guides to the best VPNs for iPhones or the best options for Android users.
