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Discover the Mind-Blowing Secrets of Living Architecture! You Won’t Believe What ScienceDaily Reveals!

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Exploring the Intersection of Biology and Design: The Future of Biomaterials

In the realm of design and innovation, the boundaries between art and science are increasingly blurry. Laia Mogas-Soldevila, an assistant professor at the Stuart Weitzman School of Design, is at the forefront of this intersection, where biology and design converge to create biomaterials that are as functional as they are aesthetically pleasing.

Mogas-Soldevila’s background in biomedical engineering and architecture has equipped her with a unique perspective on the potential of biomaterials in our everyday lives. With a deep dedication to sustainable design, she envisions a future where nature and artifice coexist harmoniously, paving the way for materials that not only enhance our surroundings but also contribute to our well-being.

At the heart of Mogas-Soldevila’s work is the development of biomaterials that are “living-like.” These materials, although not alive in the traditional sense, possess properties that mimic the behaviors and functions of living organisms. One such material is a freeze-dried pill, no bigger than a pocket-sized object, that comes to life when it comes into contact with water. This biomaterial contains a glowing protein that acts as a sensor, capable of detecting pathogens and toxins in the environment.

Imagine a future where the very walls of our homes could warn us of unseen threats, where biomaterials protectively coat our inner lives, nurturing our mental and physical health. This is the vision that Mogas-Soldevila and her collaborators are working towards. By weaving these biomaterials into lattices made of natural and flexible materials that promote airflow and moisture, they create eye-catching interior design elements that have the potential to revolutionize how we think about our built environment.

But how do they achieve this feat without using living cells? This is where the concept of cell-free protein expression systems comes into play. Gabrielle Ho, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Bioengineering and co-leader of the project, explains that the team had to explore unconventional techniques to bring their design to life. Traditionally, living cells, such as E.coli, are used to produce proteins. However, for this project, using living cells was not feasible. Instead, the team turned to cell-free systems, which contain all the components necessary for protein production but without the need for living organisms. These cell-free systems are “living-like” in the sense that they can take up DNA and expel proteins, much like their living counterparts.

One of the advantages of working with cell-free materials is the freedom it affords in terms of manufacturing and storage. Unlike living cells, these materials do not require a humid environment or constant monitoring in a laboratory. They can be easily produced, stored, and used without the need for specialized facilities. This opens up a world of possibilities for incorporating biomaterials into various applications, from interior design to medical devices.

Mogas-Soldevila’s lab specializes in biodegradable architecture, focusing on the development of biomaterials made from organic sources. By utilizing materials such as shrimp shells, wood pulp, sand, soil, silk cocoons, and algae gums, they not only prioritize sustainability but also capitalize on the unique properties of these organic materials. These biopolymers not only offer environmental advantages by reducing waste and pollution but also provide aesthetic richness that conventional materials often lack.

The journey towards creating these innovative biomaterials has not been without challenges. The team had to navigate through machine limitations, biological constraints, financial restrictions, and space limitations. However, it is within these limitations that creativity thrived. The designers, engineers, and biologists pushed the boundaries of what was possible, asking themselves thought-provoking questions along the way.

Can these biomaterials warn us of unseen threats? How will humans interact with these bioactive sites? Will they be beautiful? Will they be strange? These questions serve as guiding forces for the team as they continue their research and development.

As we look to the future, the potential applications of biomaterials are vast. Imagine a world where buildings are coated with biomaterials that can actively monitor and clean the air, where furniture and interior design elements can detect pathogens and promote well-being. This future is not far-fetched but rather a possibility that lies within the realm of biomaterial design.


Laia Mogas-Soldevila, an assistant professor at the Stuart Weitzman School of Design, combines her background in biomedical engineering and architecture to create biomaterials that bridge the gap between nature and artifice. Using a combination of organic materials and cell-free protein expression systems, her team develops biomaterials that mimic the behaviors of living organisms. These biomaterials have the potential to detect pathogens, promote well-being, and revolutionize the way we think about our built environment. The research and development of these biomaterials present unique challenges, but within these limitations, creativity thrives, paving the way for a future where biomaterials play a vital role in sustainable design and human health.


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“This technology is not alive,” says Laia Mogas-Soldevila. “It’s like being alive.”

The distinction is important to the assistant professor at the Stuart Weitzman School of Design, for both scientific and artistic reasons. With a PhD in biomedical engineering, several degrees in architecture and a devotion to sustainable design, Mogas-Soldevila brings biology into everyday life, creating materials for a future built halfway between nature and artifice.

The architectural technology you describe is unassuming at first glance: a freeze-dried pill, small enough to get lost in your pocket. But this tiny piece of matter, the result of more than a year of collaboration between designers, engineers and biologists, is a biomaterial that contains a “living-like” system.

When touched with water, the little ball activates and expresses a glowing protein, its fluorescence proving that life and art can harmonize into a very different third thing, as willing to please as it is to protect. Woven into lattices made of flexible natural materials that promote airflow and moisture, the granules form eye-catching interior design elements that could one day keep us healthy.

“We visualize them as sensors,” explains Mogas-Soldevila. “They can detect pathogens, such as bacteria or viruses, or alert people to toxins within their home. The pellets are designed to interact with air. With development, they could monitor or even clean it.”

For now, they shine, a triumphant first stop on the team’s roadmap to the future. The fluorescence establishes that the lab’s biomaterial manufacturing process is compatible with cutting-edge cell-free engineering that gives the pellets their real properties.

A rapidly expanding technology, cell-free protein expression systems allow researchers to make proteins without the use of living cells.

Gabrielle Ho, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Bioengineering and co-leader of the project, she explains how the team’s design work came to be cell-free, a technique rarely explored outside of laboratory study or medical applications.

“Normally, we would use living E.coli cells to make a protein,” says Ho. “E.coli it is a biological workhorse, accessible and very productive. We would introduce DNA into the cell to encourage the expression of specific proteins. But this traditional method was not an option for this project. you can’t have designed E.coli hanging on your walls.”

Cell-free systems contain all the components that a living cell requires to make proteins (energy, enzymes, and amino acids) and not much else. Therefore, these systems are not alive. They do not replicate, and they cannot cause infection either. They are “living-like,” designed to take up DNA and expel proteins in ways previously only possible using living cells.

“One of the best things about these materials not being alive,” says Mogas-Soldevila, “is that we don’t have to worry about keeping them that way.”

Unlike living cells, cell-free materials do not require a humid environment or constant monitoring in a laboratory. The team’s research has established a process for making these dry pellets that retains bioactivity during manufacturing, storage, and use.

Bioactive, expressive and programmable, this technology is designed to capitalize on the unique properties of organic materials.

Mogas-Soldevila, whose lab focuses exclusively on biodegradable architecture, understands the value of biomaterials as both environmentally responsible and aesthetically rich.

“Architects are realizing that conventional materials (concrete, steel, glass, ceramics, etc.) are harmful to the environment and are increasingly interested in alternatives to replace at least some of them. Due to that we use a lot, even being able to replace a small percentage would translate into a significant reduction in waste and pollution.”

His lab’s signature materials—biopolymers made from shrimp shells, wood pulp, sand and soil, silk cocoons, and algae gums—provide qualities beyond their sustainable advantages.

“My obsession is diagnosis, but my passion is the game,” says Mogas-Soldevila. “Biomaterials are the only materials that can encapsulate this dual function observed in nature.”

This multi-faceted approach benefited from the help of Penn Engineering’s George H. Stephenson Foundation Bio-MakerSpace and Educational Laboratory, and the support of its director, Sevile Mannickarottu. In addition to contributing essential equipment and research infrastructure to the team, Mannickarottu was instrumental in enabling the interdisciplinary relationships that led to the team’s success, introducing Ho to DumoLab Research team collaborators. These include Mogas-Soldevila, Camila Irabien, a Penn biology student who made crucial contributions to the experimental work, and Fulbright design scholar Vlasta Kubušová, who co-directed the project during her time at Penn and who will continue to drive future projects. project steps.

Cell-free design and manufacturing research required unique dialogues between science and art, categories that Ho believed were completely separate before embarking on this project.

“I learned a lot from the approach that the designers brought to the lab,” says Ho. “Usually in science, we have a specific problem or a hypothesis that we work on systematically.”

But in this collaboration, things were different. Open. The team searched for a live platform that would detect and inform people about interactive matter. They needed to explore, step by step, how to get there.

“Design is only limited by imagination. We looked for a technology that could help build a vision, and it turned out to be cell-free,” says Ho.

“For my part,” says Mogas-Soldevila, “it was inspiring to witness the rigor and attention to limitations that bioengineering brings.”

The limitations were many: machine limitations, biological limitations, financial limitations, and space limitations.

“But while we kept these restrictions in place,” he continues, “we asked our most pressing creative questions. Can the materials warn us of unseen threats? How will humans react to these bioactive sites? Will they be beautiful? Will they be strange? What is more important, will they enable a new aesthetic relationship with the potential of bioactive and biobased matter?

Down the road, cell-free granules and biopolymer networks could protectively coat our inner lives, nurturing our mental and physical health. For now, the research is ongoing, the poetry of design energized by constraint, the constraint of engineering energized by poetry.