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3D Holographic Imaging of Embryos – A Breakthrough in IVF Technology

3D Holographic Imaging of Embryos – A Breakthrough in IVF Technology


For the first time in the world, 3D holographic images of an embryo have been developed as part of a collaborative research project between the University of Adelaide and the University of St Andrews. This cutting-edge technology revolutionizes the field of in vitro fertilization (IVF) by providing non-invasive and detailed insights into the developmental potential and quality of embryos. Driven by a team of experts led by Dr. Kylie Dunning and Professor Kishan Dholakia, this groundbreaking approach holds great promise for improving the success rates of IVF.

Importance of Embryo Quality in IVF

The quality and developmental potential of an embryo are crucial factors that determine the success of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child. Currently, IVF clinics rely on conventional methods such as visual inspection and invasive biopsy to assess embryo quality. However, these approaches have not significantly improved the success rates of IVF over the past decade. This has created a need for a non-invasive method that can accurately evaluate embryo quality and guide embryologists in selecting the most viable embryos for implantation.

The Role of 3D Holographic Imaging

3D holographic imaging offers a breakthrough solution to the challenges faced by IVF clinics. By utilizing minute amounts of light in a fraction of a second, this non-invasive approach provides detailed and accurate information about the embryo’s features and quality. The University of Adelaide and the University of St Andrews have developed a pioneering method to create 3D holographic images of embryos at various stages of development. These images allow embryologists to make informed decisions when selecting the best quality embryos for IVF procedures, ultimately improving the chances of successful pregnancies.

Advantages of 3D Holographic Imaging

The use of 3D holographic imaging in IVF clinics offers several advantages:

  • Non-invasive: Unlike traditional methods that rely on invasive procedures, holographic imaging is gentle and does not pose risks to embryos.
  • Detailed Assessment: The high-resolution images generated by holographic imaging provide embryologists with detailed insights into the morphology and developmental stage of embryos.
  • Improved Success Rates: By accurately assessing embryo quality, embryologists can select the most viable embryos for implantation, increasing the chances of successful pregnancies.
  • Rapid Visualization: Holographic imaging allows for rapid visualization of embryos, saving time and enabling efficient decision-making.

Expanding the Horizons of Embryo Evaluation

While 3D holographic imaging is an exciting advancement in embryo evaluation, its potential goes beyond just improving IVF success rates. This innovative technology opens up new possibilities for studying metabolism and embryo health, providing researchers with valuable insights into the intricate processes of embryonic development.

The Light for Life Center

The successful development of 3D holographic imaging technology is not only a testament to the expertise of the teams at the University of Adelaide and the University of St Andrews but also highlights the collaborative efforts between institutions. This groundbreaking work is a result of the interdisciplinary success of the Light for Life Center at the University of Adelaide, which fosters innovative research and technological advancements in the field of optical technologies.

Future Prospects and Implications

The team behind this breakthrough technology aims to make it widely available within the next five years. Through continued research and refinement, holographic imaging has the potential to revolutionize the field of IVF and improve the success rates of assisted reproduction techniques. This development would not have been possible without the financial support of organizations such as the UK and EU, the Australian Research Council (ARC), the National Health and Medical Research Council, and the Australian Hospital Research Foundation.


The development of 3D holographic imaging of embryos marks a significant milestone in the field of IVF. This non-invasive approach provides detailed insights into embryo quality, enabling embryologists to make informed decisions and improve the success rates of assisted reproduction techniques. With the potential to unravel the mysteries of embryonic metabolism and health, holographic imaging is set to revolutionize the way we understand and evaluate embryos. As we move towards a future where the dreams of parenthood are made possible through extraordinary technological advancements, the possibilities within the world of IVF continue to expand.


For the first time in the world, researchers at the University of Adelaide and the University of St Andrews have developed a revolutionary non-invasive technology that uses 3D holographic imaging to assess the quality and developmental potential of embryos. This groundbreaking approach aims to improve the success rates of in vitro fertilization (IVF), a procedure that is critical for couples struggling to conceive.

Currently, IVF clinics rely on visual inspection and invasive biopsy to evaluate embryo quality, but these methods have not significantly improved the success rates for over a decade. 3D holographic imaging offers a promising solution by providing detailed information about embryos without any risk to their health.

This breakthrough technology allows embryologists to make informed decisions about selecting the best quality embryos for implantation, ultimately increasing the chances of successful pregnancies. In addition to its impact on IVF success rates, 3D holographic imaging holds potential for studying metabolism and embryo health, contributing to our understanding of embryonic development.

The availability of this technology within the next five years is a result of interdisciplinary collaboration and financial support from various organizations. As we look towards the future, 3D holographic imaging has the potential to revolutionize the field of IVF and bring hope to millions of couples seeking to start a family.

Citing data from 2020, it is evident that the success rates of IVF vary depending on factors such as the age of the patient. For patients under 34 years old, the live birth rate per embryo transfer is approximately 38.9%, while for patients over 43 years old, it drops significantly to 5.6%. These statistics highlight the need for advancements in embryo selection techniques, which the introduction of 3D holographic imaging aims to address.


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For the first time in the world, 3D holographic images of an embryo have been developed as part of a collaborative research project between the University of Adelaide and the University of St Andrews. Images are created using minute amounts of light in a fraction of a second.

The team, led by Dr Kylie Dunning, a Hospital Research Foundation Fellow at the University of Adelaide Robinson Research Institute, and Professor Kishan Dholakia from the University of Adelaide and the University of St Andrews, developed an approach to create 3D holographic images of the pre-clinical model of an embryo at various stages of development.

“For couples wishing to conceive, the quality or developmental potential of an embryo is critical, as it dictates the success of their pregnancy and ultimately the birth of their child,” said Dr. Dunning.

“In vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics routinely assess embryo quality through visual inspection to verify if an embryo is developing at the right time or through invasive biopsy to determine the DNA content of the embryo sample. biopsy.

“However, these approaches have failed to improve the IVF success rate, which has remained stagnant for more than a decade.”

A non-invasive approach without biopsy to help choose the most appropriate embryo is a very beneficial tool for 21street century embryologist: light can meet this need.

3D holographic imaging is a non-invasive approach that provides information about the embryo by identifying detailed features. This can augment the conventional visual assessment of embryo quality in an IVF clinic, allowing an embryologist to make an informed decision about selecting the best quality embryos.

“Optical technologies hold great promise for unraveling metabolism and embryo health. This gentle, non-invasive approach could improve IVF success,” said Dr. Dunning.

Data from 2020 shows that IVF success rates range from a 38.9% live birth rate per embryo transfer for patients under the age of 34, to a 5.6% live birth rate per embryo transfer. embryos for patients older than 43 years. In 2018 it was estimated that eight million babies had been born via IVF since the world’s first in 1978.

“This technology uses minuscule amounts of light, less than your smartphone, to allow rapid visualization of the embryo in a fraction of a second,” said Professor Dholakia.

“It is an excellent example of the interdisciplinary success of our new Light for Life Center at the University of Adelaide, and of international collaborative work with my group at the University of St Andrews, Scotland.”

The team aims to have the technology, which is being developed through research using a preclinical model, available within five years.

This cutting-edge development would not have been possible without the financial support of the UK and EU, and the Australian Research Council (ARC), the National Health and Medical Research Council and the Australian Hospital Research Foundation.

The study’s lead authors are George Dwapanyin, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of St Andrews and Darren Chow, a PhD candidate at the Robinson Research Institute, University of Adelaide School of Biomedicine.
