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Discover the Shocking Truth About Combining Diabetes and Obesity – You Won’t Believe What Happens!


Diabesity is a combination of diabetes and obesity, which can increase the risk of developing diabetes. Lifestyle changes, weight loss, and medications can help manage diabesity. Kushner recommends focusing on short-term, achievable, and realistic goals to change the lifestyle like exercising, eating healthy breakfast, improved sleep pattern, etc. Additionally, he suggests reducing the intake of heavily processed foods, sugary drinks, high-calorie options, and quitting smoking. Weight loss, through lifestyle changes, can reduce the risk of developing diabetes. A healthy diet like the Mediterranean Diet is best for diabetics, and with time and weight loss, it can lead to diabetes remission.

Additional Piece:

To manage diabesity effectively, one needs to have a well-rounded approach. Weight loss and lifestyle changes can indeed help in controlling it, but several other aspects should be considered. Mental health is one such aspect that needs more attention. The stress caused by diabetes and obesity can often lead to anxiety and depression, which can further worsen the condition. Thus, it is essential to have a support system, professional or personal, to help manage one’s mental health. Moreover, setting realistic goals and rewarding oneself can help one stay motivated. One should focus on the process and not the result to prevent setbacks. Finally, it is essential to surround oneself with positivity and avoid negativity, which can harm both physical and mental health. By taking a comprehensive approach to manage diabesity, one can lead a healthy and prosperous life.


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if you have diabetes and obesityyou may hear your combined conditions called “diabesity.”

On the WebMD webinar “Diabesity: when you have diabetes and obesity” Robert F. Kushner, MD, explained what diabesity is, what increases your risk, and how weight loss, lifestyle changes, and medications can help.

Kushner is medical director of the Northwestern Center for Lifestyle Medicine in Chicago and a professor of medicine and medical education at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. He is also one of the founders of the American Board of Obesity Medicine.

“Historically, we have treated diabetes as an isolated condition,” he said. “But we now know that having excess body fat or obesity is one of the main factors in the development of diabetes; controlling your weight may be the key to improving diabetes.”

More than 1,000 attendees were asked during the webinar about lifestyle habits and weight loss efforts.

More than a third said that exercising more would be the most difficult lifestyle habit to prevent belly fat and diabetes. Just under a third said it would be more difficult to improve their diet.

In another survey, nearly three-quarters of respondents said that in addition to dieting, they had exercised to lose weight.

Can you get diabetes just from eating too much sugar?

For someone taking insulin for diabetes, why do you focus more on carbs than protein?

Is there a diet, like the Mediterranean Diet, that is better for both weight loss and blood glucose control?

It is unlikely that you will get diabetes simply from eating too much sugar. For most people, we think it must have a genetic factor. That’s why your doctor usually asks if anyone else in your family has been diagnosed with diabetes.

Your genetics increase the chance of developing diabetes. Then it depends on things like your activity, your diet, what you’re actually eating, and other medications you’re taking.

In terms of insulin, how well it works will largely depend on how many carbohydrates you’re eating.

If you eat a lot of carbohydrates, you will need a lot of insulin to get rid of the sugar in your blood. If you have eaten a low amount of carbohydrates, it is easier for the insulin to kill your blood sugar.

Where people can have problems is when they are on a fixed dose of insulin, and the carbohydrates in their diet are going up and down. You are at risk of hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar, or hyperglycemia, which is high blood sugar.

So, in order to regulate a normal blood sugar level with constant insulin, it is very important to focus on carbohydrates in the diet, so that both work together.

To lose weight, there is no better diet than another, as long as your diet is controlled in calories and balanced and sufficient in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The best diet is the one you will follow and enjoy.

But for diabetes, it varies a bit more because it’s not just about losing weight.

For this, the best diet is actually the Mediterranean Diet. It is plant-based with high amounts of healthy oils, fats, fish, cheese, and nuts. It is very low in simple carbohydrates, like bread.

If you have any questions about diet, please consult a registered dietitian.

Can lifestyle changes alone prevent prediabetes from becoming diabetes?

What do you recommend for those who want to make these lifestyle changes but lack motivation?

We now know that if you focus on a healthy diet and a healthy body weight, especially if you carry more weight in your upper body, you can reduce or delay the development of diabetes.

Metformin (Glucophage) has also been shown to do that, which can be prescribed by your doctor.

Find the motivation to do Changes in lifestyle it’s really a mentality problem. It’s about dealing with daily stressors and the need to develop new habits.

My recommendation is, first identify goals that are short-term, achievable, and realistic.

That could be eating a healthy breakfast every day, changing your nighttime routine to get more sleep, or getting a little more physical activity.

Don’t bring tempting food into your home. Talk to family members about having a meatless dinner or more plant-based foods.

Second, get help if you need help. Whether it’s talking to a friend, getting social support, talking to your health professional, or reading a helpful book.

What is the difference between “being obese” and “being overweight”?

Does the risk of diabetes increase with age? Is that also true for diabesity risk?

Right now, the body mass index (BMI) is the standard way to measure body size, but it’s problematic. You may have a bigger body but no medical problems. We’re trying to do away with BMI and come up with a much better definition of what obesity really is.

But if you use the BMI, obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 or higher. Whereas, being overweight is defined as a BMI of 25 to 29.9. However, it varies among different ethnic groups.

In terms of your risk with age, weight gain typically occurs in your 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s. This is because as we become adults, we start a career, we have a lot of time restrictions, we are thinking about other things. But when you reach your 50s, 60s, and 70s, your risk of obesity begins to decline.

However, the risk of diabetes increases as time goes by. So the risk of diabetes continues to increase, but the risk of obesity does not.

If we combine the two, the risk of diabesity probably peaks between the ages of 50 and 60 and probably starts to decline as we get older.

If you have belly fat, it may be due to your genetics. The shape of your body can be different, depending on things that are out of your control. Risk factors that you may be better able to control include:

  • Lack of exercise of the activity.
  • Low fitness level
  • Unhealthy diet (heavily processed foods, sugary drinks, high-calorie options)
  • Stress
  • Of smoking
  • you haven’t slept enough

“If you’re looking for things to control your weight that would also have an effect on your diabetes, these are the behavioral goals you want to work on,” Kushner said.

Studies show that weight loss improves your insulin levels, which then improves his diabetes.

Similarly, losing weight through lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of developing diabetes. This is especially important if diabetes runs in your family or if you have prediabetes.

One study focused on people with diabetes and weight loss. Some people took metformin alone, while others focused on lifestyle changes.

It found that metformin reduced the risk of diabetes by 31% for people with prediabetes. But those who made lifestyle changes cut that risk by 58%.

“Because of this study, we are now working with people who have prediabetes through lifestyle management, weight reduction and possibly other medications,” Kushner said.

Other research shows that losing weight improves your health (if you already have diabetes), whether the weight loss is the result of medications or lifestyle factors alone.

Another study showed that some people can achieve diabetes remission. This is when your blood sugar is under control and you are no longer taking diabetes medication.

“The more weight loss you achieve, the more likely you are to go into remission,” Kushner said. “More than 80% of people who lost 33 pounds or more achieved remission.”

But the people in this study had been diagnosed with diabetes for only 4 years and were not taking insulin.

“The less time you’ve had diabetes and the easier it is to control it, the more likely it is that you can achieve remission,” he said.

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