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Discover the Surprising Money-Saving Secrets of Small Businesses Utilizing AI for Ultimate Success!

**Title: How Small Businesses Can Harness the Power of AI and Automation for Success**

The rapid advancement of technology has opened up new opportunities for small businesses (SMBs) to optimize their operations and boost growth. In a recent report titled “Small Business Now: An AI Awakening,” Constant Contact, a prominent digital marketing and automation platform, sheds light on the growing significance of artificial intelligence (AI) and marketing automation for SMEs. Based on a survey conducted by Ascend2, the report reveals how SMBs perceive AI, marketing automation, and the areas where these technologies can have a significant impact.

**The Potential of AI and Automation for SMBs**
According to the survey conducted by Constant Contact, a staggering 91% of SMBs currently utilizing AI believe that this technology has significantly contributed to their success. Moreover, 28% of respondents anticipated saving at least $5,000 over the next 12 months through AI implementation. The benefits of AI and automation extend beyond financial savings; 33% of SMBs estimated that they have saved approximately 40 minutes each week in marketing efforts thanks to these technologies. The numbers highlight the immense potential of AI and automation for SMBs in reducing costs, improving operational efficiency, and enhancing marketing strategies.

**Overcoming Challenges in Adopting AI**
While the interest in AI among SMBs is growing, there are still several challenges to overcome in order to fully harness the benefits of this technology. According to Constant Contact’s report, SMBs have identified data security, perceived costs, and a steep learning curve as top concerns associated with adopting AI and automation. Nonetheless, the report underlines that skepticism is diminishing, as 55% of SMBs report an increased interest in AI over the last five months. Despite this, 46% of survey respondents admitted to having a basic understanding of AI and its advantages. This shows that there is a need for more extensive education and awareness initiatives to empower SMBs in effectively utilizing AI and automation.

**The Future of AI in Small Business Marketing**
Laura Goldberg, the chief marketing officer of Constant Contact, emphasizes that small businesses can now leverage AI and automation tools to enhance their marketing strategies and take their businesses to the next level. SMBs, who are unanimous in noting that customer acquisition is their most significant challenge, can benefit from using AI to create personalized content and automated campaigns. By implementing AI and automation, SMBs stand poised to overcome obstacles related to marketing, including a lack of marketing skills and talent, acquiring and retaining customers, and converting leads into sales.

**Unleashing the Power of Social Media**
While AI and automation are transforming the marketing landscape for SMBs, social media remains a powerful tool that should not be overlooked. A recent report by WWD highlights that 93% of small businesses agree that social media platforms are effective in attracting new customers. However, over 60% of SMBs lack the knowledge and expertise required to utilize social media effectively. To fully capitalize on the potential of social media, SMBs need to enhance their understanding of its various platforms and leverage them to engage with their target audience more efficiently.

**Looking Ahead: The Importance of Continuous Improvement**
The Constant Contact report signifies the growing recognition among SMBs that the strategic incorporation of AI and automation can transform their business outcomes. As 52% of decision-makers listed marketing as an area for improvement in the next 12 months, it is evident that there is a need for continued innovation and adaptation. By constantly exploring new ways to leverage AI and automation, SMBs can save valuable time, drive impact, and become more proficient marketers.

The Small Business Now: An AI Awakening report by Constant Contact highlights the immense potential of AI and automation for SMBs in driving success across various operational aspects, including marketing and customer acquisition. However, challenges related to data security, perceived costs, and a steep learning curve need to be addressed to enable SMBs to fully embrace and benefit from these technologies. By incorporating social media strategies alongside AI and automation tools, SMBs can optimize their marketing efforts and attract new customers. As the landscape of digital marketing continues to evolve, it is imperative for SMBs to prioritize continuous improvement and remain open to adopting new technologies that can yield significant benefits.

In its report titled “Small Business Now: An AI Awakening,” Constant Contact reveals that 91% of SMBs currently using AI believe that it has contributed to their success. The technology not only enables cost reduction and improved efficiency but also allows for more personalized and impactful marketing automation. SMBs acknowledge the challenges associated with adopting AI, such as data security and perceived costs, but are increasingly showing interest in leveraging these technologies. Social media platforms also play a crucial role in customer acquisition, but SMBs need to enhance their understanding of how to utilize them effectively. By continuously improving and adapting their strategies, SMBs can fully harness the power of AI, automation, and social media to drive their business growth and success.


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To better understand how small businesses (SMBs) can use technology to your advantage, Constant Contact, the small business-focused digital marketing and automation platform, released its report Small Business Now: An AI Awakening. The company survey was conducted by Ascend2 and surveyed more than 480 SME decision makers in the US at the director level or higher.

The research measures how SMEs feel about the future of artificial intelligence, marketing automation and where technologies will have the biggest impact going forward. Three of the main findings of the report are SME AI adopters see immediate value, AI users technology they continue to show skepticism and SMEs say customer acquisition is their biggest challenge.

Artificial intelligence It’s been around for years, but the technology has finally matured to a point where it can make a real difference for small businesses,” said Laura Goldberg, Constant Contact’s chief marketing officer.

According to company survey data, 91% of SMBs currently using AI believe the technology has made their business more successful. Another 28 percent of respondents also said they expect to save at least $5,000 over the next 12 months thanks to AI.

Reducing costs and improving efficiencies is another notable achievement, with 33 percent of SMBs surveyed estimating that their business saved 40 minutes a week on marketing using AI or automation. Additionally, 70% of SMEs said they would pay more for a marketing platform that gave them access to AI or automated tools.

Despite the growing interest and capture the intrigue of SMEs, doubts remain about the best way to use the technology. Constant Contact noted that the consensus among SMBs on the top concerns associated with AI and automation are data security, perceived cost, and a steep learning curve.

Fifty-five percent of SMBs report that their interest in AI has grown in the past five months. However, 46 percent of the SMEs surveyed said they have a very basic understanding of the technology and its benefits.

“When we started asking small businesses about AI and automation a few years ago, more than half of them didn’t see the value,” Goldberg said. “Fast forward to now and that picture has completely changed. Small businesses are using automation to better sync their emails and text messages, and are using AI to create personalized content and create automated campaigns. They are using these tools to improve their marketing strategies and now they feel ready to take things to the next level.”

SMB respondents are unanimous in noting that their biggest challenge to overcome is customer acquisition. Many companies are struggling with marketing and experiencing a lack of marketing skills and talent to succeed. The other main areas that require more attention are customer acquisition, recruiting and retaining staff, and converting leads into sales.

TO recent WWD report found that while 93 percent of small businesses agree that social media is effective in helping your business win new customers, more than 60 percent of small businesses don’t know how to best use it social media platforms Fifty-two percent of decision makers listed marketing as a focus area for improvement in the next 12 months.

“Our report shows that small businesses are seeing the power of AI and combining it with marketing automation to engage and save time, create more memorable experiences, and grow their businesses,” Goldberg said. “Constant Contact has been at the forefront of making AI and marketing automation available to our customers, and we’ll continue to look for new ways to leverage it to help them save valuable time, drive impact, and become better marketers.” .
