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Discover the Surprising Solution to Boosting LGBTQ+ Small Business Ownership in Utah – Guest Opinion!

Supporting LGBTQ+ Small Businesses: Why it Matters and How You Can Help

Often referred to as the “Beehive State,” Utah boasts stunning scenery and vibrant communities. However, like many other regions, Utah has faced challenges in achieving LGBTQ+ rights and inclusion. Despite significant progress for inclusion, LGBTQ+ small business owners in Utah and across the country still face unique obstacles in their entrepreneurial journeys.

According to a 2017 Gallup poll, an estimated 4.5% of the Utah population identifies as LGBTQ+. This amounts to approximately 150,000 Utahns who identify as LGBTQ+. These businesses make a substantial contribution to the economy. The National LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce reports that LGBTQ+ businesses generate an estimated annual economic impact of $1.7 trillion. Therefore, It’s important to collectively support the LGBTQ+ community, not just in June but throughout the year, by actively engaging with LGBTQ+-owned small businesses.

Ways to Support LGBTQ+ Entrepreneurs

There are several ways to support LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs and businesses. Consider the following options:

1. Visit LGBTQ+ Owned Businesses:
One of the most impactful ways to support the LGBTQ+ community is to actively participate and shop at LGBTQ+-owned small businesses. By consciously choosing to support these businesses, we can contribute to their success and foster a more inclusive economy. You can look up LGBTQ+ businesses in your area online for easy access to their services.

2. Spread the Word:
Use social media platforms and word of mouth to share information about LGBTQ+ owned businesses you appreciate. Amplify their voices, promote your products or services, and encourage others to support them too. Boosting their visibility and increasing their customer base is a massive help.

3. Get Involved with LGBTQ+ Business Networks:
Join local LGBTQ+ chambers of commerce or trade associations to connect with LGBTQ+ business owners and access resources, mentoring programs, and networking opportunities. By actively participating, you contribute to the growth and empowerment of LGBTQ+ small business owners.

4. Volunteer and Help:
Offer your skills, experience, or resources to support LGBTQ+-owned small businesses. Volunteer your time, help on projects, or provide pro bono services. By extending a helping hand, you contribute to their success and foster a sense of community. This could be anything, from providing graphic design services to sharing marketing strategies.

5. Advocate for Inclusive Policies:
Support and advocate for non-discrimination and equal rights policies for LGBTQ+ people in both the public and private sectors. Encourage corporations, government entities, and local communities to implement inclusive practices and supplier diversity programs that create opportunities for LGBTQ+-owned businesses. Every voice counts, and advocating for inclusive policies is an excellent way to effect change.

PRIDE Month and Beyond: Celebrating and Supporting LGBTQ+ Small Businesses

During PRIDE Month, and every month, let’s celebrate the achievements of LGBTQ+ small businesses and actively support LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs. Each of us can advocate for an inclusive environment, where all entrepreneurs can thrive. Let’s come together as allies and actively support the LGBTQ+ community in their business endeavors. It’s vital to remember that supporting LGBTQ+ businesses is not just a June activity.

Expanding on the Topic: Emphasizing the Importance of Supporting LGBTQ+ Small Businesses

The topic of supporting LGBTQ+ small businesses is more critical now than ever before, given the challenges they face. Business owners that identify as LGBTQ+ encounter unique obstacles in their business journeys, from accessing resources to marketing. Below are several reasons why supporting LGBTQ+ small businesses is crucial:

1. Economic Benefits:
As mentioned earlier, LGBTQ+ small businesses make a significant economic contribution to the country. These businesses generate an estimated annual economic impact of $1.7 trillion, according to The National LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce. This figure is only going to increase as the number of LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs grows. Supporting these businesses helps to boost the economy as well as creating jobs within the community.

2. Visibility and Inclusion:
Supporting LGBTQ+ small businesses increases LGBTQ+ visibility and inclusion. The more people are familiar with these businesses, the more likely they are to support them. Increasing visibility leads to increased acceptance, inclusion, and opportunities for the LGBTQ+ community. Inclusive businesses are better for society, and supporting these businesses promotes valuable contributions of individuals’ talents, knowledge, and skills without fear or intimidation.

3. Representation Matters:
LGBTQ+ representation matters, and supporting these small businesses is an excellent way to show support. LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs that are visible in the business world show others that it is possible to succeed and thrive without sacrificing their true selves. Representation brings with it more ideas and perspective as well as offering young LGBTQ+ people a much-needed role model.

4. Overcoming Hurdles:
Small businesses often face tremendous challenges, and LGBTQ+ small businesses are no exception. They might struggle to access capital for growth, contend with gender identity or sexual orientation discrimination, and face underrepresentation. By supporting these businesses, we help to overcome these obstacles and create a more inclusive and accepting environment.


Supporting LGBTQ+ small businesses is essential for inclusion, visibility, and economic growth. By shopping at these businesses, spreading the word, joining business networks, volunteering or advocating for policies, we can help the LGBTQ+ community thrive. Increasing visibility and representation for LGBTQ+ individuals in small businesses can lead to wider acceptance and promote a more inclusive culture for all. Supporting small businesses ultimately helps society as a whole by creating more jobs and strengthening the economy. Remember, supporting LGBTQ+ small businesses is not a one-time event for this month only, but a continuous effort year-round.


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Often referred to as the “Beehive State,” Utah boasts stunning scenery and vibrant communities. However, like many other regions, Utah has faced challenges in achieving LGBTQ+ rights and inclusion. According to a 2017 Gallup poll, an estimated 4.5% of our population identifies as LGBTQ+, or approximately 150,000 Utahns who identify as LGBTQ+. Although significant progress has been made for inclusion, LGBTQ+ small business owners in Utah and across the country still face unique obstacles in their entrepreneurial journeys. These businesses make a substantial contribution to our economy, the National LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce reports that LGBTQ+ businesses generate an estimated annual economic impact of $1.7 trillion. It’s important to us to collectively support the LGBTQ+ community, not just in June but throughout the year, by actively engaging with LGBTQ+-owned small businesses.

Ways to support LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs

1. Visit LGBTQ+-owned businesses: One of the most impactful ways to support the LGBTQ+ community is to actively participate and shop at LGBTQ+-owned small businesses. By consciously choosing to support these businesses, we can contribute to their success and foster a more inclusive economy.

2. Spread the word – Use social media platforms and word of mouth to share information about LGBTQ+ owned businesses you appreciate. Amplify their voices, promote your products or services, and encourage others to support them too.

3. Get involved with LGBTQ+ business networks: Join local LGBTQ+ chambers of commerce or trade associations to connect with LGBTQ+ business owners and access resources, mentoring programs, and networking opportunities. By actively participating, you contribute to the growth and empowerment of LGBTQ+ small business owners.

4. Volunteer and Help – Offer your skills, experience, or resources to support LGBTQ+-owned small businesses. Volunteer your time, help on projects, or provide pro bono services. By extending a helping hand, you contribute to their success and foster a sense of community.

5. Advocate for Inclusive Policies: Support and advocate for non-discrimination and equal rights policies for LGBTQ+ people in both the public and private sectors. Encourage corporations, government entities, and local communities to implement inclusive practices and supplier diversity programs that create opportunities for LGBTQ+-owned businesses.

During PRIDE Month, and every month, let’s celebrate the achievements of LGBTQ+ small businesses and actively support LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs. Each of us can advocate for an inclusive environment, where all entrepreneurs can thrive. Let’s come together as allies and actively support the LGBTQ+ community in their business endeavors.

Marla Trollan is the Utah district director for the US Small Business Administration.


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