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Discover the Surprisingly Simple Secret to Business Success: Mastering Customer Service!

Providing Exceptional Customer Service: The Key to Escaping the Deadly Commoditization Zone

In today’s competitive business landscape, companies are always on the lookout for ways to differentiate themselves from their competitors. However, many companies fail to realize that exceptional customer service isn’t just a way to stand out from the crowd, but an essential tool for survival in the commoditization zone. In this article, we explore how exceptional customer service can help businesses escape the deadly commoditization zone and unlock long-term benefits like customer loyalty and advocacy.

Beware the deadly commoditization zone

The commoditization zone is where companies find themselves when their products or services are perceived as interchangeable with their competitors’. In this zone, customers are easily swayed by minor differences like price or convenience, and companies are unable to differentiate themselves from their competition. Unfortunately, many companies are much closer to the commoditization zone than they realize.

Escape the deadly commoditization zone!

The solution to escaping the commoditization zone is simple: exceptional customer service. By building a reputation for customer service excellence and a connection with each customer, businesses can create a point of distinction that differentiates them from competitors. In essence, customer service becomes a survival lifeline and ultimately a powerful engine of growth.

The lasting, long-term benefits of exceptional customer service

Aside from being a survival lifeline, exceptional customer service also has long-term benefits like the creation of passionately loyal customers. Loyal customers are less price-sensitive and more likely to be interested in new products or services. They are also more forgiving when things go wrong. In essence, loyal customers become a company’s best form of marketing, spreading the good word about the company to their online and real-life contacts.

The advantage of excellence in customer service is almost infallible

Unlike other business attributes, exceptional customer service is almost entirely proof of imitation. Competitors are unlikely to emulate a company’s exceptional customer service since it takes time and focus to become a legend in customer service and customer experience. By providing exceptional customer service, businesses can gain an advantage over their competitors that is almost infallible.

How to get on the path to delivering iconic customer service

The path to delivering iconic customer service starts with one step: making the decision to put the customer at the center. Once that decision is made, businesses must ensure that every business decision, customer interaction, and hiring decision centers around the customer. Appropriate customer service training, the creation and dissemination of customer service standards, and a program and plan to maintain momentum are also essential components of delivering iconic customer service.

The power of building a customer-centric culture

Ultimately, providing exceptional customer service comes down to building a customer-centric culture within a company. By putting the customer at the center of everything and ensuring that every employee is aligned with that vision, a company can differentiate itself from its competitors and create a fiercely loyal customer base. Additionally, a customer-centric culture can lead to increased employee satisfaction, higher retention rates, and a stronger brand reputation.


Exceptional customer service is an essential tool for businesses looking to escape commoditization and differentiate themselves from their competition. By building a reputation for customer service excellence and creating a connection with each customer, businesses can create a point of distinction that is almost infallible. The long-term benefits of exceptional customer service include creating passionately loyal customers who become a company’s best form of marketing and retaining a competitive advantage that is difficult for competitors to emulate. Ultimately, providing exceptional customer service comes down to building a customer-centric culture within a company that aligns every business decision, customer interaction, and hiring decision with the needs of the customer.


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I spend all of my work days as a customer service and transformation consultant. experthelping companies large and small to improve and transform the level of Customer service they provide.

But a fair question is: In cold, hard business terms, why is providing exceptional customer service so valuable? And is it worth the investment (in time and attention) when you have other business challenges and opportunities that require attention?

Related: This overlooked leadership trait makes all the difference in your ability to captivate an audience.

Beware the deadly commoditization zone

Well, I don’t want to go crazy with you, but it’s highly unlikely that your company’s or brand’s offering is completely unique. Most companies float much closer to the commodity death zone than anyone in those companies realizes. Chances are, and I’m sorry to say, this probably includes you.

What is the commoditization zone? It’s one of the scariest places for a company to find itself. It is when your business is seen as more or less interchangeable with the competence. It’s when your current customers are happy to switch to one of your competitors for a myriad of minor reasons:

  • A slightly lower price
  • A marginally faster website
  • A brighter app
  • A slightly more convenient location

Or sometimes for no discernible reason at all!

Related: 10 ways the competition can improve your business

Escape the deadly commoditization zone!

Fortunately, there is a way to prevent your brand from becoming a commodity, replaceable, interchangeable, in the eyes of the market. that solution is exceptional customer service.

Build a reputation for customer service excellence and a connection so strong with every customer you touch that your service becomes a point of distinction, a survival lifeline, and ultimately a powerful engine of growth.

And you never have to worry about being seen as a commodity again.

The lasting, long-term benefits of exceptional customer service

A great customer experience will create multiple positive outcomes for your business and most importantly, the creation of passionate fans. loyal customers. Passionately loyal customers are less price sensitive, more likely to be interested in new products, services, or brand extensions that you can implement in the future, and more understanding when things go wrong. This is true. I promise! Once you’ve done so much and so well for your customers, you reach a state where small mistakes, and even the occasional massive mistake, are seen in a better and more forgiving light.

A loyal customer is your best form of marketing

There is nothing more powerful in growing a business than the embassy of customers who are so engaged, so active, that they take it upon themselves to spread the good word about your company: crusaders for your brand, who share your passion for your company with their online connections and real life contacts too.

Related: 3 Essentials for Building a Loyal Customer Base

The advantage of excellence in customer service is almost infallible

Unlike other business attributes (low cost, higher speed, location), exceptional customer service is almost completely proof of imitation. Because? It takes time and focus to become a legend in customer service and customer experience. And if you get there, believe me: the odds of your competition emulating this they are very low.

There is one more benefit that you will immediately experience as you delve into the work we will do together. Even before you reach the customer activation, loyalty, and ambassador status I just promised you, the benefits of your new approach will be revealed to you personally. You will find yourself strengthening relationships within your company and you will discover that your work becomes more pleasant and rewarding.

How to get on the path to delivering an iconic level of customer service

Setting out on the path to exceptional, iconic, and loyalty-building customer service starts with one step: making the decision. He decides to put the customer at the center.

Once you decide to put the customer at the center of how you view each:

  • business decision
  • customer interaction (including what you may consider “trivial” things, like your choice of words and phrases to use with them)
  • every hiring decision (are you hiring employees who are inclined towards empathy? Or are you just hiring based on existing skills and experience?)
  • every staffing/coverage decision etc. is on the right track.

Add to that:

  • Appropriate customer service training, either in person or via eLearning (this should start from onboarding and continue throughout an employee’s lifetime at your company)
  • creation and dissemination of customer service standards (best practices), and
  • a program and a plan to maintain your new momentum, and you are going to move mountains.