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“Discover the Unbelievable Success Story of GuidingPoint Financial Group – Small Business Awards Winner Despite the Pandemic!”

How GuidingPoint Financial Group has Prospered During the Pandemic: A Small Business Awards Winner

GuidingPoint Financial Group, a North Carolina-based financial advisory firm, was recognized as a winner at the 2021 Small Business Awards. The award was presented to the firm for its remarkable contributions and resilience during the pandemic. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, GuidingPoint Financial Group has thrived and emerged with an even stronger footing in the market. In this article, we delve deeper into the tactics and strategies the firm used to respond to the pandemic and achieve success, despite widespread disruption and uncertainty.

Adapting to Remote Work

One of the first and most significant challenges faced by GuidingPoint Financial Group during the pandemic was the sudden shift to remote work. However, the firm adapted quickly, implementing systems and processes to facilitate remote work for their employees. By establishing technology tools that enable virtual meetings, emails, and chats, employees continued to work seamlessly and efficiently while maintaining productivity. The key takeaway for small businesses is the need to be agile and adaptable to change, especially in times of crisis.

Implementing Virtual Services

GuidingPoint Financial Group understands that the pandemic has drastically altered the way businesses operate, specifically in-person interactions. Consequently, the firm implemented virtual services, enabling clients to access advisory services from anywhere. By introducing virtual meetings and digital-based tools, the firm achieved its objective of delivering personalized service to clients while assuring they have access to crucial financial advice during these uncertain times. By embracing digital means, the firm satisfied the changing needs of the market, serving as an instructive lesson to small businesses that agility and adaptability are the keys to surviving and thriving in the new normal.

Strengthening Client Communication

Another crucial strategy implemented by GuidingPoint Financial Group during the pandemic is strengthening their communication with clients. The firm actively communicated with clients through email, video meetings, and phone calls, ensuring that clients remained informed about the state of their investments. The firm extended this communication by strategically delivering relevant information to their clients through their website and upgrading their social media presence. Consequently, the firm established a strong foundation of trust and dependability among their clients, something small businesses could also implement, especially during these challenging times.

Preparing for the Future

Despite the uncertainties created by the pandemic, GuidingPoint Financial group remained optimistic about the future. The firm realized that the pandemic could be an opportunity for transformation and positive change. Consequently, GuidingPoint Financial Group opted to leverage this opportunity to advance its technological capabilities, allowing it to better serve clients in the post-pandemic era. This move demonstrates the importance of looking to the future as a small business, to take advantage of market opportunities that arise, while also being prepared to respond to emerging challenges.

Additional Piece: The Importance of Small Businesses During Unprecedented Times

The pandemic has impacted people worldwide and created an extraordinary upheaval in society and businesses. Small businesses are amongst the most vulnerable across the globe, and they have felt the full brunt of the pandemic’s impact. Many have gone out of business, while others have struggled to remain viable. Despite these challenges, small businesses are vital to the economy. They represent a vital driver of economic growth and job creation, creating over 60% of new jobs in the country.

Small businesses can also connect with the local community in ways that large corporations cannot. Many small businesses build their clientele on relationships formed by their employees with the local community. The employees may live in the community, have children that go to the local schools and, as a result, have deeper and more personal connections within the community than larger multinational corporations. By promoting the community, small businesses can be integral in strengthening the local economy’s fabric.

However, as the pandemic has shown, small businesses do come with unique challenges. However, small businesses can leverage the assistance of local chambers of commerce, Small Business Administration(SBA), and local Community Development Financial Institutions(CDFI) to overcome these challenges. These institutions can offer guidance, mentorship, and grants or loans to, every small business that meets their requirements

In conclusion, small businesses are the backbone of the economy, driving innovation, jobs, and entrepreneurship. They help to build strong and resilient communities that can weather tough times such as the pandemic. By embracing innovation and adapting to change, small businesses can weather any storm and remain relevant and competitive in the market.


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How Small Business Awards winner GuidingPoint Financial Group has prospered since the pandemic  business magazines