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Discover the Unseen Force That Has Everyone Judging Themselves – Mind-Blowing Poem Breaks Silence!

The Power of Sound in Visionary Poetry


Visionary poetry is a form of artistic expression that goes beyond traditional visual imagery. Instead, it relies on the power of sound to create profound effects on the listener. One poet who exemplifies this approach is Will Alexander, whose work is known for its oracular, dreamlike, and incandescent qualities. In this article, we explore the metaphysics of diction in visionary poetry, the way it transcends mundane reality, and the cosmic themes it embodies.

The Metaphysics of Diction

Diction plays a crucial role in visionary poetry, as it carries the weight of meaning and evokes powerful emotions in the reader or listener. In Alexander’s work, diction takes on its own metaphysics – a deeper, spiritual understanding of words and their significance. Through carefully chosen words and phrases, Alexander transports readers to a realm beyond ordinary human experience, where the gray stupor of everyday life is shattered and the body becomes a cosmic supplicant.

The Distance of a Dream

One of the defining characteristics of visionary poetry is its ability to create a sense of distance between the reader and the mundane reality. Alexander’s poetry achieves this by invoking dreamlike imagery and ephemeral landscapes. As readers, we are transported to a realm where the boundaries of physical existence blur, and the body becomes a vessel through which the spirit can communicate. This sense of distance allows us to explore profound truths and deepest desires that may otherwise remain hidden in the monotony of daily life.

The Cosmic Supplicant

In visionary poetry, the body takes on a profound significance – it becomes a cosmic supplicant, a conduit through which the spirit can manifest itself. Alexander’s depiction of the body as a phantom of the spirit reflects the poet’s belief in the inherent connection between the physical and the metaphysical realms. Through the exploration of this duality, readers are invited to reflect on their own existence and the mysteries that lie beyond the confines of the human body.

Introducing Will Alexander: Selected by Anne Boyer

Anne Boyer, a visionary poet herself, has selected Will Alexander’s work for its exceptional qualities. Boyer recognizes the oracular, dreamlike, and incandescent nature of Alexander’s poetry. Through her selection, Boyer invites readers to delve into the metaphysical world of Alexander’s verse and experience the transformative power of visionary poetry firsthand.

Powerless Self-Judgment: A Poem by Will Alexander

In “Powerless Self-Judgment,” Alexander explores the theme of personal struggle and the inner demons that can consume us. Through vivid imagery and rhythmic cadence, the poet describes the body as an abandoned burning witness, a ghost, and a primitive leper. These metaphors highlight the internal turmoil faced by the speaker and their desperate attempts to alleviate their suffering. Despite the catastrophic nature of their self-judgment, there is a glimmer of hope, a belief in the power of telepathic communication and the transcendence of one’s own limitations.

The Genius of Anne Boyer

Anne Boyer’s expertise in selecting powerful and transformative poetry is evident in her choice of Will Alexander’s work. Boyer herself is an accomplished poet and essayist, and her recognition of Alexander’s talent speaks volumes about his skill and the impact of his poetry. By selecting Alexander’s work, Boyer showcases her understanding of the visionary genre and her commitment to promoting exceptional voices in the literary world.

Expanding the Horizons of Visionary Poetry

Visionary poetry has the potential to transport readers to new realms of understanding and self-reflection. By harnessing the power of sound, poets like Will Alexander can create a transformative experience for their audience. Through the metaphysics of diction, the distance of a dream, and the exploration of the body as a cosmic supplicant, Alexander’s poetry taps into universal themes and emotions that resonate with readers on a profound level. Anne Boyer’s recognition of Alexander’s talent further solidifies his place in the visionary poetry canon and highlights the importance of promoting exceptional voices in the literary world.


In this captivating article, we explored the power of sound in visionary poetry through the lens of Will Alexander’s work, which is known for its oracular, dreamlike, and incandescent qualities. We delved into the metaphysics of diction, the way visionary poetry transcends the mundane, and the significance of the body as a cosmic supplicant. The selection of Alexander’s work by Anne Boyer revealed her expertise in the genre and showcased her commitment to promoting exceptional voices in the literary world. Through visionary poetry, readers have the opportunity to explore universal themes and emotions, and to transcend the limits of their own existence.

Additional Piece:

Evoking the Transcendent: The Transformative Power of Visionary Poetry


In a world dominated by visual imagery and mass media, the power of sound often takes a backseat. However, visionary poetry brings forth a profound realization – that the cadence and rhythm of words can tear us apart and set the world on fire. Will Alexander’s work embodies this transformative power, offering readers an immersive experience that goes beyond the constraints of traditional visual representation. In this article, we delve deeper into the subject matter of visionary poetry, exploring its ability to evoke the transcendent and open up new realms of understanding.

Visionary Poetry: A Gateway to the Transcendent

Visionary poetry serves as a gateway to the transcendent, allowing readers to transcend the limits of their own existence and explore profound truths that lie beyond ordinary human perception. Through the skillful use of sound, rhythm, and metaphor, poets like Will Alexander create an experience that is both visceral and otherworldly. As readers, we are transported to a realm where the boundaries blur between the physical and the metaphysical, and we are able to tap into deeper layers of consciousness that are often left unexplored.

Engaging the Senses: The Power of Sound

While visual imagery often dominates our perception, the power of sound should not be underestimated. Visionary poetry harnesses this power by engaging the senses and creating a multisensory experience for the reader. Through the careful selection of words, the poet creates a symphony of sounds that resonate deep within us, invoking emotions and sparking our imagination. The cadence, rhythm, and tone of the words work in harmony, creating an auditory experience that transcends the limits of traditional communication.

The Language of the Soul: Metaphysics in Visionary Poetry

In visionary poetry, diction takes on a metaphysical quality – it becomes the language of the soul. Through carefully chosen words and phrases, poets like Will Alexander tap into universal truths and evoke emotions that go beyond ordinary human comprehension. The metaphysics of diction allows the poet to transcend the limitations of language, creating a bridge between the mundane and the transcendent. As readers, we are invited to explore the depths of our own consciousness and connect with something greater than ourselves.

The Transformative Power of Immersion

When we engage with visionary poetry, we immerse ourselves in a world beyond our own. The poet’s words become a portal through which we can transcend our everyday reality and enter a realm of heightened awareness and understanding. Through this immersion, we are able to shed our preconceived notions and tap into the transformative power of the poet’s vision. By surrendering ourselves to the experience, we open ourselves up to new perspectives and insights that have the potential to change the way we perceive ourselves and the world around us.


In a world saturated with visual stimuli, visionary poetry offers a refreshing and transformative experience. Through the power of sound, poets like Will Alexander create a multisensory journey that allows readers to transcend the limitations of their own existence and explore profound truths. By engaging the senses, tapping into the metaphysics of diction, and immersing ourselves in the poet’s vision, we open ourselves up to new realms of understanding and self-reflection. Visionary poetry reminds us of the inherent power of words and the transformative potential of the human imagination.


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Visionary poetry, despite the word we use for it, often achieves its effect through sound, not image. The cadence can tear us apart, set the world on fire. Will Alexander’s work is like this: oracular, dreamlike, incandescent. Diction has its own metaphysics. The gray stupor of everyday life remains at the distance of a dream. The body becomes a cosmic supplicant, matter a phantom of the spirit. Selected by Anne Boyer

By Will Alexander

The body as an abandoned burning witness
like ghost
like primitive leper
who tries to lessen his own ruin
by telepathic power
beyond his self-judgment catastrophic jerk status
like a toneless mirage
factor by phoneme
for adventure without nerves
like a helpless step
that corroded its own apparition

anna boyer He is a poet and essayist. His memoir about cancer and care, “The Undying,” won a 2020 Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction. will alejandro He is a poet, essayist, novelist, aphorist, visual artist, and improvising pianist. He has published 38 books, and Africa World Press will publish issue 39, “On Dar el-Hikma,” this fall. He is currently a poet-in-residence at the Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center in the Venice neighborhood of Los Angeles.
