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Discover the Untitled ‘Starlings’ Poem that Left New York Times Readers Spellbound!

Title: The Enigmatic Beauty of Starlings: Exploring Poetry, Volatility, and the Power of Words


In a world where time seems to rush by, art has the capacity to capture the lasting essence of life, just as starlings defy measure and leave us in awe. This sentiment is beautifully expressed in Lisa Robertson’s poem “Starlings.” Through her words, Robertson celebrates the lyrical possibility found in the grace and volatility of starlings, while exploring the connection between poetry and the human experience. In this article, we will delve deeper into the themes and ideas presented in “Starlings,” and reflect on the broader significance of poetry as both an art form and cathartic expression.

The Power of Words: Embedded in the Essence of Starlings

Within the poem “Starlings,” Robertson unravels the symbiotic relationship between words and starlings. It is through language that the world can comprehend and appreciate the beauty of these magnificent creatures. Poetry becomes the vessel through which we can explore the multifaceted nature of starlings, as they transform from the subjects of medieval troubadours to the messengers of women carrying “delicate grammars” from town to town.

The Beauty of Volatility: Embracing the Unpredictable

In “Starlings,” volatility takes center stage as it is embraced and celebrated. Starlings, with their unpredictable movements and murmurations, mirror the chaotic flow of life itself. Robertson’s poem magnifies the allure of this dynamic, urging readers to embrace the uncertainty and find beauty in the transitory nature of existence. Just as starlings continually reshape their formations, humans too can find solace and inspiration in the ever-evolving tapestry of life.

Poetry as a Whispered Conspiracy: Uniting in the Sublime

Within the lines of Robertson’s poem, a conspiratorial whisper resonates, beckoning readers to join in the appreciation of beauty and the power of words. Poetry has the unique ability to create a sense of unity and shared experience among its readers. It speaks to the depths of our souls, evoking emotions and inspiring introspection. Through the conspiracy of poetry, individuals can connect with one another and be transported to a realm where the ordinary becomes extraordinary.

Expanding Horizons: Poetry as a Catalyst for Change

Beyond its aesthetic qualities, poetry acts as a catalyst for change by challenging societal norms and provoking introspection. Robertson’s “Starlings” illustrates how poetry can unmask the limitations imposed on human potential, encouraging individuals to transcend the boundaries of their circumstances. By highlighting the transformative power of words, the poem stirs the desire for personal growth and prompts readers to reimagine their own narratives.

The Enduring Magic of Poetry: Preserving the Fragments of Time

As centuries have passed, poets, like starlings, continue to appreciate the inherent value of art. Poetry has the uncanny ability to distill emotions, memories, and experiences into words, allowing them to transcend time. In “Starlings,” Robertson emphasizes the lasting impact of poetry as a means of preserving delicate grammars. This notion invites readers to reflect on their own lives, considering how their stories might be immortalized through the power of words.


In Lisa Robertson’s poem “Starlings,” the enigmatic allure of these creatures becomes a metaphor for the power and beauty of poetry itself. Robertson’s words capture the essence of the starlings, transcending time and place, and connecting readers to the extraordinary potential of the poetic art form. Through the concepts of volatility, shared experience, and personal transformation, the poem invites readers to embrace the fleeting nature of existence and find solace in the cathartic expression of words.

Additional Piece:

The Resilient Beauty of Starlings: A Reflection on Transience and Connection

The natural world is teeming with wonders, and among them, starlings reign supreme in their ephemeral yet captivating beauty. These birds, known for their mesmerizing murmurations, have long fascinated poets and artists throughout history. However, their significance extends beyond their aesthetic appeal. Starlings embody a deeper truth about the transient nature of life and the profound connection we share as human beings.

In a world that often feels overwhelming, starlings offer us a visual metaphor for resilience and adaptability. Their synchronized flight patterns, where thousands of individuals seem to move as one, serve as a reminder that strength lies in unity and cooperation. As we watch these birds weave intricate formations in the sky, we cannot help but marvel at the innate rhythm they possess. In a similar vein, poetry unites individuals through shared emotions and experiences, reminding us of our interconnectedness in this vast and ever-evolving universe.

The poetry of Lisa Robertson, as witnessed in the verses of “Starlings,” invites us to contemplate the transient nature of existence and find solace in embracing the beauty of uncertainty. Through her words, Robertson beckons us to shed the confines of societal expectations and venture into the unknown with an open heart and mind. In the dance of starlings, we witness a manifestation of the human desire for freedom and the eternal quest for self-discovery.

Just as starlings navigate the skies, humans traverse their own unique and often fragmented journeys through life. We encounter various hardships, triumphs, and fleeting moments of beauty. Poetry acts as a conduit for preserving these fragments of time, allowing us to immortalize our experiences, emotions, and longings. Through the delicate grammars woven into poems, individuals from different eras can connect, finding solace and inspiration in shared human experiences.

The magic of poetry lies not only in its ability to preserve memories but also in its capacity to incite change. Poets, like the starlings they write about, possess an inherent power to challenge the status quo and spark revolutions of thought. Through carefully chosen words, poets can expose societal injustices, evoke empathy, and ignite the dormant flames of passion in the hearts of their readers.

In the realm of poetry, individual voices blend in a chorus of emotions and ideas. The whispered conspiracy of poetry draws us from our solitary existence, beckoning us to join a collective journey of contemplation and growth. It invites us to shed the weight of mundane realities and embrace the extraordinary possibilities that lie within the art of words. By immersing ourselves in poetry, we become starlings, soaring beyond our limitations and discovering the collective strength that resides in us all.

In conclusion, the poem “Starlings” by Lisa Robertson serves as a reminder of the enduring power of poetry to capture the essence of life’s fleeting moments. Just as starlings defy measure and grace the skies with their murmurations, poetry defies boundaries and whispers secrets to our souls, urging us to join in its conspiratorial beauty. Through its exploration of volatility, shared experiences, and personal transformation, “Starlings” unveils the timeless magic of poetry. Let us embrace the transcience of life, find solace in the power of words, and become starlings in our own right, soaring through the realms of imagination and connection.


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Art is long, life is short, and starlings are immeasurable. It’s a sensible thing to want to be. Centuries of poets have tried to come to terms with this, but poetry has never tired of the work of appreciating it. The last poet and the last starling will probably meet together, and with good reason: in the strange grace of starlings, lyrical possibility becomes concrete. In this sequence from Lisa Robertson’s “Starlings,” the starlings of medieval troubadours become the starlings of women carrying “delicate grammars” from town to town, abandoning “stupid apartments” for better destinies. It is a love poem to volatility. To read this poem is to hear a conspiratorial whisper and want to join the conspiracy.

Untitled poem from ‘Starlings’

By Lisa Robertson

Are you related to the nettle?
and fig, are you an ointment of two sexes?
code coding incident, are you ready?
to speak in time deeply it’s you
sweetheart cleverly fluorescent
of the poverty of the tiny Europes
Will you leave so many?
stupid apartments full of stupid
fate evade
next punctuality
a refrain unzips
what it was like to be young and carry our delicate grammars
in cities and airports
let’s be starlings

Anne Boyer He is a poet and essayist. His memoir of cancer and care, “The Undying,” won a 2020 Pulitzer Prize for general nonfiction. Lisa Robertson He is a Canadian poet living in France. His recent books are the poetry collection “Boat” and the novel “The Baudelaire Fractal”, both from Coach House Books.
