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DO NOT Use ChatGPT To Do This

I know that you can ask ChatGPT to change the style of writing, or throw in a few grammatical or spelling errors every now and …

45 thoughts on “DO NOT Use ChatGPT To Do This”

  1. L teachers and schools with their "anti-plagiat" features. We will win, brothers and sistets! For machine future! For future when you can generate that borring essays away!

  2. What a stupid video.

    Encouraging people to do this is exactly why Gen Z are so dumb today compared to literally every other generation.

    This has real world consequences like the Hamas terrorist supporters engaged in insurrection at places like Columbia University.

    Oh and before anyone says “He said not to do it”.

    Don’t be stupid. You don’t deter people by telling them not to do something.

    That only plants the idea in their mind and he doesn’t want to be blamed for it.

  3. Feed a human information that you made like make a summary about the if you've been changing and make sure it doesn't you like big words

  4. Maybe teachers need to learn that writing is no longer important in the real world. It's kind of like when teachers told us that we can't use a calculator in math because no one just carries around a calculator in the real world, and then they invented smartphones. Creativity and imagination are about to become much more important than bland memorization, writing projects, or basic math skills.

  5. eh, I don’t think using Chat GPT to write your essay is good at all. You can use it to figure out how to organize the topics in your essay, but it’s better to write it yourself since sometimes your writing style can change over different assignments and such, and don’t forget if you have to write the essay IN CLASS. I think it can be used as a tool, but not something to help write your essay. besides, the AI might have false info and it’s just more tedious to literally to have to look over the whole essay anyways. Might as well write it yourself and only take assistance from AI, but not to actually write essays with it. They’re teachers. They know how you write. The point of school is to be able to learn and to be educated. Homework is to help practice and hone the skills you learn in class. Yes, it may be boring, but then that’s up to you to instead of using AI to do your essays to instead tell your school / or teachers about this with your classmates as a suggestion. But it’s not my place to judge, but this is my opinion. Homework isn’t ‘dumb’, but it is tiring sometimes depending.

  6. I’ve never used ChatGPT in my life and almost a year after being a graduate from high school, I found out that you need to have an API key AND a paid subscription to use it 🙂

  7. Most thungs oeople cinsider "cheating" tend to just be a better way to do it. If you know about the subject and to engenering a prompt intelligently, i see no issue. Just make sure that you like copying text from any website. You still make it your own. No one cares about extremely unoriginal popular ideas or memetics. Llms are just memetic catalists in a way in my opinion. More homes for memes than we are.

  8. I use Chatgpt to study or generating an idea since LLMs are good in picking topic based your promp. Sometimes, I use it to refine my essay (grammars). But i never use Chatgpt to generate content. Its unnatural.

    Content generated by LLM are perfect but without a soul.

  9. Ai detectors are not effective at all. I wrote a 2000 word essay in my first semester of college and figured i should see if it would say it was ai because my teacher was big on not using chatgpt. It said my essay was 90% ai written. It's done that for other essays I've wrote too.

  10. Just go through every sentence and dumb them all down individually. If you're not the best student then the teacher is gonna know that you don't have good diction skills and didn't write those fancy ass words. So go through every sentence, remove at least three words and change at least two that you deem the most complex. However, in the entire essay as a whole, leave one or two big words because the teacher could be impressed with their usage. As the year goes by and the essays mount, steadily decrease the number of words you remove/change and increase the usage of larger words in your essays, so that the teacher will see a steady growth in your writing chops. It will also increase the chances of not getting caught.

  11. The thing is:

    The “Ai detecter” doesn’t really work, it guess, most of the time it says Ai, I wrote an essay myself and said it was made by an Ai

  12. Ya know, since we’re on the topic of essays, one time I had to write a summary of a book that was a page long, and the title of the summary was just the book name l, Diary of a Wimpy Kid or something, so then our teacher decided it would be good if we then wrote a book report on the same book, also a page long, but I wasn’t going to write the same whole thing on another page, so I just wrote “Book Report on” before the title of the summary, so the whole title read “Book Report on Diary of a Wimpy Kid” with the summary below.
    I handed that book report up and all I had to do was write “Book Report on” instead of a whole page.
    My teacher was clueless and said it was fine. Even she couldn’t tell the difference between a book report and a summary.

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