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DO THIS To Make Money Online 💰#shorts

DO THIS To Make Money Online #shorts. LIMITED TIME OFFERS: Free Stock Worth Up To $1000 From Public (for USA) …


21 thoughts on “DO THIS To Make Money Online 💰#shorts”

  1. The one issue I've found with drop shipping is that you can't out-price the distributor, your basically ripping someone off and hoping for impulse buys. This will work on a lot of customers but many customers who simply do ten minutes research will realize that there's better prices for the same thing rather than go through a drop shipping website. The only way to become the middleman 100% effectively is to have a monopoly on distribution so that customers have to come to you, but then you could simply charge any price.

  2. I struggle to find clients. Despite my online site is clean and good and I know for a fact I can make great sales, idk how but nobody biys even tho I sent them messages on insta with the link of it

  3. People are hating in the comments but if they do it they actually make some good money! Try it you won’t be sorry! Also look deeper into it, lots of sites like manscaped and other ones started as drop shipping websites but once they built some money they added their own logos! Btw lots of things are technically drop shipping except some brands make their own manufacturers like Walmart for example they have their own brand and manufacturer so don’t hate get started and make your money quick!

  4. That currently really is a big factor, as you hear the word, yu know that in the future it may increase it's price due to inflation, so you buy it now and not later on, good job Mark

  5. How do you do drop shipping I’m really poor and need to find some way to make some more money I don’t make a lot at my job and I have no skills I’m not all that smart can you help

  6. that's still works yknaw

    why you think cheap armband can sell for 10x the price??

    The world have enough sucker for both of us, mate

    just do it

    you might be better sell it to complete stranger, not friend and family

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