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Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization [SCOTUSbrief]

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On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court released its opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, stating that the …


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20 thoughts on “Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization [SCOTUSbrief]”

  1. Anyone pretending this is a political issue, is right, but not in the way they think. The issue is your politicians only have to pass a law granting access, but they have not. It is the fault of the LEFT not acting, (even with foreknowledge of the ruling) that you have lost your access to abortion. I will not weigh in on the ethical aspect, that is yours to work through on your own terms. But blaming the RIGHT (or any other political or ethical position) is myopic and ignorant. Hold your representatives accountable for their actions and inaction alike.

    No matter your politics, being truthful about the issues, not mindlessly promoting your values or preconceptions, is the only sustainable way to enact lasting change.

  2. Just inform and allow the fetus parents of what planned Parenthood has been doing, dismantling and selling body parts. I'm sure things will change and fed gov no longer incentivizing trafficking babyparts

  3. This is the best summary of the arguments I've seen yet.
    The dissent could have been an opinion piece in the NYT! It contained no actual legal analysis or reasoning and can be summarised as "we like abortion therefore it is a constitutional right"

  4. Hi!

    My name is Vinh.

    Abortion is the crime of killing a child in the womb.

    We have condoms for sale everywhere. We also have safe natural contraceptive days.

    We need to strongly nurture and protect the child in the mother's womb.

    You might laugh at me as a hypocrite.

    I will accept this ridicule.

    Because I was also a weak person. sin, lying, abortion, adultery…

    I'm afraid I used to be afraid of responsibility, afraid of difficulties, afraid of many things.

    so I'm also the one who said my ex-girlfriend had multiple abortions with pills.

    I once dreamed that my baby cried after I told my girlfriend I had an abortion.

    Now I know the sin of abortion is a very serious and unforgivable sin including the mother and those involved in the abortion.

    It is my understanding now that the child has been suffering from the moment the egg is fertilized, even though the child does not yet have the senses to express that pain.

    I have been warned by God that we humans are currently having too many abortions, lewdness, sex teaching, adultery, incest… humanity Making the Creator angry.

    Today I share this to everyone all over the world.

    If humanity does not change, then jesus will bring fire to those who continue: dress sexually, abortion, lust, sex teaching, adultery, incest, rape…

    Pay attention to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and solar storms: that's the warning.

    please change and share to speak out against abortion laws.

    thank you

  5. Human linguistics and the human choice to justify harm by cherrypicking words results in educated authorities choosing words that justify harmful and deadly acts like abuse, torture and murder. Abort means to end a flight or launch. Not to kill a person. But this word was chosen to replace murder. To justify murder and convince the public it is not evil and heinous. Other words used to replace murder are justice, casualty, execution, collateral damage. Intentionally choosing and planning to end a human life is murder. When we want to murder without guilt, we change the word, not the act. We know what we did. It cannot be undone.

  6. So, if congress decided to make abortion federally legal/illegal, would they have to initiate the amendment process for this or would a bill be sufficient?

  7. The thing is, everyone has always know legal basis of Roe was bullshit. However, anyone civilized enough has known banning abortion, especially only a matter of weeks after conception, was retarded, so the Justices, in a judicially active manner, legalized it.

    Banning abortion benefits absolutely nobody except the baby industry and the Democratic Party.

  8. I never thought of the notion that Kavanaugh brought forward that this is not whether the constitution is pro-life or pro-choice. The court simply did what they were outlined to do within the constitution: find sources within the constitution that supports abortion rights. There was unfortunately no concrete support for abortion which in turn allowed for the overturning of Roe V. Wade and Planned Parenthood v.Casey. I do firmly believe that abortion rights should be laws passed by the federal government rather than state or local as it may lead to a conflict of interest due to the religious nature behind abortion rights as seen in the laws that were brought to the Supreme Court every single time.

  9. Using this logic all the rights that Black people, women and LGBTQ+ people have can be taken over night. A change in Supreme Court members shouldn't mean less right for everyone. Most people don't know that they're pregnant at 6 weeks and these states have been tearing away at abortion access for decades. Abortion should be decision between someone and their health care provider, not religious zealots.

  10. I guess to a constitutional illiterate like you that makes sense but to someone actually making an effort to understand the excellent legal reasoning of Dobbs it doesn’t. None of these “ rights” you claim are hidden in the procedural guarantee of the fourteenth amendment

  11. You conservative cretins in the Federalist Society and associated religious zealots should keep your toxic beliefs to yourselves. This decision was awful and what was 'egregious', not Roe v Wade.
    This has been a part of a long-standing strategy on the part of fascist jurists to rollback 150 years of only very modest progress for women's reproductive rights, LGBTQ, workers and consumer protections, etc.
    This is NOT about 'case law' or the Constitution – neither of which you awful duplicitous hypocrites could care less about.
    You expel vast amounts of CO2 and intellectual vapor about 'Originalism' but that legal concept is relatively new and did NOT exist at the time our Constitution was drafted, debated, written, and ratified. If the Founders wanted us to interpret the Constitution as if it was still the late 19th century, then WHY in the HELL did they give us the ability to amend it to adapt to a ever-changing society. Why don't we just return to outdoor plumbing while we're at it?
    This is not about 'Freedom' or 'Liberty', it's about entitled, privileged old white conservative hypocrites finding trumped-up legal pretexts to preserve their evil hegemony over everyone else.
    You're kidding NO ONE except yourselves and your clique and claque of disaffected, delusional dimwits who long for a neo-confederate Fourth Reich in AmeriKKKa.

  12. Such an unfortunate decision. While the constitution makes no explicit mention of abortion, Griswold v. Conecticut had concluded that there are "prenumbras" in the Constitution; those being "between the lines," unwritten rights. To limit abortion access is purely a limitation of women's freedoms no matter how you cut it.

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