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Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health: The Case Explained

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40 thoughts on “Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health: The Case Explained”

  1. I believe in Science. When I was at the San Diego Zoo, I witnessed how they saved the Panda from extinction through invitro. Can you imagine where I would be if I had destroyed those Petri dishes of cells Sperm and unfertilized egg would easily get me life. Fertilized panda 🐼 ghoo… death… probably.. from the same crowd that says they believe in science.

  2. The strong have the right to do their will over the weaker (the triumph of the will) roe vs wade demands that a Siamese has the right to commit suicide … but shooting himself in the other head IF YOU ARE THE JUSTICE PLEASE DON'T LIE Responses to fetal pain begin at week 8. “The formation of myelin (development of the insulating layer of the nervous system) occurs long before birth. These myelinated fibers can transmit pain impulses to the spinal cord and from there to the brain, and the nerve tracts do not have to be complete to function competently ” Pain-sensitive transmitters are complete by week 14. By then the cerebral cortex is 30-40% complete enough for pain transmitters and receptors to function fairly efficiently. William Liley, Mortimer Rosen confirmed that the response to pain is at least proportional to that amount As you have seen, the assumption that pain cannot occur until the nervous system is complete is obviously wrong.

  3. Abortion isn't apart of reproduction, It's the complete opposite actually. At 15 weeks the fetus has brain activity, a heart beat along with a skeletal system, not sure why "people" are so gung-ho on being allowed to abort something that is clearly living.

  4. Is the fetus a human being or not? If it is then the state has every right to protect that human being. There are cases, such as an ectopic pregnancy, in which the pregnant WOMAN would die without an abortion. But they are rare. The inconvenience to the pregnant woman is the overwhelming reason she has an abortion. Children are inconvenient to fathers for 18 years. Perhaps fathers should have the power to kill children after they are born like in the good old days of Rome.

  5. I don’t agree with it but I also think this should be a bedroom situation. Call me conservative Texan but everything ain’t everybody’s business. I don’t care what women decide to do with their wombs but I don’t want to hear about it. At the end of the day that person has to live with their decisions. I think these clinics should be allowed to exist and if you don’t have a need to use them then don’t. BUT WHAT I DO WANT IS FOR RACE TO STOP BEING USED AS A TALKING POINT. Stop using black women to push this narrative and agenda. Abortion is written about in studies of eugenics and black women were the lease of the dominant society concerns this was about their race and women and how they didn’t want black babies to outnumber theirs…And the truth about what type of black and young woman that gets an abortion is also false. In college it was my overly ambitious black friends using abortions as birth control and they are now very successful and are nowhere near the poverty line and actually are now using fertility clinics because of their past decisions. Let’s keep it real and stop the BS. The sexually assaulted women doesn’t make up nearly enough of the percentage of women getting abortions but politicians love to use that talking point too.

  6. Stop saying its Constitutional to kill your baby… it's not. There is an easy solution to not having a baby, don't spred your legs or run the risk of pregnancy… you can use a condom or birth control or IUD's.

  7. There is no constitutional protection for abortions. Courts cannot give constitutional protections. The courts interpret the constitution to apply the law. These people are misinforming people with this rhetoric. All this will do is make abortion laws up to the the states. Which it should be. We are a constitutional republic. Not an emotional democracy.

  8. It’s also infuriating that they keep saying “pregnant people” instead of “pregnant women.” Clearly they hate women bc they want to erase the fact that the ability to bear a baby is a key distinguishing feature of women compared to men.

  9. Yeah. The last 50 years women have been aborting their babies. What about before then? What did they do? The raised them.
    50 years is nothing compared to the time is was an absolute atrocity to kill an unborn child. Abortion is murder no matter how early. By the time you know you’re pregnant the baby has a heartbeat. Heartbeat means life. Ending that life is murder.

  10. Let's clarify that being in your body does not mean being part of your body the autonomy argument demands that a Siamese has the right to commit suicide .. but shooting himself in the other head In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court defined viability as the point at which the unborn is already potentially capable of living outside of their mother's womb, albeit with the need for artificial help. " The viability point is clearly arbitrary and would change constantly because it depends on technology, not on the unborn itself. Eventually, babies may become viable from the moment of conception. Test tube babies have already survived for days outside the womb, before they are implanted. And since they were viable all along, then, should they not argue that they were human from the time of the feasibility theory? conception? Ultimately, as Dr. Shettles suggests, viability is a argument that allows to establish the humanity of all unborn children, given that science might eventually find a way for a "pregnancy" to go through complete outside the mother's body.

  11. Fundamental decisions begin before contraception. Abortion does more than just stop a beating heart of a baby, it can also lead to emotional Fallout from making such heinous decisions at the expense of another human life

  12. They wanted no abortion prior to 15 weeks. This is similar to 37 of the 40 countries in the EU. It is in fact, LESS restrictive than many of those who set the limit at 12 or 14 weeks.

    There is NOTHING in the constitution guaranteeing this "right". Please point to where it is. It was made up, whole cloth, by a few men in black robes.

  13. When they say "end a oregnancy" "make choice about their own body" or "get an abortion" that's just nice talk for saying "kill your baby."

    A. The definition of life is “the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.”

    B. From the point of conception, you have the DNA that grants you the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.

    C. THEREFORE; life begins at conception

    Don't buy into the lies Anti-Lifers will tell you. Dear black people, impoverished, young people, or rural people; don't let them bully you and use you as a stepping stone for them to shout their agendas. If you are pregnant and considering an abortion, don't let these people tell you that you are not good enough, fit enough, or equipped enough to be a mother. Your child's life matters, and at bare minimum, you can place your child up for adoption. Don't let the Anti-Lifer take away your super power of carrying another human being into this world. May the Lord graciously show Himself to these women, turn them away from the murder mills, and towards Himself.

  14. It’s also a classist issue. And as my friend Terrisa will say, “telling women they need abortion to succeed in a mans world is misogynistic”.

  15. aborting for health reasons (I feel sad) is not the same as aborting for the risk of life Pff 15 weeks: smoke Responses to fetal pain begin at week 8. “The formation of myelin (development of the insulating layer of the nervous system) occurs long before birth. These myelinated fibers can transmit pain impulses to the spinal cord and from there to the brain, and the nerve tracts do not have to be complete to function competently " Responses to fetal pain begin at week 8. Pain-sensitive transmitters are complete by week 14. By this time the cerebral cortex is 30-40% complete enough for pain transmitters and receptors to function fairly efficiently. William Liley, Mortimer Rosen confirmed that the response to pain is at least proportional to that amount As you have seen, the assumption that pain cannot occur until the nervous system is complete is obviously wrong.

  16. Citing 50 years of precedence is a failed argument. Slavery was the precedence for thousands of years. Should we have kept it just because of that?

    Claiming nothing has changed in 50 years is a lie. Viability has drastically changed. The true stats have changed. People have more factual information than what was available back in the 70s.

    Trying to build the argument from a racial standpoint is failed as well. Everyone knows that Margaret Sanger was a racist who put abortion clinics in poor black areas to reduce the black population. It is factual look it up.

    I'm not sure where they're getting the 7 out of 10 statistic as well lol. I promise you that it's bullshit. Probably only polled people in LA and NYC.

    At the end of the day abortion is ending an innocent life. If left to its own that life will almost always survive. Nothing you can say will change that. For a group of people who are so about human rights they somehow tend to leave one specific group of humans. They even go out of their way to dehumanize them.

    Also, how is SC not on the list? Lmao they would ban it.

  17. Reminder to anyone coming here after Friday…. the battle has just begun. You deserve autonomy, and the time has come to fight for it. I'm so sorry.

  18. With the Dobbs decision, the court has begun the long trek back to legitimacy and constitutionality. I am proud of the court for upholding what is constitutionally correct, even if the decision is unpopular to many.

    Hopefully, the court will continue to correct the errors of past and reverse ALL of the substantive due process decisions.

    This is a huge victory of the people of United States, even if they do not realize it. Our right to popular sovereignty is far more important than any single issue.

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