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Don’t Protest the IPO! The Secret to Success Lies in Profits

Title: The Reddit Protest: What it Means for the Future of the Platform


In recent months, Reddit has found itself mired in controversy, with thousands of online bulletin board forums closing access to the public. The company’s plan to charge developers for access to its application programming interface (API) has been met with widespread condemnation from users and moderators alike. While Reddit believes the protest will pass, there are indications that the platform’s future is far from certain.

In this article, we will explore the Reddit protest in depth, examining its underlying causes and the potential implications for the platform’s future. We will also discuss whether Reddit is likely to enter the markets with the $10 billion valuation it earned in its latest fundraising round.

The Reddit Protest

The recent protests on Reddit were sparked by the company’s decision to charge developers for access to its API. This move was intended to allow Reddit to charge companies that use its data to train AI services. While this decision may be reasonable, it has led to widespread frustration among users and moderators.

One of the key reasons for the protest is that Reddit relies heavily on users posting and moderating content for free. By charging developers for access to its data, Reddit risks alienating these valuable contributors. The protest also highlights the fact that Reddit is at a loss when it comes to generating revenue. With most of its income coming from advertising, the platform is struggling to find ways to monetize its service without alienating its user base.

The Implications for Reddit’s Future

The recent protests on Reddit raise some significant questions about the future of the platform. Will Reddit be able to maintain its user base without alienating its valuable contributors? Can it find a way to monetize its service without turning off its users? These are questions that Reddit will need to address if it hopes to remain relevant in the years to come.

One potential consequence of the recent protests is that Reddit may struggle to enter the markets with the $10 billion valuation it earned in its latest fundraising round. This is due to a number of factors, including a quiet IPO market, a downturn in the digital ad market, and a sell-off in tech stocks. Furthermore, if Reddit’s valuation suffers the same 25% drop in share price as Meta since August 2021, users would be valued at around $130. This puts them only slightly higher than users on Meta, a company expected to post $30 billion in net income this year.

It is important to note that Reddit’s valuation is not the only factor that will determine its success in the future. The platform’s ability to innovate and adapt to changing user needs will also be critical. Whether Reddit can do this while maintaining its user base remains to be seen.


The recent protests on Reddit highlight the challenges that the platform faces in the years to come. By charging developers for access to its API, Reddit risks alienating its valuable contributors and highlighting its inability to generate revenue. The protests also raise significant questions about the platform’s future, including its ability to enter the markets with a $10 billion valuation.

Ultimately, the success of Reddit will depend on its ability to address these issues and maintain its user base. This will require a careful balancing act between monetization and user engagement. Whether Reddit can achieve this remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the future of the platform is far from certain.

Additional Piece:

The Reddit protest is just the latest example of the challenges that social media platforms face in generating revenue while maintaining user engagement. The issue is particularly acute for platforms like Reddit, which rely heavily on user-generated content and have struggled to monetize their services.

One potential solution to this problem is to create ad-free interfaces for users. This approach has already been adopted by Twitter, which now offers a paid version of its platform that is free of ads. Other social media platforms, including Facebook and Snapchat, are also exploring ad-free models.

Another solution is to diversify revenue streams beyond advertising. This could include offering paid premium services to users or charging companies for access to data. Spotify, for example, has had success with its premium subscription service, which allows users to listen to music without ads and access exclusive content.

Regardless of the approach taken, the key to success will be maintaining user engagement. Social media users are notoriously fickle, and platforms that fail to meet their needs can quickly find themselves in decline. By listening to user feedback and adapting to changing needs, platforms like Reddit can increase user engagement and build a strong, sustainable business model.


The recent Reddit protests highlight the challenges that the platform faces in generating revenue and maintaining user engagement. By charging developers for access to its API, Reddit risks alienating valuable contributors and highlighting its inability to monetize its service. The protests raise questions about the platform’s future, including its ability to enter the markets with a $10 billion valuation. To succeed in the long term, Reddit must find ways to diversify revenue streams beyond advertising while maintaining user engagement. Solutions could include offering ad-free interfaces or premium subscription services. By listening to user feedback and adapting to changing needs, Reddit can build a strong, sustainable business model.


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Steve Huffman took over Reddit in 2015 as returning hero, successfully smoothing out a user uprising that threatened the company he co-founded. This year’s protests suggest that goodwill is running out.

More than 7,000 online bulletin board forums, known as subreddits, have closed access to the public, rendering much of the Reddit site invisible. Moderators aren’t happy with the company’s plan to charge developers for access to its application programming interface (API). This allows third-party apps to access Reddit data.

The change is described as a way to charge companies that use Reddit data to train AI services. This is reasonable, if a little late. But it’s also tied to plans to become a profitable public digital advertising company. Reddit is at a loss. Most of its revenue comes from advertising. Allowing developers to create ad-free interfaces for free makes little commercial sense. Twitter has made a similar move.

Similar to other social media companies, Reddit relies on users posting and moderating content for free. The arrest shows how little recourse they have when protesting the change. Reddit thinks the protest will pass. That’s probably right. The user brawls are unlikely to affect the company’s valuation ahead of a planned initial public offering.

But there are other reasons to think Reddit won’t enter the markets with the $10 billion valuation it earned in its latest fundraising round in August 2021. These include a quiet IPO market, a downturn in the digital ad market, and a sell-off in tech stocks. At $10 billion, each of Reddit’s 57 million daily users would be valued at $175. Compare that to Meta, a company expected to post $30 billion in net income this year, where users are valued only slightly higher. at $230 each. Assuming Reddit’s valuation suffers the same 25% drop in Meta’s share price since August 2021, users would be valued at around $130. Regardless of their outcry, Reddit users deserve to be flagged by the markets.

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