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GTA San Andreas Mercenaries.


26 thoughts on “DOUBLE MONEY, DLC UPDATE & DISCOUNTS | GTA Online Weekly Update”

  1. Its not just enough to buy an avenger, you also need well over a million for the control centre to do the missions. Idiotic by RS!
    And what's the point of being able to put the Avenger in the hangar when it fits in the facility and the hanger already doesn't have enough space? Come on, RS, you can do better than this – if you're going to add missions no one can or will play, then you're wasting your effort and our time..

  2. I can never get a group for these adversary mode things… I make a lobby and nobody joins for like half an hour or an hour I really don't get how people do it… they genuinely look fun but just not enough people doing them or something… I don't really know

  3. The advert shown to me before TGG's video played was a Rockstar ad for the new update. There's something cool but strange about that.

  4. The trick to get the dot over and over again in the nightclub no longer works where you run outside and back in, I even had passive mode on. At the same time I think the meter has improved it used to go down faster.

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